He's good at it traducir español
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And he's very good at it too.
Y sabe hacerlo muy bien.
Or maybe it's because he was so good at what he was doin'.
O tal vez por que era muy bueno en lo que hacía.
After all, if he's a good agent, and she's a bargain at the price... why should you object to her getting some dough out of it?
Él es un buen agente, y ella es barata a ese precio... ¿ por qué objetas que ella saque provecho?
He knows that it took billions of years to put it here and if we keep taking it at this rate before long, there won't be any oil left in the good old U.S.A.
Él sabe que tardó millones de años en formarse y si continuaba perforando a ese ritmo no quedaría petróleo en EE.UU.
When he's taken at random and shot... his next-door neighbor will think, "It does a man no good to obey." He might as well die fighting.
Pero cuando los fusilan sin razón... los demás filipinos piensan que es mucho mejor... morir peleando por los suyos.
He claims he's a songwriter, but he's just no good at it.
Él dice ser compositor, pero no es bueno para eso.
It? s good he? s dead, at least we can get a good look at him.
Es bueno que esté muerto, por lo menos podemos echar una buena mirada.
He's been at it long enough to get good.
Pues ya ha tenido tiempo para aprender.
And the worst of it is he's so good at everything.
Lo malo es que lo hace todo muy bien.
He's getting pretty good at it, isn't he?
Lo hace muy bien, ¿ verdad?
If he's a hypocrite, he ought to be a good one and not get caught at it.
Si es un hipócrita, debe de ser bueno para que no le pillen.
Got enough lived land around so's a fella could make out real good... farming. If he worked at it.
Tiene suficiente tierra fértil alrededor para que uno pueda... cultivar... si se dedicara a eso.
He's good at it
Él es muy bueno.
It's just that I've been taking a good look at myself...
Es que he estado pensando en mí mismo...
It's not his fault he can't get to bed at night because he got a bunch of crazy, loudmouth, good-for-nothing people, running their mouths in what's supposed to be his bedroom after 10 : 00 at night.
No es su culpa si no puede acostarse porque tenga un montón de locos, charlatanes y buenos para nada que parlotean en su supuesta habitación luego de las 10 de la noche.
Arithmetic, who cares if he's not so good at it?
Aritmética ¿ a quién le importa sí no es bueno en ella?
I'm new at this job, but it's not good to talk that way to a US senator, even if he is an idiot.
Soy nuevo en este trabajo, pero no es bueno hablar así a un senador de los EE.
He's a drinker, a carouser, and i have it on good authority that his relationships with his students are questionable at best.
Es un bebedor, un juerguista, y sé de buena tinta que sus relaciones con los estudiantes son cuestionables.
And he's darn good at it.
Y se le da muy bien.
It's a good idea, Jim, but anyone looking at him can tell he's healthy.
Es una buena idea, Jim, pero quien lo vea sabrá que está sano.
He's gettin'at it real good.
Le está yendo muy bien.
He's damn good at it.
Y lo hace muy bien.
- The thing that's so good about this box is, at night, he can use it as his house.
Lo bueno de esta caja es que, de noche, le servirá de casa.
Because he's good at it.
Porque se le da bien.
He's good at it. But I am not Ipppolit.
- Realmente, no soy Hipólito.
Now, June, if he's convicted, it's good for one to five years, and the D.A. has set the bail at $ 10,000 on a Sunday, the bastard!
June, si le condenan, la pena es de 1 a 5 años. Además, el fiscal del distrito pide una fianza de 10.000 dólares, - y en domingo.
He's good at it.
Es bueno para eso.
He's a good guy at heart, even if none of you can see it. You're blind, Franz, in both eyes.
En realidad él es una buena persona aún cuando ninguno de vosotros lo sepa reconocer.
But as long as he says he's against it, then I think we have to support him. Because he'll have to make good on that campaign promise for at least a few months and that might give us time to strengthen the anti-war coalition.
