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He'll be back soon traducir español

307 traducción paralela
He'll be back soon.
Ya volverá.
He'll be back soon, darling.
Pronto volverá, cariño...
- No, dear, he'll be back soon.
No, cariño. Regresará pronto.
He and Crocker are out on a show. ─ He'll be back pretty soon.
- Está con Crocker, haciendo piruetas.
- He'll be back soon.
- Volverá después.
Don't be silly, he'll be back soon.
No seas ridícula. Pronto volverá.
He'll be back pretty soon.
No tardará en volver.
He'll be back from school soon.
Volverá pronto de la escuela.
I mean, I suppose he'll be back soon.
Supongo que volverá pronto.
Minagawa-san went out for a bit, but he'll be back soon.
El Sr. Minagawa ha salido un poco, pero volverá pronto.
I have to go now, but I'll be back soon.
No tengo tiempo. He de darme prisa. - Volveré enseguida.
But I'm sure he'll be back soon.
Pero seguro que regresará pronto.
Soon he'll be back and after what happened, he will be suspicious.
Pronto volverá y después de lo sucedido, ya sospecha.
Yes, but he'll be back soon, I'm pretty sure.
Sí, pero volverá enseguida, estoy seguro.
- He left with Lalah-Poor. - They'll be back soon.
Ha salido con Lalah Poor, tiene que volver.
No, but he'll be back soon.
No, pero volverá pronto.
He'll be back soon.
Volverá pronto.
They took him to Australia. But I think he'll be back soon.
Lo enviaron a Australia... pero regresará pronto.
- Mr. Travet is in the archive, he'll be back soon.
Monsù Travet está en secretaría, pero viene enseguida.
It seems he'll be out soon. Maybe when he'll be back the mill will be ready.
- Parece que saldrá pronto, y cuando vuelva, encontrará el molino arreglado.
He'll soon learn it's not play, and it won't be long till you notice him cocking an ear back to hear what's coming up behind.
Pronto aprenderá que no es broma, no pasará mucho antes de que notes que levanta la oreja a ver qué viene atrás.
He'll be back soon and we shall know all about it.
Volverá pronto y nos lo contará todo.
- He'll be back soon.
- Ya vuelve.
No, but he'll be back quite soon, I expect.
No. Pero creo que volverá pronto.
- Well, maybe he'll be back soon. - Maybe?
- Tal vez vuelva pronto.
- He'll be back soon.
- Volverá pronto.
- I'm sure he'll be back soon.
- Estoy seguro de que volverá pronto.
But believe me, he'll be back soon.
Pero créame, volverá pronto.
He's out snooping, he'll be back soon.
A ido a su ronda. Va a volver.
He'll be back soon.
Regresará pronto.
Major Cummings said he'll be back soon.
El Mayor Cummings dijo que estaría pronto de vuelta.
I'm sure he'll be back soon.
Sí, pero ya no creo que tarde mucho.
That he's fine, they feed them well, and he'll be back soon.
Dice que se encuentra bien, lo alimentan bien y que volverá pronto.
Just hang around, he'll be back soon.
Quédate, que volverá pronto.
I don't think he'll be back any time soon, he was leaving with all his suitcases.
Tengo la impresión de que no volverá pronto, porque se ha ido con las maletas.
~ Do you think he'll be back soon?
- ¿ Tú crees que llegará pronto?
He'll be back soon.
Tuvo que salir.
Are you sure that will be out soon, he'll be back?
¿ Estás seguro de que estará fuera poco tiempo, de que volverá?
He'll be back soon.
Pronto volverá.
He says he'll be back soon :
Dice que pronto vendrá
He's been gone ages. He'll be back soon.
- Debe ser antigua. ¡ Regresará pronto!
There will be the summer holidays soon. He'll be back then.
Pronto serán las vacaciones de verano, y volverá.
Well, that'll be his decision. As soon as he gets back.
Eso lo decidirá él en cuanto vuelva.
Cheer up, Jan. He'll be back soon.
Quién quiere regresar aquí Para el aeropuerto.
He's with the lambs, but he'll be back soon.
Está con los corderos pero llegará pronto.
Hey, he'll be wantin'me back again soon as the real trouble starts.
Hey, estará esperando a que vuelva en cuanto comiencen los verdaderos problemas.
The owner of this house, Sir Cavalier. He'll be back soon.
El propietario de esta casa, El Cavalier, volverá pronto.
- Has Callum brought my parcel? - He'll be back soon, Mr. Hanson.
- ¿ Ha llegado Callum con mi paquete?
He'll be back as soon as he can, sir.
Volverá tan pronto como pueda, señor.
I hope he'll be back soon.
Espero que vuelva pronto.
Don't worry, he'll be back soon, with money in his purse from Ujaninagar
No te preocupes, volverá pronto de Ujaninagar, con dinero en su monedero.

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