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Harvey traducir español

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Harvey, I'm not sure this is the best idea.
Harvey, no estoy seguro que esta sea la mejor idea.
Harvey, you're the one that taught me that when someone puts pressure on you, you put it back on them.
Harvey, tú me enseñaste que cuando alguien te pone presión, tú se las regresas.
Harvey, I can't stand by and watch while the people I care about get attacked, and neither could you.
Harvey, no puedo quedarme de brazos cruzados mientras atacan a la gente que quiero y tú tampoco podrías.
Harvey, I understand, but our clients are being circled.
Harvey, lo sé, pero nuestros clientes están rodeados.
- No, never mind, Harvey.
- No, olvídalo, Harvey.
The only way she is gonna help us is if we help her put Harvey and Jessica away.
La única manera que nos ayudará es si le ayudamos a encerrar a Harvey y Jessica.
This is exactly why I wanted Harvey to be there.
Por eso quería que Harvey estuviera ahí.
I don't know, Harvey, I thought maybe you'd be doing something to get Anita Gibbs to back off Rachel.
No sé, Harvey, pensé que quizá harías algo para hacer que Anita Gibbs deje en paz a Rachel.
Harvey, all I'm saying is that when Mike gets worked up about something, he doesn't tend to make the best decisions.
Harvey, lo que te digo es que cuando Mike está molesto por algo, no tiende a tomar las mejores decisiones.
Ms. Scott, there's a Harvey Specter here to see you.
Srta. Scott, hay un tal Harvey Specter esperando verla.
You have some balls pretending to be Harvey to get in here.
Tienes las agallas de hacerte pasar por Harvey para entrar.
Well, you did call me "Baby Harvey" once.
Una vez me dijiste "bebé Harvey".
Not to mention I told Harvey that I never even wanted to hear your name again.
Sin mencionar que le dije a Harvey que nunca quería volver a escuchar tu nombre.
And what she wants is Harvey.
Y lo que quiere es a Harvey.
- I'm gonna do it right now.
- Harvey, tranquilízate.
- Harvey, calm down. I'm not gonna calm down, you told me to go after Gibbs to stop Mike from doing something stupid, and I did, and all that did was waste our time like I said it would.
No me tranquilizaré, me dijiste que atacara a Gibbs para evitar que Mike hiciera algo estúpido y ya lo hizo, y lo único que consiguió fue perder nuestro tiempo
- Harvey. Gibbs is attacking Rachel, the woman he loves.
Gibbs está atacando a Rachel, a la mujer que ama.
Right now, we just need to get through this trial, and pray to God that Harvey gets Mike goddamn Ross off the hook.
Ahora solo necesitamos terminar este juicio y orarle a Dios que Harvey saque al maldito de Mike Ross de esto.
Does it involve going to Scottie without telling me?
¿ Tiene que ver con ir a ver a Scottie sin decirme? - Harvey.
- Harvey. - Goddamn it, you had no right.
- Maldición, no tenías derecho.
Because our future is slipping away, and offering Jack name partner or praying to God that Harvey just gets Mike off the hook isn't going to stop it from happening.
Porque nuestro futuro se está desvaneciendo y ofrecerle a Jack ser socio mayoritario u orarle a Dios para que Harvey saque a Mike de esto no evitará que esto suceda.
Harvey gets Mike acquitted, then you get your ass back up to Harvard and you make sure Sheila doesn't show up to that trial.
Harvey exonera a Mike, pues tú regresa a Harvard y haz que Sheila no se presente en el juicio.
They were pressuring you to turn on Harvey and based on our last conversation, you didn't think I was the right person to talk to about that.
Te estaban presionando para traicionar a Harvey y según nuestra última conversación no pensabas que era la persona adecuada para hablar de eso.
Rachel, I got upset because I didn't want to think about what I do if I have to choose between my dad and Harvey.
Rachel, me enojé porque no quería pensar en qué haría si tuviera que escoger entre mi papá y Harvey.
Harvey, it's always okay to call me.
Harvey, siempre está bien que me llames.
Rachel, Mike is going to have to watch you do what he dreams of doing, and if he's anything like Harvey, he probably thinks he can do it better than you.
Rachel, Mike tendrá que verte hacer lo que siempre soñó y si se parece un poco a Harvey, tal vez crea que lo puede hacer mejor que tú.
- Sheila, you take that stand, and you're gonna say things that hurt us, which means Harvey is going to say things that hurt you and I will not be able to handle that.
- Sheila, si testificas, dirás cosas que van a lastimarnos, lo que significa que Harvey dirá cosas que te lastimarán y no podré soportarlo.
Harvey is not gonna care.
A Harvey eso no le importará.
If you really wanted to protect me, you wouldn't tell Harvey those things in the first place.
Si realmente quieres protegerme, no le dirías nada de esto a Harvey para empezar.
Our future is slipping away, and offering Jack name partner or praying to God that Harvey just gets Mike off the hook isn't gonna stop it from happening.
Nuestro futuro esta escapando, y ofreciendo Jack Nombre del socio o rezar a Dios para que Harvey Mike solo se pone fuera del gancho
Harvey can get you out of this.
Harvey se puede salir de esta.
Now, instead of telling me not to testify against you, why don't you think about testifying against Harvey?
Ahora, en lugar de decirle a mi no declarar en su contra, ¿ Por que no se piensa en testificar en contra de Harvey?
Harvey, it's late.
Harvey, que es tarde.
Harvey, we've been over this.
Harvey, ya hemos pasado por esto.
Okay, Harvey, you want to go?
De acuerdo, Harvey, quiere ir?
Harvey, unless you have something to overturn this,
Harvey, a menos que tenga algo para revertir esto,
Sorry, Harvey.
Lo sentimos, Harvey.
And Harvey wasn't gonna tell me because he's playing dirty.
Y Harvey no se va a decirme porque el esta jugando sucio.
You know what, Harvey?
Sabes que, Harvey?
Do you really think I should be the one up there fighting for my life, or do you think Harvey should be?
¿ De verdad cree que deberia ser la que hasta alli luchando por mi vida, o cree usted que debe ser Harvey?
Well, then I need to ask Benjamin to do something for us, and Harvey is really not gonna like it.
Bueno, entonces tengo que preguntar a Benjamin a hacer algo por nosotros, y Harvey no es realmente va a gustar.
- Harvey...
- Harvey...
Harvey has this ability to just shut off and not see you as a person anymore.
Harvey tiene esta capacidad que acaba de apagar y no te ven como una persona mas.
No, but what Harvey had to do to me today was brutal, and whoever ends up representing you has to do the same thing to Trevor.
No, pero lo que Harvey tenia que hacer para mi hoy fue brutal, y el que termina representando que tiene que ver lo mismo a Trevor.
But I hated Harvey while he was doing it to me, and they're going to hate you while you're doing it to Trevor.
Pero odiaba Harvey mientras estaba haciendo a mi, y van a odiarte mientras que lo estas haciendo a Trevor.
And, Mike, we can't have the jury hating you, but we can let them hate Harvey.
Y, Mike, no podemos tener el jurado que los odian, pero podemos dejar que ellos odian Harvey.
But if you were so good at your job, how would you allow someone who wasn't even on the interview list to get in a room alone with Harvey Specter?
Pero si eran tan buenos en su trabajo, ¿ como permitir que alguien que ni siquiera estaba en la lista de entrevistas para conseguir en una habitacion a solas con Harvey Specter?
He went to go and see Harvey.
Se fue a ir a ver a Harvey.
- I don't know, Harvey.
- No lo sé, Harvey.
Okay, you know what, Harvey?
Bien, ¿ sabes qué, Harvey?

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