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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ G ] / Get them out of there

Get them out of there traducir español

396 traducción paralela
Get them out of there, you hear?
Sáquelos de ahí, ¿ estamos?
- Slim, get them out of there!
- ¡ Slim, sácalos de aquí!
You've got to get them out of there.
Debes sacarlos de allí.
Now, unhitch the horses and get them out of there.
Desenganchad los caballos y lleváoslos de aquí.
We " ve got to get them out of there.
Tenemos que sacarlos de ahí.
I want you to get them out of there.
Quiero que te los lleves de ahí.
Get them out of there.
Sácalos de allí.
We can't wait. We've got to get them out of there now.
Hay que sacarles ahora.
Get them out of there.
Sácalos de ahí.
We've been trying to get them out of there for two days. Nothing doing.
Hemos estado tratando de sacarlos de ahí por dos días sin tener éxito.
- Get them out of there. - Let's go.
¡ Sáquenlos de aquí!
We'll never get them out of there.
No los sacaremos de ahí.
Get them out of there!
Allá, en el campanario.
Give those hornets some smoke and get them out of there.
Ahuma a esos avispones para ahuyentarlos.
Get them out of there!
¡ Sáquenlos de aquí!
Get them out of there! Get them!
¡ Sáquenlos de aquí!
We got to get them out of there before they freeze. Or the Indians get them.
Hay que sacarlos antes que se congelen o los indios los agarren.
Get them out of there, get them out of there!
¡ Que salgan de ahí! ¡ Que salgan de ahí!
Then I wanna work out a way to get them out of there.
Luego quiero buscar una forma de sacarlos.
Come on, come on, come on, get them out of there.
Vamos. Vamos. Vamos.
Get them out of there, I'm going to the hospital.
Sáquelos de ahí. Me voy al hospital.
- We gotta get them out of there.
- Tenemos que sacarlos de aquí.
Just get them out of there.
Sólo sácalos de allí.
I'll get Giddings and we'll get them out of there tomorrow.
Buscaré a Giddings y los sacaremos de allí mañana.
How's she gonna get them out of there?
Como se las va a sacar de ahi?
We gotta get them out of there.
- Tenemos que sacarles de ahí.
They're being trucked in over the Huntington turnpike. But it's getting bumpy out there and some of them are liable to get spoiled.
Los traen por la autopista Huntington, pero con tanto bache muchos se estropean.
When I come out, I used to lie in bed and feel them scars and swear I'd beat'em and get out of there.
Por la noche, retorciéndome por el dolor jure vengarme e intentar la fuga. .
You get them boys out of there the way Mark Strett would. Understand?
Llévatelos de ahí igual que lo haría Mark Strett, ¿ vale?
Boatswain, get those men out of there, all of them!
¡ Contramaestre, llévese a esos hombres!
If you don't go out there, and tell them that we don't know nothing about this, and get them out of this place, I'm gonna do it myself.
Si no vas y les dices que no sabemos nada... y que se larguen de este lugar, lo haré yo misma.
There "s one way to get the truth out of these savages, that" s to beat it out of them.
Hay una manera de hacer confesar a estos salvajes, azotándolos.
Don't blame them for trying to get out of there. You don't?
No Ies culpo por querer escapar, ¿ no cree?
To make believe, it was us and to anger them While there is no way to get it out of here.
Para hacerler creer que fuimos nosotros y enojarles tanto que no habría forma de hacer que se vayan de aquí.
Now you don't think we're going to allow them to get back out of there, do you?
No pensarás que los vamos a dejar salir de ahí adentro, ¿ verdad?
And I get rid of them, if my mother found out there would be quite a scene!
Lo limpio para que mi madre no lo descubra.
Francis, get them out of there.
- Francis, sácalos de aquí.
You figure them Indians get out of there and lead the Cavalry on a wild goose chase, that Great White Father's gonna get nosey...
Si los indios se van de ahí... e intentan escapar de la Caballería... los oficiales se meterán...
When you stand on the point of them, when you get on that step... you know there's nothing out there but you, the sea, the sky... so mixed up, the whole world turns over bright inside you.
Cuando estás en la cresta, cuando te paras sobre la tabla... comprendes que no hay nada más que tú, el mar, el cielo... en tan perfecta unión que todo se vuelve luminoso dentro de ti.
Let's get them up out of there.
¡ Sacadlo de aquí!
When I give you the signal... set them off one, two, three, four, and get the hell out of there.
Cuando te haga una señal... ... Ios vuelas por los aires : uno, dos, tres, cuatro, y te largas.
If there is a fleet of them, you'll get out of here, Mr. Sulu.
Si hay una flota de ellos, saldrá de aquí, señor Sulu.
You get out there with the rest of them.
Vaya con todos los demás.
Get them horses out of there!
¡ Saquen esos caballos de ahí!
There are men today, longing for power and wealth, who want to drive the Austrians out of Milan... and need you, the people, to do it, and you, fools, are willing to get killed for them... because you naively think that you'll be better off afterwards.
Los que hoy, por ansia de nuevo poder y nuevas riquezas, quieren echar de Milán a los austriacos. Aunque para hacerlo, os necesitan a vosotros, al pueblo, y vosotros, necios, os dejáis degollar por ellos. Porque, ingenuamente, esperáis, que luego se estará mejor.
I've started work on a few canvases and there is one of them I think I can get something out of.
He empezado a trabajar en unos pocos lienzos y pienso que de uno de ellos puedo sacar algo.
You can get back in there and get back on the telephone. Tell them exactly who walked out of here last night... And tell them exactly where he is going.
¡ Puedes avisar quién se escapó ayer y decir donde va!
All right, Lets get those boxes out of there and get them open up.
Saquemos esas cajas de aquí y que Ias abran.
Seems like there's more of them every time I get out here.
Cada vez que venimos hay más.
I hope one of them poor boys hangs out there didn't get hurt.
Espero que ningún pobre chico saliera herido.
- Get them logs out of there.
Sacad esos troncos de ahí. No nos queda mucho tiempo.

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