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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ H ] / He's in love with you

He's in love with you traducir español

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He's not the man I'll grow old with, but I did love him. Breaking up with him wasn't easy. You realize the mess we're in?
no fue fácil para mí suelta de este hombre para entender cómo situación nos lleva a todos ahora?
No, I'll go. He's still in love with you.
No voy a entrar todavía está en amor con usted
And who do you think he's in love with? With the lady who employs him.
Pero apenas había llegado yo se enamoró.
Do you think the cat's guilty, though he's in love with the queen?
¿ Crees que es culpa del gato, ya que está enamorado de la reina?
- He's very much in love with you.
- Está muy enamorado de ti.
He's in love with you.
Está enamorado de ti.
Everybody's laughing because he's in love with you.
Todo el mundo se ríe porque se ha enamorado de usted.
I got a kind of a hunch he's in love with you, Connie.
Tengo la corazonada de que el está enamorado de ti, Connie.
He's so in love with you it's pathetic.
Te quiere tanto que ya es patético.
- He's in love with you, Lou.
A su manera. - Él te quiere, Lou.
Because he's laboring under the delusion that I'm in love with you.
Porque se ha empeñado en creer que estoy enamorada de usted.
You may be in love with him, but he's the man who humiliated me!
Puede que estés enamorada de él, ¡ pero es el hombre que me ha humillado!
You see, Riccardo, he's in love with Rosa.
Verá, Riccardo está enamorado de Rosa.
He's in love with you.
Está enamorado de usted.
Don't get the idea he's in love with you yet, because he's not.
¡ No se le mete en la cabeza que el la ama!
Well, maybe he's in love with you.
Quizás esté enamorado de usted.
But he's our most powerful friend in these shires and he's already in love with you.
Pero es nuestro amigo más poderoso y está enamorado de vos.
I have half an idea he's Falling in love with you.
Tengo la idea de que está enamorado de ti.
He's all through Test piloting. He's in love With you, thursday.
Es un piloto, pero está enamorado de ti, Martes.
He's madly in love with you.
- Está locamente enamorado de Vd.
You mean he's in love with IsobeI?
¿ Quieres decir que él está enamorado de Isobel?
- Has he said he's in love with you?
- ¿ Él te dijo que te ama?
You see, he has no common sense. He's in love with you, while a rich and mature divorcee would ensure his future.
Se nota que es un hombre que no tiene sentido práctico, se ha enamorado de ti, en lugar de una rica divorciada
- Why? Because he's in love with you.
- Porque se ha enamorado de usted.
- You're in love with a man and he's in trouble and you're not with him.
- Estas enamorada de un hombre está en problemas y no estás con él.
You haven't flattered yourself that he's in love with you?
¿ No serás tan vanidosa de creer que te ama?
Do you? He's in love with you.
Está enamorado de ti.
I won't be moving on with you, Viktorine you're acting as if it were serious he loves me and I love him very simple such things may exist in a shepherd's play but the baron Perckhammer and a budding actress?
No estaré yendo con usted, Viktorine, usted está actuando como si fuera serio él me ama y yo lo amo muy simple tales cosas pueden existir en la obra de un pastor pero el barón Perckhammer y la actriz en ciernes?
- Of course he's in love with you.
Claro que lo está.
Do you think he's in love with her?
¿ Cree que está enamorado de ella?
- You are in Rick's. Rick is- - - ls what? Mademoiselle, he's the kind of man, if I were a woman and I weren't around, I should be in love with Rick.
Ud. se encuentra en el café de Rick, y Rick es...... estaría enamorada de Rick.
Your Honour, would you ask him if he's in love with my daughter?
Señoría, ¿ quiere preguntarle si estaba enamorado de mi hija?
Well, Millie, far be it from me to disappoint you... but I believe he's very much in love with this girl.
Millie, no quiero desilusionarte... pero creo que está muy enamorado de esta chica.
- But Rudd's in love with you, isn't he?
- Pero Rudd está enamorado de ti, ¿ no?
You know, I think he's in love with you.
- Creo que está enamorado de ti.
Because he's in love with you.
Porque está enamorado de ti.
He broke Amthor's neck because he's in love with you.
Le quebró el pescuezo a Amthor porque está enamorado de ti.
He's not in love with you. He never was and never will be.
No os ama, nunca os ha amado y nunca lo hará.
I tell you he's in love with you!
Sé que está enamorado de ti.
- He's in love with you.
- Está enamorado de ti.
- In that case, Madame, you are in love with a man who no longer exists. He's as dead as the past.
Está enamorada de un hombre... tan muerto como el pasado.
- He's no guy you'd be in love with.
- Tú no te enamorarías de alguien así.
You think he's in love with you, don't you?
Crees que está enamorado de ti, ¿ verdad?
But if Steve doesn't tell you he's in love with you,
No quiero interferir.
He's not in love with you, Carol.
No está enamorado de ti, Carol.
You know, he's quite fallen in love with it here.
Está enamorado de esto.
And he's in love with you.
¿ Y él está enamorado de usted?
He's in love with you, Letty.
- Está enamorado de ti, Letty.
Your father's a very fine man, But what you may not happen to know is that he's not in love with me.
Tu padre es encantador, pero no está enamorado de mí.
- Because he's in love with you.
- Porque te ama.
- Because he's just plain crazy in love with you.
- Está loco de amor por ti.

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