Pero mientras diga que está en contra, creo que hay que apoyarle, porque tendrá que cumplir esa promesa electoral... durante unos cuantos meses que nos darán tiempo... a reforzar la coalición contra la guerra.
Well, you know already, tomorrow, his house at 8. Don't miss it, because he's a man of good habits.
Bueno ya sabes, mañana a las ocho en su casa, y no faltes porque es un tío muy bien acostumbrado.
Your boy's good at splitting rock. You may not believe it, but I've seen him.
"Es muy bueno, tu chico, como rompe las rocas, puede que no lo creas, pero lo he visto."
He's a good worker. But you guys came at the wrong time of the year. It's the wrong season.
Es un buen trabajador, pero... vienes en un mal momento, no es la temporada.
Carl's real good at wrecking things, but when it comes to fixing them... he's just all thumbs.
Carl es bueno arruinando las cosas... pero cuando hay que arreglarlas... es un inútil.
He's really quite good at it.
Y lo hace bastante bien.
He's quite good at it, don't you think?
Lo hace bien, ¿ no crees?
Odia perder. Pero es tan bueno haciéndolo.
I'm sure he's good at it, but I'm worried.
Estoy segura que él es bueno con eso, pero estoy preocupada.
- He's good at it.
- Y cómo fastidia.
Maybe that's why he's good at it.
Talvés por eso es que es bueno en esto.
So I did, a good round sum and he agreed at once. You see I've always wanted to travel around the world if I could. It's a legacy left to me by my dear Mortimer.
Así lo hice, una buena suma de dinero, y accedió de inmediato vea usted, yo siempre quise viajar alrededor del mundo, si podía hacerlo es un legado dejado a mí, por mi querido Mortimer sin embargo, nunca pudimos realizarla.
It's just that, if I'm totally honest with myself... I think I'd rather die knowing that I was really good at something.
Lo que pasa es que, si soy honesto conmigo mismo, preferiría morir sabiendo que he sido realmente bueno en alguna otra cosa.
- He's pretty good at it, isn't he?
Es muy bueno, ¿ verdad?
It's death to me to be at enmity ;..... I hate it and desire all good men's love.
Me alegro. A mí, la enemistad me mata, me enferma. Siempre he buscado el amor de todos los hombres buenos.
Gambling is the finest thing a person can do if he's good at it.
Apostar es lo mejor que puedes hacer, si sabes cómo hacerlo.
He seems to be a good person... captured by Maria's intense passion... which often springs forth to surprise me at any moment... captured by her beauty and seductive charms... and, most likely, captured by his own need... to suck love from those who are too wounded to give it freely.
El parece una buena persona... capturado por la intensa pasión de Maria... la que me sorprende a menudo cuando se manifiesta... capturado por su belleza y sus seductores encantos... y seguramente, capturado por su necesidad... absorber el amor de aquellos que están demasiado heridos para darlo líbremente.
And he's very good at figuring out when a conspiracy is taking place and tracking it back to its source.
Puede descubrir si se gesta una conspiracion y rastrear su fuente.
And now that I've found something that I'm good at, it's like the pressure's off.
Y ahora que he encontrado algo que se me da bien, es como si no hubiera presión.
Bobby's never stalked anyone before, and he's not very good at it.
Bobby nunca antes había acosado a nadie, y no le sale muy bien.
He's just not particularly good at showing it.
No es particularmente bueno demostrándolo.
It's not that he's good with cards or even good at counting them.
No es que sea bueno con las cartas, ni que sea bueno para contarlas.
At fourteen he was at a local comprehensive school I think it's a very good idea to have competition otherwise you might start to relax and not try hard enough being in Set One is very very hard to keep up with the leaders
A los 14 años, estaba en una escuela secundaria local yo creo que es bueno que haya competencia porque si no, uno se puede relajar y no se esfuerza en el grupo 1 es muy dificil seguir el ritmo de los lideres
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he's my best friend 106
he's gone 2224
he's a doctor 159
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he's back 468
he's my dad 94
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