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Fletcher traducir español

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We're re-investigating the death of Andy Fletcher. At Shamhana we do not use terms such as death.
En Shamhana no usamos términos como muerte.
We need to talk to you about Andy Fletcher.
Necesitamos hablar con Ud. sobre Andy Fletcher.
Tell us about your relationship with Andy Fletcher.
Cuéntenos sobre su relación con Andy Fletcher.
Detective etcher bellow, 8-6 in the bronx.
Detective Fletcher Bellow, 86 en el Bronx.
Fletcher was my mentor, rabbi, priest and captain, all rolled into one.
Fletcher fue mi mentor, rabino, cura y capitán, todo en uno.
- And fletcher bellow.
- Y Fletcher Bellow.
The judge is Fletcher Sampson, when he sees those photos you'll hang.
El juez es Fletcher Sampson, y cuando vea estas fotos, le colgarán.
It would fall to the notorious Lord Fletcher Sampson to preside over the punishment.
Recayó sobre el notorio Lord Fletcher Sampson... decidir el castigo.
Neil Fletcher, manages Faraway Downs.
Mi novio, Neil Fletcher, administra Faraway Downs.
Certainly, Mr. Fletcher.
Por supuesto Sr. Fletcher.
That balanda Fletcher been curse to this place.
Ese blanco Fletcher es una maldición para esta tierra.
I sing, too... when Mama and Fletcher... make wrong-side business.
Yo canto también... cuando Mama y Fletcher... hacen asuntos incorrectos.
Oh, my goodness. Mr. Fletcher?
Oh, cielo santo, ¿ El Sr. Fletcher?
That bad Fletcher.
Ese malo Fletcher.
Mr. Fletcher... tell me about the big, fat cows that cross the river... down at the "billabalong," or whatever you call it.
Sr. Fletcher... cuénteme acerca de las vacas grandes y gordas que cruzan... por el billabalong, o como sea que le llamen.
Come and tell Mr. Fletcher what you told me last night.
Ven y dile al Sr. Fletcher lo que me dijiste anoche.
Them just Carney cattle, Mr. Fletcher.
Ellos solo ganado de Carney, Sr. Fletcher.
It's all right, Mr. Fletcher.
Está bien Sr. Fletcher.
- Forgive me, Mr. Fletcher. - Look.
- Perdóneme, Sr. Fletcher.
Fletcher liar!
¡ Fletcher mentiroso!
- Fletcher!
- ¡ Fletcher!
Mr. Fletcher!
¡ Señor Fletcher!
- Mr. Fletcher!
- ¡ Sr. Fletcher!
That strange woman - she fire'em that Fletcher.
La mujer extraña, ella corrió a ese Fletcher.
Why would Fletcher block the water pump?
¿ Por qué bloquearía Fletcher la bomba de agua?
This, uh, ledger... which, um, Fletcher had me keep for the benefit of your husband... is a tale of decline and ruin... redolent of the great Gibbon.
Esta, uh, bitácora... Que, Fletcher me hizo llevar, para beneficio de su esposo... es un cuento de desastre y ruina... digno del gran Gibbon.
He's Fletcher's son, isn't he?
¿ Es el hijo de Fletcher, no es así?
As with all things Fletcher, it's impossible to prove anything.
Como en todo lo de Fletcher, Es imposible probar cualquier cosa.
Fletcher's chances of marrying their daughter would be dashed.
Las posibilidades para Fletcher, de casarse con su hija, desaparecerían.
Having dismissed Fletcher, there's no one to muster the cattle.
Habiendo despedido a Fletcher, no queda nadie para preparar el ganado.
- Where's Fletcher?
- ¿ Dónde está Fletcher?
Mr. Drover, I was right to dismiss Mr. Fletcher... on moral grounds.
Sr. Drover, estuve en lo correcto al despedir a Fletcher... por escrúpulos morales.
Mr. Fletcher is working for Mr. Carney.
El Sr. Fletcher está trabajando para el Sr. Carney.
Mum was a drover's boy for Fletcher.
Mama era arriera para Fletcher.
Oh, incidentally, I met up with your former manager, Neil Fletcher.
Oh, casualmente, me crucé con su anterior administrador, Neil Fletcher.
Are you, uh, running cattle out of Faraway Downs, Mr. Fletcher?
¿ Está usted trayendo ganado de Faraway Downs, Sr. Fletcher?
It was Fletcher who did this, wasn't it?
¿ Fue Fletcher el que hizo esto, verdad?
Fletcher was trying to make it look like King George.
Fletcher lo hizo parecer como algo de King George.
- Fletcher.
- Fletcher.
You can be sure Fletcher will have been there as well.
No puede estar segura que Fletcher haya estado ahí también.
Perhaps you should ask Mr. Fletcher.
Tal vez debiera preguntar al Sr. Fletcher.
That Fletcher, he the new king now.
Ese Fletcher, el nuevo rey ahora.
Bunchemup, Mr. Fletcher needs to be escorted off the property -
Bunchemup, el Sr. Fletcher necesita ser escoltado fuera de la propiedad.
Fletcher, we've apprehended that young'un.
Fletcher, hemos atrapado a ese chiquillo.
That's Cath Fletcher.
Esa es Cath Fletcher.
Thanks for coming down, Mr. Fletcher.
Gracias por venir, Sr. Fletcher.
Mr. Fletcher!
¡ Sr. Fletcher!
Mr. Fletcher.
¡ Sr. Fletcher.
La madre de Fletcher.
Mr Fletcher, you know, really, seriously... if you don't like the painting, you can... You can tell me.
Señor Fletcher, en serio si no le gusta la pintura...
Estamos reinvestigando la muerte de Andy Fletcher.

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