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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ G ] / Get back to the ship

Get back to the ship traducir español

262 traducción paralela
Come on, we gotta get back to the ship.
Debemos volver al barco.
- We'd better get back to the ship.
Será mejor que volvamos al barco.
We'll get that out when we get back to the ship.
Te lo sacaremos cuando lleguemos al barco.
Let's get back to the ship.
Volvamos al barco.
Then he fell into the water trying to get back to the ship.
Cayó pues al agua al pretender embarcar.
- Get back to the ship and call the camp.
- Llama a la base.
You little hussy, get back to the ship.
¡ Desvergonzada, vuelve al barco!
You get back to the ship as soon as possible!
No debo volver solo, dijo el Mayor.
We'll get back to the ship.
Arreglaremos la nave.
I better get back to the ship.
Volveré al barco.
Let's get back to the ship and get clean.
Volvamos al barco para lavarnos.
We'll be on our way before he'd get back to the ship.
Estaríamos en rumbo antes que él regresara.
You get back to the ship, if you can find the way.
¡ Tú vuelve al barco! Si encuentras el camino.
We'd better get back to the ship.
Será mejor que volvamos al helicóptero.
- Get back to the ship.
Vuelve a tu barco.
Come on, let's get back to the ship.
Vamos, volvamos a la nave.
Iris, Gettell, get back to the ship.
Iris, Gettell, vuelvan a la nave.
- Alright, let's get back to the ship.
- Entendido, volvamos a la nave.
We should get back to the ship, sir.
Debemos volver al barco, señor.
We've got to get back to the ship.
Debemos volver al barco.
Let's get back to the ship!
¡ Volvamos al barco!
Now, let's get back to the ship, we're taking off.
Ahora, volvamos a la nave. Nos vamos.
We'll discuss it when we get back to the ship.
Lo discutiremos cuando regresemos a la nave.
He could've been hurt, not able to get back to the ship.
- Quizá resultó herido.
We're going to get back to the ship and then we'll be safe.
Vamos a volver a la nave y luego estaremos a salvo.
And now that we've got these two on our side, we should get back to the ship.
Y ahora que tenemos a estos dos de nuestro lado, deberíamos volver a la nave.
You know, I think we ought to get back to the ship while we still can.
- Creo que debemos volver a la nave mientras podamos.
We might not get back to the ship if grandfather hears we're in the Reign of Terror.
No volveremos si el abuelo descubre que estamos en el Reino del Terror. - ¿ Por qué no?
Well now, we must find Chesterton and try and get back to the ship.
- Bien. Debemos buscar a Chesterton y volver a la nave.
- Well, let's get back to the ship.
- Bien, regresemos a la nave.
- Ian, we must get back to the ship!
- Ian, debemos volver a la nave!
You better get back to the ship, Captain. Cos they're stayin'here. And so am I.
Será mejor que vuelva al barco, capitán, porque ellos se quedan aquí y yo también.
Get back to the ship.
Vuelva a la nave.
Let's get back to the ship.
Volvamos a la nave.
Get back to the ship!
Vuelva a la nave!
- l said get back to the ship.
- Le he dicho que vuelva a la nave.
I might even get back to the ship on time.
Quizá hasta llegue a tiempo a la nave.
Then I'll get back to the ship and send a telegraph.
Entonces volveré al barco y enviaré un telegrama.
- We must get back to the ship.
- Debemos regresar a la nave.
The only way I can see is to go and get the waiter, take him to the ship, have the Captain pay the bill and get his ring back, then we'll pay the Captain on the next trip.
La única solución es ir a hablar con aquel camarero. Decirle que venga al barco, que el Capitán pague la cuenta para recuperar la sortija y lo liquidaremos con el Capitán en el próximo viaje.
Let's get that back to the command ship.
Pase el informe al buque de mando.
All we need now is a chance to get out on that ship in the harbor... and then it's back to Paris.
Sólo tenemos que irnos en ese barco del puerto... y volver a París.
Where'd you get "we gotta go back to the ship" business?
¿ De dónde ha sacado el "debemos regresar al barco"?
- When I get it back to the ship...
- Cuando vuelva a la nave...
Must get back to the ship.
Debo regresar a la nave.
But we must get her back to the ship. What are we waiting for?
- Pero debemos llevarla a la nave.
Back on the ship, I used to try to get you to look at my legs.
En la nave solía intentar que mirara mis piernas.
I'd better get the boy and the mother back to the ship, Jim.
Será mejor que lleve al niño y a la madre a la nave, Jim.
Got to get him back to the ship, Jim.
Hay que llevarle a la nave, Jim.
Get this stupid voting over with so I can get back to running the ship.
Buena idea. Acaben con esta tonta votación para que pueda regresar a conducir la nave.
Take it easy until we get you back to the ship.
Relájese hasta que lo llevemos a la nave.

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