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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ G ] / Good to have you back

Good to have you back traducir español

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It's good to have you back.
Qué bueno tenerte de regreso.
Mrs. Tyler, it's good to have you back again.
Sra. Tyler, que bueno que haya regresado.
Mighty good to have you back, Pres.
Gracias. Es bueno que hayas regresado
It's good to have you back, Lydia.
Me alegro de que hayas vuelto, Lydia.
- Mr. O'Mara. Good to have you back.
- Qué bueno verlo de nuevo.
Me alegro de verte de vuelta, chico.
- It's good to have you back.
- Me alegro de que haya regresado.
- Well, good to have you back.
- Tenerte aquí lo es, hijo.
My lord, it is good to have you back.
Mi Señor, qué alegría me causa tu vuelta.
Good to have you back, sir.
- Me alegra que volviera.
Hello, old man. Good to have you back.
- Hola, me alegro de tu vuelta.
It's good to have you back.
Es bueno tenerle de vuelta.
- Good to have you back, Tony.
- Me alegro de tu vuelta, Tony.
- It'll be good to have you back in surgery.
- Será bueno tenerla de vuelta en Cirugía.
It's good to have you back.
Qué bueno es tenerla en casa.
It's good to have you back. Are you all right?
Es bueno que hayas vuelto.
Good to have you back.
Me alegro de verla.
So good to have you back, little Karla.
- ¡ Qué alegría, pequeña Karla!
It's so good to have you back.
Es tan agradable tenerte de vuelta.
- It's good to have you back.
- Encantada de tenerte aquí de nuevo.
It's good to have you back again, sir.
Me alegra verlo de nuevo, señor.
Vaya, es bueno tenerte de vuelta.
Why, Mr. Holmes. Oh, you missed a lovely one yesterday. Oh, it's good to have you back, sir.
Sr. Holmes ayer se perdió una hermosa película cuanto me alegro que haya vuelto.
Hello Mr Carella, good to have you back home again.
¿ Ha descansado bien, señor Carella?
Good to have you back.
Me alegra verte aquí.
Good to have you back, Franz.
Bienvenido de vuelta, Franz.
- Good to have you back.
- Me alegro de verte.
- Good to have you back.
Me alegro de que hayas vuelto.
Good to have you back, Schnurrbart.
Me alegro de volver a verte, Shnurrbart.
You're going right upstairs to the back bedroom and have a good night's sleep.
Subirá al cuarto trasero... y dormirá bien esta noche.
When you get back to the States, have a good checkup.
Cuando vuelvas a EE. UU. Ve al médico.
You know, I don't seem to have had time for a really good look at it since I got back. - Oh, stop it.
No he podido fijarme bien desde que volví.
It will be good for you to have her back. Don't... speak to me with such kindness.
No me hables con tanta amabilidad, Heinrich.
I got some good news for you. My trunks have to be sent back here whether you like it or not.
Enviaron mis baúles para acá, le guste o no.
- It's good to have you back in London, sir.
Me alegra tenerle de vuelta en Londres, señor.
He was good enough for you once. Maybe you'd like to have him back.
Si estuviste con él una vez, quizá quieras que vuelva.
Good. Now you'll have to come back.
- Bien, ahora tendrás que volver.
I can't tell you how good it is to have you back.
No puedo decirte cuánto me alegro de que hayas vuelto.
You have the spirit to fight back but the good sense to control it.
Tienes el espíritu para luchar pero el sentido común para controlarte.
I might have guessed, your ship I've a good mind to make you take me straight back to London
Debí adivinarlo, su barco.
The main thing is, the bottle with your message was found you're safe and I can't tell you how good it is to have you back
Lo importante es que la botella con su mensaje fue hallada, usted está a salvo y no puedo decirle lo bueno que es tenerle de vuelta.
And it's a good thing I wasn't any smaller... Or... Or you'd have had to throw me back.
Menos mal que soy más pequeño porque sino me hubiera tenido que devolver al agua.
Then you have to stay in Russia for good, because if you stop back to Italy.
Entonces tendrá que quedarse en Rusia para siempre, porque si vuelve a Italia lo detienen.
Dear lady, I have not got good English but we want to thank you for bringing us back our Zoram.
Querida señora, mi inglés no es muy bueno, pero le agradezco que nos haya devuelto nuestro Zoram.
Good. Jamie and I have come back to the monastery and you are in the meeting room with us.
Jamie y yo hemos vuelto al monasterio y estás en la sala de reuniones con nosotros.
You have to go into the wilderness, so to speak, really, to come up with really good ideas and then you come back.
Tienes que ir al lado salvaje, por así decirlo, para tener buenas ideas y luego volver...
Have a good swim and don't forget to drop your script off at the theater when you get back.
¡ Que la pasen bien! Y no olviden dejar el libreto en el teatro cuando regresen
If you have a good year this year we'll make it back to you next year.
Si te va bien este año te compensamos el año que viene.
You don't know how good it is to have you back on the Bridge, alive and well.
No saben lo bueno que es tenerlos otra vez aquí en el Puente... sanos y salvos.
He is bound neither by the transgressor's deeds, nor by the prayers of the good, nor by the offerings of the penitent... Images lead and rule this folk that you have freed, and strange wishes are their gods, leading them back to the slavery of godlessness and satisfaction.
a Él no le obligan ni los transgresores de las escrituras, ni por las oraciones de los buenos, ni por las ofrendas de los penitentes... las imagenes dirigen y regulan a este pueblo que has liberado, y extraños deseos tienen sus dioses, dirigiendoles a la
It's good to have you back. Harry. Good to be back.
- Santini, me alegra que hayas vuelto.

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