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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ G ] / Get him off of me

Get him off of me traducir español

123 traducción paralela
Get - Get him off of me!
¡ Aléjen... aléjenle de mí!
Get him off of me!
¡ Quítamelo de encima!
- Get him off of me! Get him off!
- ¡ Quítamelo de encima!
Get him off of me!
- ¡ Quitàdmelo de encima!
Get him off of me!
- Aléjalo de mi.
I say, "get him off of me!"
¡ Quítate de encima!
And I couldn't... I couldn't get him off of me.
Y no pude... no me lo pude quitar de encima.
Get him off of me.
Conseguir que fuera de mí.
Don't let him move. - Get him off of me!
- ¡ Quítenmelo de encima!
Get him off of me!
¡ Quítenmelo!
Amy, get him off of me!
Amy, ¡ Quítamelo de encima!
Get him off of me!
¡ QuítameIo!
Get him off of me!
Quitamelo de encima!
Get him off of me! Lennie.
¡ Que me lo saquen de encima!
Get him off of me.
Quítenmelo de encima.
Get him off of me!
¡ Ayúdenme! ¡ Cierren las puertas!
Get him off of me! Get off of me!
¡ Quítenmelo!
Get him off of me!
Conseguir que fuera de mí!
- Get him off of me!
- ¡ Quítamelo de encima!
Get him off of me! This shit is falling on my dress. Who's in that Mad Cowboy suit?
Quitadme esta mierda de encima de mis tetas!
Get him off of me!
¡ Sáquemelo de encima! ¡ Sáquemelo de encima!
Get him off of me!
¡ Quítamelo!
Get him off of me! I don't like dogs. Somebody, get him off of me.
Quiténmelo de encima, no me gusta los perros.
Get him off of me. Beth!
¡ Quítamelo, Beth!
Get him off of me!
¡ Quítenmelo de encima!
Get him off, get him off of me!
- Quítamelo.
Get him off of me.
Sáquenmelo de encima.
You're trying to tell me you can get rid of the gangster by ignoring him, by keeping him off the front page.
¿ Intentan decirme que pueden deshacerse del gángster ignorándolo? ¿ No poniéndolo en primera plana?
I was wondering if the ends of justice wouldn't be just as well served if I left him here tonight and stop off in the morning and get him.
Me preguntaba si no serviríamos igual a la justicia si le dejara aquí esta noche... y pasara a recogerle por la mañana.
Alright, go on in and get him.. you don't take no hair off of my scalp.
De acuerdo, entre y lléveselo. Eso no me va a quitar el sueño.
Get off of me, I'll kill him!
- ¡ Dejadme, que lo mato!
You shall get down off that ladder, and you will go in here and you shall be real quiet until I get rid of him.
Baje de esa escalera, métase ahí dentro y estése callada hasta que me deshaga de él.
Tell him we got a general with them... tell him anything you want, just get that West Point bum off of my back.
... y cuya identidad es secreta. Dile que hay un general con ellos, dile... ... Io que quieras, pero que ese inútil de West Point me deje tranquilo.
Oh, god, get him off of me! Chauncey, don't bite.
¡ Dios mío, quitàdmelo de encima!
Get him off of me!
Te estropearàs las fundas.
Yesterday, him and a cook were waiting for me to get off of work. They were gonna make me tomorrow's veal chops.
Ayer él y el cocinero me esperaban fuera del trabajo, querían hacerme chuleta.
If I complain about that clown Hammer ruining our shoot, then maybe it'll get him off of our backs.
Si me quejo de ese payaso de Hammer, tal vez me lo quiten de encima.
Get him off of me!
¡ Me muerde! . ¡ Sácamela de encima!
I'd tell him to get off his big bucks... and start giving some of it back to its workers.
Me gustaría que sacara su fortuna y que les regresara parte a los empleados.
Get him off of me!
¡ Salte de encima mío! ¡ Sáquenmelo de encima!
As I'm trying to get Moose Skowron off of one of my teammates somebody pulls me from behind and I turned around and I popped him.
Mientras intentaba sacarle a uno de encima a un compañero alguien me haló desde atrás así que me volteé y lo golpeé.
Get the servants to give him a clean robe... or the sight of him will put me off my food.
Que los sirvientes le den una túnica limpia... o con sólo verlo perderé el apetito.
Instead of me taking a walk and you stealing him you get out of my life, or I blow your head off!
En vez de que salga con el niño y me lo robes ¡ desapareces de mi vida o te vuelo la cabeza!
The next thing you know, I'd be telling him to wash off the war paint and get a good suit of clothes and accompany me to Sunday School.
Porque lo próximo que pasaría es que le diría que se limpiara su pintura de guerra, consiguiera una ropas decentes, y viniera conmigo a misa.
- Let me get this off of him. Here...
- Yo agarro esto.
What I'd really like is for my husband, God bless him... to get off his fat ass, surprise me with something... instead of handing me a wad of cash... and telling me, "Go make yourself happy."
Lo que realmente me gustaría es para mi marido, Que Dios lo bendiga... bajar el culo gordo, me sorprende con algo... en vez de entregarme un fajo de billetes... y me dice, "Id ser feliz."
COLLEEN : Sean is seeing that he's in a little bit of trouble, and he should probably have Rich out there because Rich is going to make sure that I get booted off tonight and not him.
Sean se veía en problemas, y se ha llevado a Rich para asegurarse de que me echen a mí y no a él.
Get him off of me, get him off of me!
¡ Sáquemelo de encima!
Well, by the time I got ahold of him he was a useless drunk. But I did get excited one time when Mulvert said he wanted to spill his guts about something he wanted to get off his chest. But I never had a chance to talk to the fat lush,'cause he blew his brains out with a.45.
Cuando lo encontré, era un borracho inservible pero me emocioné cuando Mulvert dijo que quería contar todo acerca de algo que lo aliviaría pero nunca tuve oportunidad de hablar con ese borrachín... porque se voló la cabeza con una bala.
He was asking people for money, then when I asked him to get off he offered me his silver necklace, his music player, all sorts of stuff.
Le estaba pidiendo dinero a la gente... entonces cuando le pedí que se baje... me ofreció su collar de plata... su reproductor de música, todo tipo de cosas.
I never paid attention to him when he was alive but now I get a day off of work
No le presté atención mientras estaba vivo, y ahora por el me dan un día libre.

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