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He'll be alright traducir español

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Yes.. well, he'll be alright in the morning.
Supongo que por la mañana ya estará bién.
He'll be alright.
- ¡ Suélteme!
he isn't our father not yet but tomorrow, he'll be no Never never never you know what I mean but you shouldn't say it that he's our father alright, step-father but that's no reason to get so upset
¡ No es nuestro padre! Ahora aún no... pero mañana... ¡ No, nunca, nunca, nunca!
He'll be alright.
- Se abrirá en el momento adecuado.
[Off] " He'll be alright.
Sólo tiene que dormir un poco.
Nah, he'll be alright.
Estará bien.
He'll be alright. We shouldn't have let him go back.
No debimos dejarle volver.
I ask to have the window halfway down... He'll reply it'll be alright for 10 minutes.
Pido abrir la ventana... y él responde que concuerda por 10 minutos.
Father Sierra says he'll be alright.
EI padre Sierra dice que no Ie pasará nada.
Because Guido is a prisoner. Alright. But who knows when he'll be back.
Guido es un prisionero, está bien, pero quién sabe cuándo lo dejarán volver.
He's a depressive, he'll be alright after a little rest.
Es depresivo. Estará bien tras un poco de descanso.
He'll be alright for the time being.
Se pondrá bien, por ahora.
- Well, he lost a lot of blood... and they had to probe pretty deeply, but he'll be alright.
- Bueno, perdió mucha sangre... y tuvieron que examinarlo a fondo pero se pondrá bien.
Sure, he'll be alright.
- Claro, se pondrá bien.
- He'll be alright in a week or so.
- Pronto se pondrá bien.
She'll be alright... I just talked to her a bit and she stopped crying.
Lo he tranquilizado.
I suppose he'll be alright, don't you?
Espero que no le pase nada.
He'll be alright, Carlos.
No Ie va a pasar nada.
Critical, but they think he'll be alright.
Grave, pero creen que sobrevivirá.
He'll be alright.
Estará bien.
But he'll be alright as soon as I get him to a hospital.
Se pondrá bien en cuanto lleguemos al hospital.
He'll be alright, if he doesn't take to the drop. Well, I mustn't speak too bad of me own flesh and blood.
Yo no me preocuparía mientras no se dé a la bebida.
He'll be alright.
Nada en absoluto.
And he'll be right there! - Alright, but...
Y él acude raudo a su servicio.
He has fainted, He ´ ll be alright soon.
Se ha desvanecido, enseguida se recupera.
He'll be alright.
No pasará nada.
He'll get a crew alright, whether they're any good or not, will be up to Mr. Kennedy.
Conseguirlo si, pero si es bueno o malo es un problema de Señor Kennedy.
He'll be alright for quite a while now!
¡ Ahora se tirará un rato tranquilo!
- If he finds shelter, he'll be alright!
- Si encuentra refugio, estará bien.
He'll be alright.
Estará bién.
Don't worry, he'll be alright in a day or two.
No se asuste, señorita, mi puño extiende, pero no mata.
- Alright, where is he? - He'll be here.
Esta bien ¿ Donde esta?
- Don't worry about Jeff. He'll be alright.
Se tragarán lo de Hank.
He'll be quite alright, I assure you.
No le pasará nada, se lo aseguro.
He'll be alright.
Todo irá bien.
OK i'll go but tell him... tell him clearly the test came back negative and what's more he'll be alright
Muy bien, iré. Pero dígale... Dígale claramente que los resultados han sido negativos y que se pondrá bien.
He'll be alright.
Se pondrá bien.
He's wounded, but don't worry Ara, he'll be alright.
Está herido, pero no te preocupes Ara, va a estar bien.
I think he'll be alright.
Creo que valdrá.
Don't worry. He'll be alright.
Tranquila, Paul estará bien.
Don't worry about your son, he'll be alright.
No se preocupe por su hijo, saldrá adelante.
"I've already sent you the airplane ticket, " I'll be able to hold you in my arms in just a few days, "that's alright?"
Ya te he enviado los billetes de avión... y en unos días te tendré en mis brazos that's alright? "
Oh, he'll be alright for a while. Have you placed guards?
Oh, estará bien por un rato. ¿ Has puesto guardias?
So long as he's in the protective field, he'll be alright.
Mientras... esté en el campo de protección, va a estar bien.
He'll be alright, it's nothing.
Se pondrá bien, no es nada.
He'll be alright, just keep him here!
- Está bien, sólo mantenlo aquí.
After a rest he'll be alright.
Se pondrá bien cuando descanse.
Man Ting can help me out with the business I am in charge here, I'll only have to tell the boss when he returns and it will be alright
Man Ting puede ayudarme con el negocio. Estoy a cargo acá, solamente tendré que... decirle al jefe cuando vuelva y todo estará bien.
Relax, he'll be alright.
Calma, todo irá bien.
Alright, I know I've made a lot of passes at you. But take me to Bermuda, I'll be the perfect gentleman.
Está bien, ya sé que te he intentado seducir antes, pero llévame a las Bermudas, seré el caballero ideal.
Small matters like this are no big deal. He'll be alright, sis.
No te preocupues, tiene razón.

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