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Come, Clover, there's a former advisor out there who has no idea how secretly flattered he's about to get.
Vamos, Clover. Hay un exconsejero allí que no sabe que está a punto de ser halagado en secreto.
Former best friend and band mate you left for dead.
Tu ex mejor amigo y compañero de banda al que abandonaste.
Surely, you wouldn't deny me the right to be with my former fiancé in his last days.
No me negarías el derecho de acompañar a mi ex prometido en sus últimos días.
And the name of his former cellmate?
¿ Y el nombre de su compañero de celda?
"Let's go say hi to my sister's former kidnapper," plan.
"Vayamos a saludar a la ex secuestradora de mi hermana".
He's former military and he's only a few hours away in Kansas at- -
Es ex militar y está a unas horas de viaje, en Kansas, vive en...
Oh, well... this guy, Richard Doogan, former Army sergeant, 33 years old.
Oh, bueno... ese tipo, Richard Doogan, ex sargento del ejército, 33 años.
shut the front door. jeff : The former bayon were jeff :
los antiguos Bayon estuvieron forzados a hacer nuevos tratos.
Research former residents, property management companies.
La investigación de los ex-residentes, la compañía del manejo de propiedades.
This is Boyle's former partner, Detective Bruce Steadman.
Este es el ex socio de Boyle, detective Bruce Steadman.
Former Internal Affairs Detective John Quinn.
Antiguo Detective de Asuntos Internos John Quinn.
Steadman had a former partner, Christine Riley.
Steadman tenía una ex pareja, Christine Riley.
- Mr. Kirkham, I have my constables checking hansom cabs for regular fares between the Hamilton railway station and Miss Brown's former address.
- Sr. Kirkham, tengo mis agentes comprobando coches de alquiler por pasajeros regulares entre la estación de tren de Hamilton y la ex dirección de la señorita Brown.
A former captain of mine is serving 20 to life for murder, so you'll have to forgive us for not assuming someone is innocent just because they have a fancy job title.
Un ex capitán del mina está sirviendo 20 a la vida Por asesinato, por lo que tendrá a nos perdone por no asumir Alguien es inocente sólo porque tienen un puesto de trabajo de fantasía.
Everyone on board the plane, including Bozek, was a former officer in the Ukrainian Army.
Todos a bordo del avión. incluyendo a Bozek, eran ex oficiales del ejército ucraniano.
The latter could compromise your ability to testify in the former.
Este último podría comprometer su capacidad para testificar en la antigua.
- Oh, your former John Doe is conscious and talking to his family.
Oh, su ex John Doe es consciente y hablando con su familia.
Small unit, uh, tactics. Well-organized. Probably former military.
unidad pequeña, uh, tacticas bien organizadas probablemente formacion militar
I'm a former runway model from Buenos Aires.
Soy una modelo de pasarela de Buenos Aires
As far as we're concerned, she's a former beauty queen
En lo que respecta a nosotros, es una ex reina de belleza
According to her former school, your daughter has a history of using physical and verbal threats to get what she wants.
De acuerdo a su antigua escuela su hija tiene un historial de uso físico y verbal de amenazas para obtener lo que quiere.
Nicholas is happy, but he has no recollection of his former life and hasn't for years.
Nicholas es feliz, pero no tiene ningún recuerdo de su vida anterior, y lleva años así.
OK, and the former sheriff.
Come with me to midgard, help me claim jolnir's powers, and I will reward you in ways your former master never did.
Vengan conmigo a Midgard, ayúdenme a reclamar los poderes de Jolnir, y yo los recompensaré de maneras que su antiguo amo nunca hizo.
Apparently some people regain their memory by... hanging out with their former best friends.
Aparentemente algunas personas recuperan su memoria... juntándose con sus anteriores mejores amigos.
Former vice world champion free diver Yoram Zekri will be the subject of a specific underwater image Krystle hopes to capture.
