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For the rest of his life traducir español

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Here, at the place of his humiliation, the old man would waste away miserably for the rest of his life and here the story would, strictly speaking, be over.
Aquí, en el lugar de su humillación, el anciano se consumirá miserablemente durante el resto de su vida y aquí la historia estaría, en sentido estricto, acabada.
Old Joe Helton is taking things easy for the rest of his life.
El viejo Joe Helton se va a tomar su vida con tranquilidad.
He'll be hopelessly paralyzed for the rest of his life.
Estará totalmente paralizado por el resto de su vida.
"Cinderella Man." That'll stick to him for the rest of his life.
"Ceniciento". Le has colgado un sambenito para toda la vida.
He doesn't know it yet, but he's got a couple of star boarders for the rest of his life, the old buzzard.
No lo sabe, pero acaba de cazar a dos que no olvidará nunca.
And let the Englishman reign for the rest of his life?
¿ Y dejar al inglés reinar el resto de su vida?
He refuses to go to war, and is thrown into jail for the rest of his life.
Rechaza ir a la guerra y es arrojado a la cárcel el resto de su vida.
With the money he would get by selling everything he could live quietly for the rest of his life.
ÉI con el dinero de vender todo viviría tranquilo hasta el final de sus días.
No, he'd regret it for the rest of his life.
Pazita no. Nunca Pazita.
He was running away from something when the best thing he couls've sone was run after it ans face it ans struggle with it for the rest of his life if he has to.
Huía de algo, en lugar de enfrentarse, y agotar hasta el último aliento por ella.
And I'll have him for the rest of his life because I'll go and hide with him.
Y será mío el resto de su vida, porque yo viviré escondida con él.
And that you had something to blackmail Thomas with for the rest of his life.
Y que tenía algo con que chantajear a Thomas por el resto de su vida.
I'm gonna hound that guy for the rest of his life.
Voy a perseguir a ese tipo durante lo que le quede de vida.
It's better this way... every time he opens his door, every time he hears footsteps coming round the corner Laredo starts sweating, thinking it's me. ... his food won't set well for the rest of his life.
A ver qué te parece, cada vez que abra Ia puerta o escuche unos pasos que se aproximan, Laredo empezará a sudar pensando que soy yo, muerto de miedo el resto de su vida.
Rigid confinement for the rest of his life.
Reclusión estricta por el resto de su vida.
I can't bear the thought of Walt hating me for the rest of his life.
No soporto pensar que Walt me odiará el resto de su vida.
How's he going to feel for the rest of his life?
¿ Cómo se sentirá el resto de su vida?
"How's he going to feel for the rest of his life?"
¿ Cómo se sentirá el resto de su vida?
After all, I'm not the kind of man your brother is... The kind of man who's willing to sit at the same desk for the rest of his life.
Después de todo, no soy el tipo de hombre que es su hermano, el tipo de hombre que está dispuesto a estar sentado en la misma mesa... para el resto de su vida.
And make him miserable for the rest of his life because you're a Lorrison :
Y será miserable por el resto de sus días porque eres una Lorrison :
Now he's tied to a dead arm for the rest of his life, a claw hand.
Ahora tiene un brazo muerto para el resto de sus días, una mano como una garra.
And let the Englishman reign for the rest of his life?
¿ Y dejar que reine el inglés por el resto de su vida?
Worst that can happen to you is they say you died a hero. He'll be a coward for the rest of his life.
En eI peor de Ios casos te llamaran heroe muerto, a el Ie consideraran un cobarde.
Lest this poor soul be forced to hobble for the rest of his life on one foot. My Master has granted him the boon of death.
Para que el alma de este infortunado no anduviese siempre con una sola pierna, mi amo le ha concedido la gracia de la muerte.
And remain an 18-shilling-a-week boot hand for the rest of his life.
Yganará unos 18-chelines por semana zapatero de por vida.
Memnon, to be exiled from Greece for the rest of his life.
Memnón queda desterrado de Grecia para el resto de su vida.
A man's wife the woman he expected to love for the rest of his life.
La esposa de un hombre, la mujer a la que esperabas amar el resto de tu vida.
