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He'll come around traducir español

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Looks like he'll come around soon.
Parece que se recuperará pronto.
You both think he'll come around. Compromise, anyway.
Pensáis que volverá, que se comprometerá.
I'll shoot the daylights out of anybody - British, Indian or American - that thinks he can come around here monkeying in my business.
Dispararía a cualquiera, británicos, indios o americanos, que interfiriesen en eso.
- Don't worry, he'll come around.
- Tranquilo, ya verás como cede.
I'm sure that he'll come around alright.
Sin embargo, estoy seguro de que todo se arreglará.
He'll come around.
Se convencerá.
Oh, I think he'll come around.
- Acabará confesando.
But maybe he'll come around.
Pero puede que regrese.
He may come sometime. I don't think he'll be around for a while.
- Podría venir en algún momento.
He'll be here around 7 : 30, why don't you come back then.
Llegará sobre las 7 : 30, Vuelva sobre esa hora.
He'll come around shortly, milady.
Se recobrará enseguida, miladi.
~ Tell him to come around, he'll understand.
Dígale que se deje ver, él entenderá.
Well, think I'll go around the block and come back before he wakes up. Why not?
Creo que daré una vuelta y volveré antes de que despierte.
If he is, come January there will be so many indictments flying around, we'll think it's snowing. Mm-hm.
Si lo hace, en enero habrá tantas acusaciones volando que creeremos que está nevando.
And he'll come around here like this.
Vendrá así.
He'll wander around the block and come home.
Dará vueltas por el barrio y volverá a casa.
He'll come around in a few hours.
Despertará dentro de unas horas.
In ten minutes, he'll come around to a kind of twilight sleep.
Dentro de diez minutos estará sedado pero consciente.
Then he'll come around and tell you all about it.
Luego reaccionará y te contará toda la historia.
Albert still hasn't gotten over it, but he'll come around.
Albert todavía no se ha sobrepuesto, pero vendrá.
Maybe he'll come around to claim it.
Quizá venga a reclamarlo.
After what you've done for this town, don't worry, he'll come around.
Después de lo que has hecho por esta ciudad no debes preocuparte.
For sure he won't like it at first, but he'll gradually come around.
Seguro no le va a gustar al comienzo, pero poco a poco va a comprender.
He'll come around a few hours later and apologize...
¡ Vendrá unas horas después a pedirte perdón!
You just leave him be and he'll come mooching around your dad and your dad will take care of him.
Déjalo y le babeará a tu padre, y él se ocupará del perro.
- He'll come around. I know he will.
Lo hará, sé que lo hará.
- I guarantee he'll come around.
Garantizo que lo hará.
He'll come around.
Lo entenderá.
But he'll come around.
Pero se le pasará.
He'll come around.
Lo hará.
He'll come around in a minute.
Despertará en un minuto.
I'll have my designer come around and see what he can do with it.
Voy a mi diseñador entrar en razón y ver lo que puede hacer con él.
Look, hon... don't worry about Ed. He'll come around.
Oye, querida no te preocupes por Ed entrará en razón.
I mean, he'll come around eventually.
Ya cambiará de opinión.
He'll come around.
Lo comprenderá.
Don't worry, he'll come around.
No te preocupes, cambiará de opinión.
He'll come around.
El se ajustara.
We're just going to give him a little time, he'll come around.
Si le damos tiempo, se le pasará.
He'll come around.
Ya se recuperará.
Dr. Pearl, well, he'll come around, and he'll learn like ron and sheila and i have learned that corky has a vision.
El Dr. Pearl aprenderá a ver las cosas como nosotros aprenderá como lo hicimos Ron, Sheila y yo que Corky tiene visión.
He'll come around.
Nos entenderemos.
He'll kill you if you come around here.
- Te matará si viene... - Calla, Bernice.
The shrink on the base says eventually he'll come around.
El psicólogo de la base dice que en el futuro lo entenderá.
Oh, he'll come around.
Ya dará el paso.
He'll come back. I know he will. You can't be around.
No puedes estar aquí, arruinarás todo.
He ´ ll come around.
Ya se enterará.
He'll come around.
Ya se dará cuenta.
Give him a few days, he'll come around.
Dale unos días para recuperarse.
- He'll come around.
- Cambiará de opinión.
Give Crichton a few more cycles. He'll come around.
Dale a Crichton unos pocos ciclos más.
I said, "Give him time, Duncan, he'll come around".
Le dije : ... "Dale tiempo, Duncan. Algún día Io hará".

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