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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ G ] / Get them out of here

Get them out of here traducir español

911 traducción paralela
I must, get them out. I must get them out of here!
¡ Tengo que sacarlos de aquí!
Get them out of here!
¡ Sáquenlos de aquí!
Get them out of here?
¿ Sacarlos de aquí?
I don't care, tell them anything only get them out of here.
No me importa, diles cualquier cosa, pero sácalos de aquí.
Get them out of here.
- Hacedles salir.
We gotta get them out of here.
Tenemos que llevárnoslos de aquí.
Get them out of here!
¡ Saquenlos de aqui!
Get them out of here quick.
Saquémoslos de aquí
Get them out of here!
¡ Sáquenlos de ahí!
- Oh, get them out of here.
- Haz lo que quieras pero llévatelas. Un momento.
Get them out of here.
Váyanse de aquí.
Get them out of here!
¡ largo de aquí!
Well, get them out of here.
SáqueIas de aquí.
Get them out of here, will you?
Fuera. Saquenles de aquí.
Get them out of here.
Sacadles de aquí.
Get them out of here.
¡ Métanlos en la ambulancia!
- We've gotta get them out of here.
- Tenemos que sacarlos de aquí.
Get them out of here!
Llévatelo de aquí.
Only hope we get them out of here before the Japs move in.
Sólo espero acabar antes de que lleguen los japoneses.
Get them out of here.
Retírenlos de acá.
In that case, we better get them out of here.
Entonces será mejor sacarlos.
Well, in a few moments, I'll do me best to get them out of here.
Dentro de un momento haré que salgan de aquí.
Get them out of here.
Let's get them out of here.
Saquémoslos de aquí.
Get them out of here. We'll need these beds.
- Lléveselos.
Martin, feed them and Get them out of here.
Martin, dales de comer y échalos de aquí.
Get them Out of here!
¡ Échalos de aquí!
Go on, get them out of here.
Vamos, llévatelos.
- Get them out of here.
- Lléveselos.
If you don't get them out of here, I will.
Si no los sacas de aquí, lo haré yo.
Sergeant, muster the crew and get them out of here.
Sargento, reúna al equipo y sáquelos de allí.
Get them out of here, Fuller.
Sáquelos de aquí, Fuller.
We'll get these people out of here and find them a clean place.
Buscaremos un lugar limpio para esta gente.
- Get out of here, leave us alone or I'll tell them you're backing the show.
- Vete de aquí. Déjanos en paz o les diré que tú nos financias.
Get some paint on her nose and get these chickens out of here. We can put them right in the pot now.
Dale una mano de pintura, saca estas gallinas,... mételas en la olla.
I certainly don't treat them to sandwiches. Get out of here.
Ciertamente no les regalo emparedados.
What? I can stop them if you'll get me out of here.
- Puedo detenerles si salgo de aquí.
Get them all out of here.
Sácalos a todos de aquí.
I'll give them exactly 10 seconds to get out of here.
Les daré exactamente 10 segundos para que se vayan.
Lady, if you can tell them anything, tell'em to get out of here!
Señora, si puede decirles algo, dígales que se vayan de aquí.
Vuelve a ponértela ahora mismo y sal de aquí!
Get them children out of here.
Llévense a los niños de aquí.
Will you take them and get out of here?
¿ Se irá si se los doy?
I won't signal them till we get out of here.
- No les avisaré hasta que salgamos.
If you have charges to make against me, make them or get out of here.
Si no, lárguense todos.
Yes, I hate them, Get me out of here, please.
Sí, a todos, los odio. Joseph, sácame de aquí, por favor
Dr. Turner, you might use your influence... to benefit these men for once and tell them to get out of here.
Doctor Turner, use su influencia en beneficio de esta gente. Dígales que se vayan.
Well, I mean, just let them get one wrong one in here, and it'll come out of us.
Si traen a uno incompetente, todos quedaremos mal.
Let's get out of here before them redskins come back.
Damas y caballeros, quiero decir unas palabras. Larguémonos antes de que regresen esos pieles rojas.
Because if they could get Molly out of here, August 20, 1943, she would give them $ 10,000.
Si pudieran sacar de aquí hoy a Molly, les daría 10 mil dólares.
Come on! Get them hokeypokey wagons out of here, will ya!
Venga, quitad de ahí esos carros.

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