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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ H ] / He's coming around

He's coming around traducir español

196 traducción paralela
- He's coming around now.
- Se está despejando.
He's coming around.
- No, está despertando.
He's coming around the other way.
Viene por la otra puerta.
He's coming around the shed.
Está tras aquel cobertizo de allí.
I think from something he said to me, he's finally coming around.
Por algo que me dijo, creo que finalmente se convenció.
He's coming around now.
Está volviendo en sí.
He's turning around and coming back!
Ahora da media vuelta con la lancha. ¡ Ya regresa!
Jake Willis is coming to see you, and he's the best trainer around.
Jake Willis viene a verte. Es el mejor entrenador que hay.
He's coming around.
Ya vuelve en sí.
He's coming around on his last lap.
Acaba su primera vuelta.
- He's coming around, sir. - Kluggs!
Vuelve en sí, señor.
He's coming around on his feeling for you.
Están creciendo sus sentimientos por ti.
You turn around, and run this way and you see Milano eating parsley he's not here, he's in his place the rose is coming up and the carnation is fading away... She's dead!
abriendo la rosa y cerrando elclavel, iEstá muerta!
I think he's coming around.
Creo que está reponiéndose.
He's coming around broadside.
Ya empieza a virar.
He's coming around, Bufferton.
Está volviendo, Bufferton.
He's coming around again.
Allí viene de nuevo.
He's coming around.
Está volviendo en sí.
- He's coming around.
- Empieza a despertar.
He's coming around, doctor.
Vuelve en sí, doctor.
He's coming around
Está volviendo en sí.
He's coming around...
Ya se despierta.
He's coming around the side!
¡ Viene por este lado!
What's he coming poking around?
¿ Qué viene a husmear por aquí?
He's always moping around, coming in here for tuna fish.
Siempre está quejándose, y viene aquí a comer atún.
- He's coming around.
- Está despertando.
- He's coming around.
- Vuelve en sí.
Well, I believe Ted's alive, and he's coming back so I'll probably be married then and that will be far more easy and proper all around.
Bueno, creo que Ted está vivo, y él va a regresar. probablemente estaré casada entonces y que será mucho más fácil y adecuado a su alrededor.
He's coming around 6 : 30. Don't go out!
Viene alrededor de las 6 : 30. ¡ No salgas!
I don't know when he's coming back! If you assholes want to wait around, fine.
No sé cuándo volverá ni si lo hará.
He's probably just coming around the corner, down the stairs now.
Él es probablemente procedentes de todo la esquina, ahora por las escaleras.
He's coming around, Baron.
Está volviendo en sí.
Steubens was unconscious for a while, but he's coming around.
Steubens estuvo inconciente pero está volviendo en si.
Yes? When we were cleaning out Dr. Lecktor's cell, he heard us coming and hid something in a book. We got him out of there and dug around.
Cuando estábamos limpiando su celda, el Dr. Lecktor escondió algo en un libro.
- He's coming around.
- Ya vuelve en sí.
He's coming around on our tail!
¡ Viene por atrás de nuestra cola!
MacGyver! He's coming around.
MacGyver, ya vuelve en sí.
Around the clubhouse turn, lord Kensington is coming up fast on the inside. He's making his move. ... heavy rains, he's taken the lead.
Continúa Lord Kensington de líder, seguido por Curiously y Heavy Rains... y recortando distancias, Don.
He's always coming around here trying to get bribes.
Siempre viene por aquí para que le sobornen.
We're coming home and he's coming around the corner with his sea bag.
Ibamos llegando a casa y él doblaba la esquina con su bolso marinero.
- He's coming around.
- Está volviendo en sí.
Yeah. He was a little stiff, but he's coming around.
Sí, era apretado, pero ya se aflojó.
When he's coming around, you get out of the way.
Se quedan ahí parados.
He's coming around!
¡ Se libró del cerdo!
I think he's coming around.
Parece que reacciona.
He's circling our flank, coming around us.
Está cercando nuestro flanco, viniendo hacia nosotros.
I think he's coming around.
Creo que viene por aquí.
He's coming around.
Ahí despierta.
He's coming around.
Vuelve en sí.
He's coming around, he's saved.
Ya le vuelve el color, está salvado, vamos.
He's only coming for two years. He works his way around the family.
Se va a quedar aquí sólo 2 añosél circula por la familia.

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