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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ H ] / He's coming over here

He's coming over here traducir español

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- What's he coming over here for?
- ¿ Qué es lo que quiere?
- He's coming over here.
- Por ahí viene.
He's coming over here tomorrow.
Viene mañana.
He's coming over here.
El viene hacia aquí.
So he's coming over here, huh?
Así que viene hacia aquí, ¿ no?
Well, he's calling on the phone, not coming over here.
Bueno, él llamará por teléfono, no vendrá por aquí.
And he's been all over Europe, looked at every Princess and turned down every one of them, and now he's coming here to you.
Ha recorrido Europa para conocer a todas las princesas y ninguna le ha gustado. Ahora viene aquí por ti.
Yes, he's coming over here later.
Sí, más tarde estará aquí.
Michael, he's coming over here!
iMichael, viene para aquà ­!
Hey, he's coming over here!
Oye, que viene!
- He's coming. Over here!
- Ya llega. ¡ Aquí!
He's coming over here, Martha.
Viene hacia nosotros, Martha.
I think he's coming over here!
¡ Creo que viene hacia acá!
This group he belongs to, the Attila Circle it's just a bunch of little old guys who drag out the picket signs whenever some dimwit Communist diplomat makes the mistake of coming over here.
El grupo al que pertenece es el Círculo Attila un grupo de vejetes que sacan pancartas cada vez que un diplomático comunista...
He's coming over here.
Viene hacia aquí.
He's coming over here.
Él viene para acá.
He's coming over here.
Se nos acerca.
He's coming over here.
Viene para acá.
All Dad said was that he's coming over here with big news.
Todos lo que papá fue que va a venir con una gran noticia.
I thought you said he's coming over here for something.
Creí que dijiste que vendría para algo.
He's coming over here.
Está viniendo aquí.
He's coming over here.
Se está acercando.
- No, I swear to God, he's coming over here right now!
No, te lo juro. Viene hacia acá.
- He told me... to tell you to wait here for him, that he's coming over.
- Dice que le espere aquí, que ya viene.
He's coming over here.
Ahi viene.
He's coming over here.
Viene aquí.
I think he's coming over here.
Creo que está viniendo hacía aquí.
My God, Deb, he's coming over here.
Dios mío, Deb, se está acercando.
Oh, my God, he's coming over here.
Dios mío, viene hacia aquí.
Yeah I think it's been getting better over the last 20 years that I've been coming here. Yeah.
Ha mejorado en los últimos 20 años que he estado viniendo.
So he's gonna wander in here with some Johnny-come-lately bullshit... about how these girls are all coming over here as prostitutes... talking about how if they ain't got the cash to travel better than a container ship... then they sure don't have the money for a plastic surgeon.
Y viene aquí con alguna mierda de última hora sobre cómo esas chicas venían para acá como prostitutas dirá que si no tenían dinero para viajar mejor que en un contenedor es seguro que no tenían dinero para un cirujano plástico.
Shit, dude, he's coming over here.
Mierda, hombre. Viene para acá.
He's coming over here at 5 : 00 to tell us, but he wants to get paid first.
Pero quiere que le paguemos primero.
And I know you must feel lonely... because he's gone, but, uh... you can't keep coming over here.
Y sé que debes sentirte sola... porque se ha ido, pero, uh... no puedes seguir viviendo aquí.
Well, he's coming over here tomorrow morning to discuss Rory's case.
Bueno, vendrá mañana por la mañana para discutir el caso de Rory.
He's coming over here.
Pudimos aprender algo del muchacho.
- Oh, well, you better say something'cause he's coming over here.
Bueno, mejor que digas algo porque viene hacia aquí.
You're right, he's coming over here.
Tienes razón, viene para acá.
Oh, my God, he's coming over here.
¡ Dios mío! ¡ Viene para acá!
He's coming over here.
Está viniendo hacia aquí.
He's coming. Just come over here, I'll lift you through.
Sólo ven aquí, yo te ayudaré.
Come on, he's coming right over here.
Vamos, el viene para aqui.
- He's coming over here.
- Viene para acá.
- He's coming over here.
- Viene hacia aquí.
He's coming over here.
Viene hacia acá.
- Go for it. He's coming over here. How do I look?
- Viene hacia aquí. ¿ Cómo luzco?
He's coming over here soon.
Él estará aquí pronto.
Because he's taking out your friend and then coming over here to have sex with you.
Porque siendo tu amigo viene aquí para tener sexo contigo.
Ray's friends are here He didn't tell me they were coming over
Están las amigas de Ray. Él no me dijo que vendrían.
You can take him home, but he's coming over here again. Adrian can hold my son if and when I want her to hold him.
Puedes llevarlo a casa, pero va a volver a venir aquí y Adrian puede sostener a mi hijo cuando yo quiera.
When's he coming over here?
- ¿ Cuándo va a venir?

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