El exvicecampeón del mundo de buceo libre, Yoram Zekri será el sujeto de una imagen submarina que Krystle espera poder tomar.
[narrator] Where South Georgia was once known as a place harbouring death, it is now slowly recovering back to the former days of its natural glory.
Aunque Georgia del Sur fue conocida como un lugar de muerte está comenzando a recuperar su antigua gloria natural.
And a former Olympic squad member of yours, if I'm not mistaken, Warren.
Y miembro de tu equipo olímpico, si no me equivoco, Warren.
One of the rituals was stolen by a former master.
Uno de los rituales fue robado por un ex maestro.
Just after he strung up the former librarian... and relieved him of his head.
Luego de ahorcar al anterior bibliotecario y cortarle la cabeza.
All former officers not currently posted, must send their names to the war office.
Todos los ex oficiales deben enviar su nombre a la Oficina de Guerra.
It's unfortunate that we have these former ties with Ms. Gilbert.
Es desafortunado tener un vinculo con la Srta. Gilbert. Dr. Harold Filmore Universidad de Columbia
Ah, but irregardless means regardless, and there's no such thing as the former.
Pero independientemente significa dependientemente, y no hay tal cosa como la primera.
Back in the news tonight, former model, negligent builder, now unfit parent, Derek Zoolander.
Hoy volvió a ser noticia el exmodelo constructor negligente... y ahora padre inepto, Derek Zoolander.
All of the guards here are former male models.
Todos los guardias son exmodelos masculinos.
In this corner, the former New Jersey heavyweight champion, the man who went 15 rounds with Muhammad Ali, okay?
En ese rincón, el antiguo campeón de pesos pesados de Nueve Jersey el hombre que ha aguantado 15 rounds con Muhammad Ali.
From Cranston, Rhode Island, this man is a former two-time world champion!
De Cranston, Rhode Island ¡ el dos veces campeón del mundo!
Jerôme Salle has done much research and recorded numerous statements, especially the former crew of Cousteau, for making this film.
Jerôme Salle ha hecho muchas investigaciones, y registró numerosas declaraciones, en especial de la antigua tripulación de Cousteau, para hacer esta película.
The former police commissioner claims he was fooled. What's going on?
- El exdirector general de la Guardia Civil afirma que le engañaron.
The former champion of the world,
El excampeón mundial,
Ray, I know you respect your former rival, but let's see if he even finishes this one.
Ray, yo sé que respetas a tu antiguo rival, pero vamos a ver si siquiera es capaz de acabar este combate.
Elizabeth Brundy, I hereby arrest you for the murder of Frank Blain, your former employer and proprietor of Frank's Inferno.
Elizabeth Brundy... por este medio, la arresto por el asesinato de Frank Blain... su antiguo empleador y propietario del "Infierno de Frank".
Our former boss.
Nuestro antiguo jefe.
We have learned to forgive each other as former adversaries.
Hemos aprendido a perdonarnos unos a otros como antiguos adversarios.
On the one hand, you have an insurgency, made up of the regime's former elite soldiers.
Por un lado, tiene una insurgencia, formada por soldados de elite del antiguo régimen.
Then, as a former military man, you know there are laws here...
Entonces, como ex militar, sabe que hay leyes...
His late wife's former husband.
Era el exesposo de su difunta esposa.
'Cause I want to tell you that the man who has the other half is a former DEA agent from Texas.
Porque quiero decirle que el hombre que tiene la otra mitad es un ex agente de la DEA en Texas.
Hiding with the Sinaloa Cartel, not much of a footprint here, you know, but most definitely on the radar of some of your former friends in the DEA back home.
Se oculta con el cártel de Sinaloa. No tiene mucha presencia aquí, pero sin duda lo tienen en la mira algunos de tus examigos dela DEA en tu país.
I should choose the former.
Elegiría lo primero.
Did you ever imagine that your former student would one day wear the crown of Egypt?
¿ Alguna vez imaginaste que tu antiguo alumno sería rey de Egipto?

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