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Go home and get some rest traducir español

197 traducción paralela
You better go home and get some rest.
Mejor ve a tu casa y descansa un poco.
You better go home and get some rest.
Mejor vaya a casa a descansar.
You better go home and get some rest.
Mejor vaya a descansar.
Now, go home and get some rest, my dear.
Ahora vete a casa y descansa.
... you both can go home and get some rest.
... podrán irse ambas a sus casas y descansar.
Maybe you better go home and get some rest.
Deberían irse a casa y descansar.
You should go home and get some rest.
Deberías ir y descansar.
You better go home and get some rest.
Mejor, ve a casa y descansa. Anda.
Now go home and get some rest.
Ahora vete a casa y descansa.
Don't you think you should go home and get some rest, Mr King?
¿ no debería irse a casa y descansar, sr.
¿ Por qué no va y descansa en su casa?
Now, I suggest you go home and get some rest, a lot of it.
Le sugiero que vaya a casa y descanse mucho.
Well... Now, if you'll excuse me, I think I'll go home and get some rest myself.
Bien, si me disculpan iré a casa a descansar.
OK, Dr. I'll go home and get some rest.
OK, Doc. Me iré a casa y descansaré algo.
And I want you to go home and get some rest and stop thinking.
Y tú deberías irte a casa, descansar un poco y dejar de pensar.
Why don't you go home and get some rest, and I'll call you tomorrow.
¿ Por qué no va a su casa a descansar, y le llamaré mañana?
So why don't you go home and get some rest, champ?
¿ Por qué no vas a casa y descansas un poco, campeón?
Go home and get some rest. Both of you.
Id los dos a descansar.
Go home and get some rest.
Ve a casa y descansa.
I know it. - Go home and get some rest.
- Vé a casa y descansa un poco.
I suggest you go home and get some rest.
Le sugiero que vaya a casa y descanse.
Okay, Chad, look, we covered a lot of ground today so just go home and get some rest.
Bien, Chad, abarcamos mucho hoy vete a casa y descansa.
Go home and get some rest.
Ve a casa y descansa un poco.
Go home and get some rest.
Vete a casa y trata de descansar.
- No. Go home and get some rest.
Váyase a casa y descanse.
You two oughta go home and get some rest.
Es mejor que ustedes dos descansen.
Why don't you go home and get some rest?
¿ Por qué no va a casa a descansar?
Go home and get some rest.
Vaya a descansarle.
You just go home and get some rest.
Tú ve a casa y descansa.
I think you need to go home and get some rest.
Creo que necesita ir a casa y descansar.
- Go home and get some rest
Ve a casa y descansa.
Go home and get some rest.
Vete a casa y descansa.
Go home and get some rest, Jacob.
Ve a casa y toma un descanso, Jacob.
I'm gonna go home and get some rest. But after, I'll come by -
Iré a casa a descansar un rato, pero luego vendré a ver si estás bien.
Now, why don't you go home and get some rest?
¿ Por qué no vas a descansar?
So, uh... why don't you go home and get some rest?
Así que, ve a tu casa a descansar.
Well, why don't you go home and get some rest, and we'll talk to you tomorrow?
Está bien. ¿ Por qué no se va a casa, descansa y hablaremos mañana?
Now you'd better go home and take some sleeping tablets and get some rest.
Será mejor que vayas a casa, tomes unas pastillas y descanses.
I'll catch you a couple of flies and you can pull their wings off. Now you go on home and get some rest.
Les cazaré un par de moscas y ustedes Les arrancan Las alas.
Why don't you go along home and try to get some rest, Mrs. Pryor.
Por qué no vas a casa y trata de tomar un descanso, Sra. Pryor
You'll go home, get some rest and peace.
Usted se irá a casa, Consiga algún descanso y paz.
Just go home and get yourself some rest.
Ve a tu casa y descansa un poco.
And I think you should go home now and get some serious rest.
Y pienso que debes ir a casa y tener un importante descanso.
Why don't you just go home and try and get some rest.
¿ Por qué no vas a tu casa e intentas descansar?
So you two go home, get some rest and we'll start fresh in the morning.
Así que vosotros dos venís a casa, descansáis un poco y empezamos frescos por la mañana. ¿ vale?
Go home, get some rest and think it over.
Vaya a casa, descanse y piense un poco.
Why not go home now and get some rest?
¿ Por qué no se va a casa a descansar?
Hey, charlie, If i were you, I'd go home And i'd get some rest.
Hey, Charlie, si yo fuera tú, me iría a su casa a descansar un poco.
Yeah, I will. Okay. Go home and get some rest, and first thing in the morning, I'll make an appointment to get a checkup.
El Profesor de la Universidad de Wellman, Sherman Klump... está intentando introducir un artefacto explosivo nuclear... dentro del núcleo del asteroide... el cual, si tiene efecto, lo destruirá.
Go home, cuddle up and get some rest.
Acurrúcate y descansa.
You just go on home and get some rest.
Ve a tu casa a descansar

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