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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ H ] / He's not answering his cell

He's not answering his cell traducir español

93 traducción paralela
As Kang Hyun Min's cell phone is still turned on, I was going to ask Yoon Gye Sang's help, thinking he might answer to his call, but Gye Sang ssi isn't not answering my call.
El teléfono de Kang está encendido... así que intenté llamar a Yoon Gye Sang para que llamara a Kang... pero no respondió.
He's not answering his cell.
No contesta el teléfono.
He's not answering his cell or his pager.
No responde al móvil ni al busca.
Yes. Well, he's not answering his cell phone.
Lo sé, pero tampoco contesta el móvil.
- He's not answering his cell phone.
- No contesta su teléfono móvil.
He's not answering his cell phone.
Joan y luke tampoco saben. Y todavía no lo llamas.
He's not answering his cell.
No atiende su celular.
Andy's not answering his cell. Do you know where he is?
Andy no contesta su celular.
And he's not answering his cell.
- Y no contesta su celular.
Obviously he's not answering his cell phone and...
Obviamente no contesta su teléfono móvil y...
We've been trying to get ahold of him He's not answering his cell
Tratamos de comunicarnos, pero no contesta su celular.
He's not answering his cell.
No responde al celular.
He's not answering his cell phone.
No contesta al móvil.
He's not answering his cell.
No contestan a sus teléfonos.
Now he's not answering his cell phone
Ahora no responde a su teléfono celular.
I've been trying to get in touch with this Joe Okalik and he's not answering his cell.
Traté de ponerme en contacto con ese Joe Okalik y no responde a su móbil.
He's not answering his cell.
No contesta su celular.
He's not answering his cell phone.
No contesta su teléfono.
- He's not answering his cell phone.
- Y no atiende su móvil.
He's not answering his cell. God.
He's not answering his home phone or his cell phone.
No responde al teléfono en casa ni a su móvil
He's not answering his cell.
No responde a su móvil.
He's not answering his cell.
, no está contestando mis llamadas.
Nobody has seen him since, and he's not answering his cell.
Nadie lo ha visto desde entonces, tampoco contesta su teléfono.
He's not answering his cell phone, so I figured I'd just wait another 15 minutes.
No contesta su celular, así que creo que esperaré otros 15 minutos.
I've been trying to reach Jack on his cell phone ; he's not answering.
Estuve tratando de ubicar a Jack en su celular no está contestándolo.
He's not answering his cell phone, and his van is missing.
Él no responde su teléfono celular, y su camioneta está desaparecida.
- and he's not answering his cell phone.
-... y no contesta su teléfono celular.
He's still not in, and he's not answering his cell.
Todavía no ha llegado, y no contesta su móvil.
He's still not in and he's not answering his cell.
No está dentro todavía y no contesta a su móvil.
he's not answering his cell. i'm kind of freaking out.
No responde su teléfono y me estoy asustando.
We've tried his cell, but he's not answering.
Hemos intentando llamarle al celular pero no responde.
Dubaku hasn't arrived at the airfield, and he's not answering his cell phone.
Dubaku no ha llegado al aeródromo, y no contesta a su teléfono móvil.
Listen, he's not answering his cell phone.
Escucha, es que le estoy... le estoy llamando todo el rato, pero no me coge.
He's not answering his cell phone.
No responde a su teléfono móvil
He's not answering his cell.
No sé si tengo el número correcto, pero busco a Sam. No contesta en su teléfono móvil.
He's not home and he's not answering his cell.
No está en casa y no contesta al móvil.
He's not answering his cell, either.
Tampoco contesta su celular.
- He's not with me. - He's not answering his cell.
No responde al teléfono.
He's not answering his cell. i assume it's on vibrate.
Asumo que lo tiene en vibrador.
Figured he went to his girlfriend's, but he's not answering his cell.
Imagino que fue a ver a su novia, pero no contesta al teléfono.
- No, I haven't. He's not answering his cell.
- No, nada, y no está respondiendo al celular tampoco. ¿ Qué está pasando?
He's not answering his cell.
No contesta a su móvil.
I Was Trying To Reach Ruben, And Since... He's Not Answering His Cell Phone, I Thought I Should Try Him At Home.
Estaba tratando de ubicar a Ruben, Y ya que... él no contesta su celular, pense en intentar en la casa.
He's not answering his cell.
No está respondiendo su móvil.
He's not answering his cell.
No responde en su teléfono.
He was supposed to go to the mortuary, never showed up, and he's not answering his cell phone.
Supuestamente iba a la morgue, nunca apareció, y no contesta a su teléfono móvil.
He was a no-show for one of our interviews, he's not answering his cell, and neighbors saw him leave his apartment with an overnight bag.
Él no se presentó a una de nuestras entrevistas. No contesta al telefono. Los vecinos le vieron abandonar su apartamento con una bolsa anoche.
- He's not answering his cell.
- No contesta al movil
He's not answering his cell.
No contesta al movil
He's not answering his cell.
No contesta al teléfono.

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