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Frigate traducir español

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A Swedish frigate brought home onboard Norway's prisoners, and Terje too.
Una fragata sueca trajo a casa a los prisioneros noruegos, y también a Terje.
They went over to a frigate that's lying here.
Ahí estaré, bajo ese palo.
Major Heyward is ready to take the next frigate to the Americas.
El Major Hayward está listo para ir á América.
The proud skipper of the frigate cranston. When she sank, He was the first to leave his ship.
Sir Gerald de Canterville, el orgulloso capitán de la fragata Cranston.
The captain of a frigate doesn't normally decide Admiralty policy.
El capitán de una fragata no decide la política de un Almirantazgo.
Until, in the harbor at La Hacha... lay an English frigate of 50 guns guarding the slave colony.
Hasta que, en el puerto de La Hacha... hallaron una fragata inglesa con 50 cañones vigilando la colonia de esclavos.
Captain Blood and his crew proved their worth... even when the frigate made a futile attempt to ram their ship.
El capitán Blood y los suyos demostrar5on su valía... aun cuando la fragata intentó en vano hundir su barco.
Now, then. They are giving me a Castle-class Frigate.
Bien, me darán una fragata de la clase Castle.
These are the coordinates of the anti-Godzilla frigate fleet.
Esas son las coordenadas de la flota anti-Godzilla.
A frigate fleet has been ordered to begin a massive depth-charge attack in order to get rid of the creature.
Se ha ordenado a una flota para comenzar un ataque masivo de cargas de profundidad para deshacernos de la criatura.
O.K., then use the one from the Frigate.
Pues usa la del Frigate.
August the 16th, His Majesty's frigate, Avenger, on a wartime cruise with orders to reinforce the British squadron off the coast of Spain.
16 de agosto. La fragata real Avenger, en travesía bélica, lleva órdenes de reforzar el escuadrón británico en España.
A frigate and a merchantman, both French, on the starboard beam!
¡ Una fragata y un mercante franceses a estribor!
The third lieutenant in charge of the frigate.
El tercer teniente a cargo de la fragata.
Can you tell? - She's a frigate, sir.
- Es una fragata, señor.
A single frigate.
Una fragata sola.
Deck, there! Sail is an enemy frigate!
¡ El buque es una fragata enemiga!
Not the Captain Collier who sank the French frigate Lion d'Or
¿ No será el que hundió la fragata francesa
I had to go to the rally with feathers from bersagliere, - And I have the frigate!
Tengo que ir al mitin con las plumas,... y me las han birlado.
You will proceed to Plymouth and join His Majesty's frigate Venus.
Se dirigirá a Plymouth a incorporarse a la fragata Venus.
Oh, yes. I want the frigate Venus.
Sí, a la fragata Venus.
You are now serving as ordinary seamen aboard His Majesty's frigate Venus, bound for distant parts as yet unknown!
¡ Ahora sois vulgares marineros a bordo de la fragata Venus, con destino lejano y desconocido!
Lieutenant Howett of His Britannic Majesty's frigate Venus, sir.
Teniente Howett de la fragata Venus, de Su Majestad Británica.
An English frigate.
Una fragata inglesa.
Looks like a frigate.
Parece una fragata.
"Spanish invasion fleet completely destroyed off Cornwall by single frigate!"
"¡ Flota invasora española destruida en Cornualles por una sola fragata!"
"There is no frigate..."
"No hay mejor fragata..."
Would you tell the court what knowledge you have of the tragic voyage of the frigate Westerly.
Explique al tribunal lo que sepa del trágico viaje de la fragata Westeriy.
I propose we send 2 flying boats to French Frigate Shoals on the 29th.
Propongo enviar 2 hidroaviones a French Frigate ShoaIs el dia 29.
When I served in the king's frigate we came on a slaver.
Sirviendo en la fragata del rey... ... nos topamos con un negrero.
evil eyes... that can see right through ya. it could destroy the hull of a frigate!
Una mirada... una mirada malvada que te traspasa. Y una cola... una cola tan grande y poderosa que podría destruir el casco de una fragata.
They're heading for the medical frigate.
Se dirigen hacia la fragata médica.
We shall be needing that frigate.
Necesitaremos esa fragata.
Some kind of frigate.
Algún tipo de fragata.
We should have a frigate, not a chamber pot.
Necesitamos una fragata, y no un orinal.
{ y : i } At least ten times { y : i } we have touched land. { y : i } Only to find either barren rocks { y : i } or hostile inhabitants. { y : i } And once nearly ran a foul { y : i } of an English frigate.
Al menos diez veces hemos desembarcado, para encontrar rocas áridas o habitantes hostiles, y una vez casi colisionamos con una fragata inglesa.
The other one seems Terazuki-frigate. - It reduces not just shipping.
El otro parece la fragata "Terazuki", va de escolta por algun motivo..
I now take the escort frigate under fire.
Ahora podré a la escolta bajo fuego.
I declare, we could fight a frigate with them.
- Le aseguro que podriamos luchar contra una fragata!
It's a US frigate. Probably Perry class.
Es una fragata americana clase Perry.
Imagine the feelings of a skipper of a fine frigate or a bark.
Imaginen las sensaciones del capitán de una gran fragata.
My mother had the strength of a frigate ploughing through troubled water.
Mi madre tenía la fuerza de un gran barco, en un océano enfermo.
This was where I first sailed as a cabin boy on a frigate.
Desde aquí partí por primera vez como grumete en una fragata.
- Frigate is with an "f."
- Fragata es con "efe".
- But the frigate I mean is called "Bilbao."
- Es que la fragata que yo digo se llama Bilbao.
HMS Laconia, 7 4 gun frigate, second class.
'HMS Laconia, fragata de 74 cañones. 2ª clase.'
I thought it was a frigate.
Pensé que era una fragata.
A frigate has a fore-and-aft mainsail.
Una fragata tiene una vela de popa a proa.
He was taken in a pirate ship by his Majesty's frigate Wasp.
We have a fine frigate of fifty guns.
Cuenta saldada.

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