He's in love traducir español
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He may be dating Edie, but everyone can see he's still in love with Gabby.
Aunque salga con Edie, es evidente que sigue enamorado de Gabby.
So the fool thinks he's in love. He gaves me an engagement ring.
Así que el idiota pensó que me quería Me dio un anillo de compromiso
It's not because he was in love with Jake.
No es porque estuviera enamorado de Jake.
He's not in love with me.
No me ama más a mí.
You know, he's look at me with this... This love in his eyes.
Sabe, el me miraba con este... amor en sus ojos.
He's practically in love with me already.
Ya casi se ha enamorado de mí.
Dude, if we get your dad drunk enough, he's gonna be able to see past your mother's looks... past her skin, all that eczema and shit. He's gonna fall in love with her all over again, buddy.
Si emborrachamos a tu padre, no le importará lo fea que es tu madre su piel, su eczema y demás y se enamorará de nuevo de ella.
I know you were in love, but he's getting married to another chick, ok?
Se que estabas enamorada, pero él se casara con otra,
Yeah, well, if he's so in love with me, why did he fuck Darryl Hannah's stand-in?
Bueno, si está tan enamorado ¿ por qué se acostó con la doble de Darryl Hannah?
Other than the fact that he's in love with my wife.
Aparte del hecho de que está enamorado de mi mujer.
He's crazy... Pathetic... In love.
Está loco... patético enamorado.
He's still in love with you.
Todavía te ama.
Siento que he encontrado mucha más belleza en la vida, en m í desde que me casé.
He's the only one I've ever been in love with.
- Lo amas. Nunca estuve enamorada de otro.
He's in love with you, and you're the only one he's ever loved.
Está enamorado de ti, nunca amó a otra.
Straight from the arena, he came in here to have some drinks and to chill, but I twisted his arm and he's gonna give us some love from his new album.
Directo de la arena, vino aquí para tomarse algo y relajarse pero yo le torcí el brazo y el va a darnos un poco de su amor desde su nuevo álbum.
He's in love with me.
Está enamorado de mi.
He said he's really sorry, and that he would love to have you in there, but he just can't bend the rules.
Dice que lo siente mucho y, que le encantaría que estuvieras ahí, pero... no puede... saltarse las reglas.
- He's in love with Goehring.
- Está enamorado de Goehring.
Why? Because every once in a while... every once in a while, two people meet and there's that spark, and yes, Bones, he's handsome and she's beautiful and maybe that's all they see at first, but making love... making love... that's when two people become one.
Porque de vez en cuando de vez en cuando, dos personas se conocen y hay una chispa y sí, Huesitos, él es apuesto y ella es hermosa y tal vez sea todo lo que vean al principio pero hacer el amor hacer el amor es cuando dos personas se convierten en una.
Didn't Willard know he's in love with you?
¿ Acaso Willard no sabe que está enamorado de ti?
He's still deeply in love with his wife, she's wasting her time.
Porque el señor de Marigny continúa enamorado de su mujer, ella esta perdiendo su tiempo.
He gets laid. She falls in love. He's dead within a week.
Se acuestan, ella se enamora y él se muere en una semana.
And so, she did all in her power to prevent the prince from ever meeting the one special maiden with whom he would share true love's kiss.
De modo que hizo todo lo que estaba a su alcance para evitar que el príncipe conociera a la doncella especial con la que él...
Yeah, well, if he's so in love with me, then why did he fuck Daryl Hannah's stand-in?
Bueno, si está tan enamorado, ¿ por qué se acostó con la doble de Darryl Hannah?
people love guns... because America is a land of opportunity... where a poor man can become rich and a pussy can become a tough guy... if he's got a gun in his hand.
No, Hertz, la gente ama las pistolas porque Estados Unidos es la tierra de las oportunidades donde un pobre se puede volver rico y un maricón se puede volver un tipo duro si tiene una pistola en la mano.
- He makes out with you, but he's in love with Camilla.
- Se besuquea contigo, pero está enamorado de Camilla.
