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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ H ] / He's not worth it

He's not worth it traducir español

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It's OK. He's not worth it!
Déjenlo. ¡ No vale la pena!
Oh, by the way, it's really not worth mentioning but I've been doing a little writing myself about my medical experiences.
A propósito, no vale Ia pena mencionarlo pero he estado escribiendo sobre mis experiencias médicas.
It means he's not worth so much.
No vale tanto.
I was in love with him, and I knew it for the first time that night but now he's dead, and I'm not sorry. He wasn't worth it.
Estaba enamorada, y lo supe esa noche pero ahora está muerto, y no lo siento.
He's not worth it.
Él no lo merece.
It's not much to have a friend who knows all about you... but one who's a friend even though he's not quite sure... that's worth having.
No es gran cosa tener un amigo que lo sabe todo sobre ti... pero uno que es un amigo aunque no esté del todo seguro... vale la pena tenerlo.
It's not worth it to disturb him, he should rest.
No vale la pena que yo le moleste.
He's not worth it.
- No vale la pena.
Excelencia, no se excite hombre, no es para tanto.
- It's not worth it. He'll die in no time
- Pronto dejará de hacerlo.
He's not worth it.
Es lo que merece.
Stop it, Pop. He's not worth it.
No vale la pena.
Tell the Indian we're not sure he's worth it.
Dile al Indio que no estamos seguros de que los valga.
If it happens again, if he talks, his life's not worth a cent.
Si habla, su vida no valdrá nada.
He's not worth it
No vale la pena.
But drop Camus. He's not worth it.
Pero deja a Camus, no es serio.
He charges us 3 times what it's worth and wants to charge us for not getting our car back?
¿ Nos cobra tres veces lo que vale y encima por no devolvernos el coche?
He's not worth it!
No merece la pena.
I wrote you a letter, it's not much, but here it is, for what it's worth.
Te he escrito una carta. No es mucho, pero es todo Io que hay.
Its not worth it He's our father You torture him
No se trata de Walid sino de nuestro padre.
He says there's not much in it, not worth bothering about.
Me dice que no pasa nada, que no valía la pena preocuparse.
He's not bloody worth it.
No merece la jodida pena.
- Daddy, he's not worth it.
- Papá, no vale la pena.
- He's not fucking worth it.
- ¡ Que te jodan!
I've come to the conclusion that it's just not worth it.
He llegado a la conclusión de que no vale la pena.
He's not worth it.
Él no lo vale.
- He's not worth it.
- No lo vale.
See, he knows it's not worth it to talk.
Mira, el sabe que no vale la pena hablar.
He's not worth it.
No vale la pena.
Sonny, he's not worth it.
Sonny, no vale la pena.
He's not worth it!
¡ No vale la pena!
It's tin, it's not worth anything but the person who gave it to me said it had magic power lf there's somebody with you whom you don't like turn the ring and he'll disappear forever.
Es estaño, no es algo que vale pero la persona que me lo regaló dijo que tenía un poder mágico Si hay alguien con usted a quien no le gusta gire el anillo y va a desaparecer para siempre.
Commander, he's not worth it.
Comandante, él no vale la pena.
He's not worth it.
No lo vale.
I ´ ve spoken to a solicitor, and he tells me that confessión is not worth the paper it ´ s written on.
Hablé con un abogado. Me dijo que de la confesión no vale ni el papel en que está escrita.
If he dies, the cops will blame it on you. He's not worth it!
Si muere, los policías te culparán. ¡ Él no lo vale!
# He's worth a fancy fortune, but it's not in cash.
Tiene una linda fortuna Que no es en efectivo
He's not worth it.
No se trata de honor.
- It's not worth it, he's one of us.
- No vale la pena, es uno de nosotros.
He's not... worth it.
No vale la pena.
He's not worth it!
No vale la pena!
He's not worth it.
- Sí. - Escucha.
He's not worth it!
- He's not worth it, Mac.
- No vale la pena, Mac.
It's not worth him giving us any trouble, because he knows we'll be a pain in the arse, and who needs a pain in the arse?
No le conviene fastidiarnos... porque sabe que somos una molestia... ¿ y quién necesita eso?
He's not worth it.
No vale la pena. Ningún chico vale la pena.
He knows it's not worth it.
Ya sabe que no vale la pena.
He's not worth it.
Él no vale la pena.
He's probably not there, but it's worth a shot.
No estará, pero inténtalo.
- He's not worth it! - Leave town!
¡ No te rebajes a tanto!
- He's not worth it.
- No vale la pena.

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