He gets laid out cold and carved so he can read that scar for the rest of his life.
Lo cortamos para que pueda leer su cicatriz por el resto de su vida.
That it might affect him for the rest of his life and make him unsure and doubting...
Podría afectarle para el resto de su vida, llenarle de dudas, - de inseguridades...
Sometimes a man has to make big decisions terrible decisions and carry them with him alone for the rest of his life.
A veces, un hombre tiene que tomar grandes decisiones. Decisiones terribles que lo acompañarán el resto de su vida.
For such a splendid fool, the Duke will be grateful to me for the rest of his life.
Por tan magnífico bufón, el conde me quedará agradecido de por vida.
He'll be the same bum for the rest of his life!
¡ Este será toda la vida el mismo infeliz de siempre!
Anyone else would have left my father a note that would have ruined his sleep for the rest of his life.
Otra le hubiera dejado una nota a mi padre que le hubiera impedido dormir el resto de su vida.
What do you wanna do, tell everyone to send the kid's birthday present... six months late for the rest of his life?
¿ Quieres que todos envíen el regalo de cumpleaños del niño 6 meses después?
But you don't want a cloud over him. Perhaps for the rest of his life.
No querrás una nube sobre él, quizás para el resto de su vida.
He'll have a twisted leg for the rest of his life and it'll be your fault.
Se quedará cojo, y ese será tu fallo.
For him to be chained to a bed for the rest of his life...
El hecho de verse en una cama toda la vida...
He'll remember those white ribs staring at him, he'll see the flesh jump and hear the whistle of the whip for the rest of his life.
Recordará esas costillas blancas que lo miraban... verá la carne que se desprende... y oirá el ruido del látigo el resto de su vida.
Someone like you, would certainly feel guilty for the rest of his life.
- Soy yo. Ciertamente, con tu carácter, te habrías arrepentido toda la vida.
Yeah, but he'll be blind for the rest of his life. Poor guy.
Sí, pero el pobre se quedará ciego para siempre.
And every man sets foot in this house needs just one look to figure it ain't worth 40.000 acres and a soft spot for the rest of his life.
Y cualquier hombre que pone sus pies en esta casa solo necesita un vistazo para darse cuenta de que no vale 40000 acres de tierra y afecto para el resto de su vida.
Then he'll be lost in time for the rest of his life.
Quedará perdido en el tiempo por el resto de sus días.
I'll frame him in steel for the rest of his natural life.
Lo meteré entre rejas para el resto de sus días.
I'm going to have that blackguard put behind bars for the rest of his natural life.
Meteré entre rejas a ese canalla para toda la vida.
For the rest of my life, he'll keep looking at me with those puppy-dog eyes of his.
Y toda la vida me mirará con esos ojos de cachorro.
"To Whom it May Concern, In exchange for his services for the rest of my life... " and in place of paying him a regular salary for same from this day forward... " I hereby bequeath my entire possessions...
" A quien corresponda... en remuneración por sus servicios por el resto de mi vida... y en lugar de abonarle un sueldo por dichos servicios a partir de hoy... por la presente lego todos mis bienes... incluida mi casa y tierra a Edward F. Schultz... quien me ha servido fielmente por más de 30 años'.
For his sake, I... I couldn't live the rest of my life knowing I failed to do my bit.
Por su recuerdo, no podría seguir viviendo sabiendo que no cumplo con mi deber.
Yes... but after to be haunted by remorse for the rest of my life, always seeing him wherever I go, enduring his silent reproaches.
Sí, y estaré atormentado toda mi vida, veré ante mí su mirada.
As penance for his sins... he asked to be allowed to devote the rest of his life to the lepers.
Como pena por sus castigos... pidió que se le permitiera dedicar su vida a los leprosos.
He's dead, but I'll have to live with the memory of his crime for the rest of my life.
Está muerto, pero yo tendré que vivir con el recuerdo de su crimen toda mi vida.
A man who no doubt was charming in his own way, but who would have made me unhappy Damn, the umbrella! - for the rest of my life.
Un hombre que indudablemente tenía atractivo, pero con su carácter me hubiera hecho infeliz...

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