If it's any comfort to you they say that when a European is in love, he gets married, but when an Arab is in love he marries someone else.
Si te sirve de consuelo, dicen que, cuando un europeo se enamora, se casa, pero un árabe se casa con otra.
This guy say he's in love.
Este hombre dice que está enamorado.
He's the one she's really in love with.
Ella está enamorada de él.
I'm very much in love with John. And he's in love with me.
Estoy muy enamorada de John y él de mí.
He's in love with that sluggy hunk of silicone.
Él está enamorado de esa ociosa pieza de silicona.
He's completely in love with his little sister.
Está totalmente encantado con su hermana pequeña.
I have a friend. He considers stars as lovers... who died in somebody's love.
Tengo un amigo... que cree que las estrellas son amantes...
But he's not in love with me.
Pero él no está enamorado de mí.
And even if he wakes you up every day by sneezing right in your face, well, you love his sneezes more than anyone else's kisses.
E incluso si te despierta a diario estornudándote en la cara pues, sus estornudos te gustan más que los besos de cualquier otro.
- He's so in love!
- Está todo enamorado.
- He's in love.
- Está enamorado.
- But he's no longer in love with her.
- Pero ya no la ama a ella.
He's in love and it's killing him.
Está enamorado y lo está matando.
He's falling in love with her.
Él se está enamorando de ella.
Maybe he's in love with someone else or maybe he wants Davide... -... to fall in love with Paolo.
A lo mejor, se ha enamorado de otro, o quiere que Davide se enamore de otro, metiéndole por los ojos a este Paolo.
- He's in love because he copies you?
¿ Está enamorado de ti porque te copia?
There's the charming, romantic guy that I fell in love with... and then there's this other guy... who can't stick around in one place long enough to see what he's missing.
Está el encantador y romántico chico del que me enamoré y este otro chico que no puede permanecer en un lugar el tiempo suficiente...
I can also, funnily enough, see him killing Jack Colby, because, as you say, Jones, he was helplessly, hopelessly, in love with Jack's wife.
Puedo también, curiosamente, verlo matando a Jack Colby, porque, como dijiste, Jones, estaba impotente y sin esperanza, enamorado de la esposa de Jack.
Clark, there's only one person I've ever been in love with.
Clark, solo hay una persona de la que he estado enamorada.
It's more that he was really in love with you.
Sólo lo hizo porque estaba enamorado de ti.
What... are you trying to say you think he keeps coming back here because he's in love with her?
¿ Qué... acaso intentas decir que piensas que él siguió volviendo aquí porque está enamorado de ella?
He says he's in love with you.
Dice que está enamorado de usted.
He's in love with me?
- ¿ Está enamorado de mí?
In men's case he reckoned it was down to two things, work and love.
En el caso de los hombres parece que son dos cosas, trabajo y amor.
he's in love with you 35
he's in the shower 29
he's in the house 19
he's in the kitchen 33
he's in a meeting 50
he's in v 53
he's in the wind 39
he's in the bathroom 49
he's in bad shape 31
he's in the hospital 85
he's in the shower 29
he's in the house 19
he's in the kitchen 33
he's in a meeting 50
he's in v 53
he's in the wind 39
he's in the bathroom 49
he's in bad shape 31
he's in the hospital 85
he's insane 97
he's in charge 27
he's in good hands 29
he's innocent 147
he's in the back 45
he's incredible 31
he's in hospital 30
he's in his room 32
he's in trouble 89
he's intelligent 25
he's in charge 27
he's in good hands 29
he's innocent 147
he's in the back 45
he's incredible 31
he's in hospital 30
he's in his room 32
he's in trouble 89
he's intelligent 25
he's inside 105
he's in there 196
he's in 166
he's in custody 31
he's in pain 52
he's in prison 50
he's in danger 36
he's in shock 37
he's in a coma 77
he's in jail 58
he's in there 196
he's in 166
he's in custody 31
he's in pain 52
he's in prison 50
he's in danger 36
he's in shock 37
he's in a coma 77
he's in jail 58