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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ H ] / He's coming this way

He's coming this way traducir español

91 traducción paralela
- Look! He's coming this way.
Se dirige hacia aquí.
Oh Lisa, viene hacia aquí.
It's better this way... every time he opens his door, every time he hears footsteps coming round the corner Laredo starts sweating, thinking it's me. ... his food won't set well for the rest of his life.
A ver qué te parece, cada vez que abra Ia puerta o escuche unos pasos que se aproximan, Laredo empezará a sudar pensando que soy yo, muerto de miedo el resto de su vida.
He's coming over this way now.
Ahora viene hacia aquí.
He's coming this way.
Viene hacia aquí.
He ain't coming this way, that's for sure.
Lo que está claro es que no va a pasar por aquí.
You turn around, and run this way and you see Milano eating parsley he's not here, he's in his place the rose is coming up and the carnation is fading away... She's dead!
abriendo la rosa y cerrando elclavel, iEstá muerta!
He's coming this way!
¡ Viene por aquí!
But he's coming this way.
Pero él está viniendo.
Susy, he's coming this way.
Susy, viene hacia aquí.
He's coming this way.
Viene para acá.
He's coming this way.
Viene hacia acá.
Son of bitches. He's coming back this way.
El hijo de puta está volviendo.
- But he's coming this way.
- Pero está viniendo para acá.
He's coming this way with a boy he hopes will kill Fafner for him.
Conduce hacia aquí a un joven que debe matar a Fafner por el
He's coming this way.
Él viene de esta manera.
He's coming this way
viene hacia nosotros.
He's coming this way.
Se dirige a nosotros.
Oh, he's coming this way, Peg.
Oh, viene hacia acá, Peg.
By the way, Mr. Lamberg wanted you to know that he's Very well aware of your re-election campaign coming up this spring.
A propósito, el Sr. Lamberg quería que supieras que está muy enterado de su campaña de re-elección que entra en esta primavera.
He's good and he's coming this way.
Es bueno y viene hacia aquí.
He's coming this way.
Viene hacia quí.
He's coming this way.
Viene hacia aquí
I think he's coming this way.
Creo que viene hacia aquí.
( man ) He's coming this way!
- ¡ Viene hacia acá!
You know, how do you know he's coming this way?
¿ Cómo sabes que va a pasar por aquí?
He's coming this way!
- Disculpa.
The bull enters the ring, he charges this way, he's coming, and then... domingo, do you ever get scared when you're in there?
El toro entra al ruedo, carga por acá... se viene y entonces... Domingo, ¿ alguna vez tienes miedo cuando estás ahí?
Oh! Milhouse is selling seeds, and he's coming this way -
Milhouse está vendiendo semillas y viene para acá.
- He's coming this way, to the lab.
¡ Al laboratorio!
t any. He? s also coming this way.
Él viene aquí también.
Mr. Stein is back and he's coming this way
Volvió Mr. Stein y viene para acá.
- He's coming this way.
- Viene hacia aquí.
Grace, you are way over-reacting to this. He's right. Besides, you should've seen this coming, Grace.
Quisiera saber vodoo, para convertirla en calamar.
That's Kneecaps Swanney. Oh, and he's coming this way.
Ese es Rompe Rodillas Swanney y viene hacia aquí.
I've had word he's coming down this way.
Me han dicho que está viniendo para aquí.
He's coming this way.
Viene hacia aquí. No te muevas.
- He's coming this way!
- ¡ Viene por ese lado!
God, he's coming this way. Don't turn.
Ahí viene
I don't know what you boys did to him, but he called first thing this morning... saying there's no way he's ever coming back here.
No sé lo que hicieron, pero ha llamado diciendo que no vuelve ni en broma.
He's coming this way.
Bernard, ¿ qué hacemos? Está viniendo.
- He's coming this way.
- Viene para acá.
He's coming this way!
¡ Viene para acá!
The bull enters the ring, he charges this way, he's coming, and then...
El toro entra al ruedo, carga por acá... se viene y entonces...
He's coming this way, sir.
Viene para acá, señor
# but he's lame # # it's like we do best # # coming all the way from the U.S. To japan # # overseas, I oversee who knows is me # # this is the man #
# Es como lo que hacemos mejor # # desde Estados Unidos hasta Japón. # # En el extranjero superviso a quien me conoce. # # Este es el hombre. #
- He's coming this way!
- ¡ Viene para acá!
And he's coming this way. What do I do?
Y viene hacia acá. ¿ Qué hago?
He's coming this way
Viene en camino
- If this thing goes bad and Opie has to go down that road, there's no way he's coming back.
- Si esto va mal... y Opie va por ese camino, no hay forma de que vuelva.
He's coming back this way.
Él volverá por este camino.

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