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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ H ] / He didn't have to

He didn't have to traducir español

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Yeah, he just didn't think somebody should have to make another bed because he messed it up or... ( Regan ) There was a time where I stayed in the house we were at and everyone else had gone out.
No quería que nadie tuviera que hacer otra cama... porque la había desordenado él... Hubo un momento de los que me quedé sola en la casa donde nos hospedábamos todo el mundo había salido
( ♪ I Wonder by Rodriguez ) ( loud cheering ) ( Regan ) It was almost as if he didn't even have to play.
( # I Wonder by Rodriguez ) Era casi como si no tuviera que tocar...
I mean, I've been married before and I didn't have to worry about anything.
Quiero decir, he estado casado antes y yo no tenía que preocuparse de nada.
- Yeah, but he also said we didn't have to worry about it, that he had a contact on the inside who could make the whole problem go away.
- Sí, pero también dijo que no teníamos por qué preocuparnos, que tenía un contacto dentro de Urbanismo que podía hacer desaparecer el problema.
He didn't have to say the things that he did at the end.
No tenía por qué decir lo que dijo al final.
And I didn't even have to shoot anyone to do it.
Y no he tenido que disparar a nadie para hacerlo.
Yeah, but like I said, he didn't have anything to do with this.
Sí, pero como he dicho, no ha tenido nada que ver en esto.
I have kept our relationship private for the past three years because I didn't want it to harm my brand image.
Si he mantenido nuestra relación en secreto estos tres años es porque no quiero dañar la marca de mi imagen.
He didn't have to.
No tenía que hacerlo.
♪ For a passing grade you won't have to wait ♪ ♪ And you can thank him later when you graduate ♪ ♪'Cause I never met a wolf who didn't love to howl ♪
* Para pasar de curso no tendrás que esperar * * y se lo puedes agradecer más tarde cuando te gradúes * * porque jamás he conocido a un lobo al que no le encantara aullar *
He probably didn't want to have to tell his Avengers buddies how bad he messed up.
Tal vez no quiera contar a sus amigos Vengadores... cuánto ha metido la pata.
Well, he just said that something came up, and he didn't have time to explain, that's all.
Bueno, solo dijo que le había surgido algo, y que no tenía tiempo de explicarlo, eso es todo.
He said he was grateful to God for the challenge. He just wished the challenge didn't have such a great pair of legs.
Pero que deseaba que el reto no tuviera unas piernas tan estupendas.
John said he didn't want to have dinner because we work together, but when he said it, his heart rate went up, and his pupils dilated.
John dijo que no quería cenar conmigo porque trabajamos juntos, pero cuando lo dijo, su ritmo cardiaco se elevó y sus pupilas se dilataron.
Sorry, Danny, I didn't have time to get dolled up for you because I was kind of busy freeing myself from wrongful imprisonment.
Lo siento, Danny, no he tenido tiempo de ponerme guapa para ti porque estaba un poco ocupada liberándome - de un encarcelamiento injusto. - ¿ Injusto?
Because if he couldn't have me, he didn't want Jake to either.
Porque si no podía tenerme, tampoco quería que Jake me tuviera.
Apparently he was up to speed on the intent of those four words, so I didn't have to waste time with gentle pleasantries.
Por lo visto, estaba al tanto de la intención de esas cuatro palabras, así que no tuve la necesidad de perder el tiempo con comentarios amables.
We have to check Sue's calendar, make sure there are no meetings there that I did-didn't have.
Tenemos que verificar el calendario de Sue, estemos seguros de que no hay reuniones que he tenido-no he tenido.
He was making mistakes, but you didn't have to throw him out of the house for that.
Él cometía errores, pero ¿ qué necesidad habia de echarlo por eso?
You needed that vote, so you waited until Doucet left, and then you did what he didn't have the balls to do - - shoot arrogant, rabble-rousing Tony, clearing the impasse for Doucet to get the food-truck ban passed
Necesitabas ese voto, y esperaste hasta que Doucet se fuera, e hiciste lo que él no tuvo valor de hacer... disparar al agitador arrogante de Tony, despejar el camino para Doucet para conseguir que se aprobara la ley de los puestos de comida
Er... No, he didn't, no. And how long would it have taken him to get to his mum's?
- No. - ¿ En cuánto tiempo llegaría a casa de su madre?
No, no, he wanted to tell me something more, but he didn't have the strength to go on.
No, no, quería decirme algo más, lo que pasa es que no tuvo fuerzas para continuar.
That's a $ 750 investment he didn't have to make.
Eso supone setecientos cincuenta dólares que no tenía porqué gastar.
Maybe he didn't violate protocol, but for one doctor to overrule another, he better have a reason other than his freaking ego!
Puede que no violara ningún protocolo, ¡ pero para que un doctor desautorice a otro, más vale que tenga una razón mejor que su maldito ego!
He is a good dad, which means he is the one who is gonna have to tell Mason that his mom is dead, that he doesn't have a mom anymore because we didn't do anything.
Él es un buen padre, lo que quiere decir que él es quien va a tener que decirle a Mason que su mamá está muerta que él no tendrá a su mamá nunca más, porque no hicimos nada.
He didn't have to die.
No tenía que morir.
Sometimes, when she didn't have the cash, he would let it slide just to help her out.
Algunas veces, cuando ella no tenía dinero, le dejaba irse sin cobrarle y así le ayudaba.
Raylan didn't like Gary, but he didn't have any reason to kill him.
A Raylan no le agradaba Gary, pero no tenía razón para matarlo.
Only, he didn't have a chance to hook it up, did he?
Solo que no tuvo oportunidad de conectarla, ¿ verdad?
He didn't have to.
Solo queda el pequeño asunto de mi pago inicial.
And proves that he didn't have a reason to kill her.
Y prueba que no tenía razón para matarla.
He didn't have to. He just knew.
No tenía que hacerlo.
He's lucky he didn't have to find out.
Tiene suerte de que no se diera cuenta.
You didn't have to come. He behaved like a gentleman.
No tenías que haber venido, el comisario se portó como un caballero conmigo.
He didn't have his papers, the cops saw him, he ran, they thought he was going to pull a gun.
Él no tenía papeles, los policías lo vieron, el corrió, pensaron que iba a sacar un arma.
Didn't have to fix a window or a door and he had a ladder.
No tenía que arreglar una ventana o una puerta y tenía una escalera.
Bring you the fold so he didn't have to worry about you flipping on him?
¿ Te incluyó para que no tener que preocuparse de que lo delataras?
Some women always know that they want to have kids, and I always knew that I didn't.
Algunas mujeres siempre han sabido que quieren tener hijos, y yo siempre he sabido que no los quiero.
That he didn't have anything to say for himself at the end?
¿ Qué no tuviera nada que decir al final?
And, unfortunately, Paul Garcetti did not have you for a teacher, and he didn't learn to be rigous or brave or to stand up for his convictions.
Y, desafortunadamente, Paul Garcetti no te tuvo como profesora, y no aprendió a ser ni riguroso, ni valiente ni a defender sus convicciones.
Now one of us... whether he likes it or not. Which, I have to admit, he didn't.
Ahora uno de nosotros le guste o no, lo cual tengo que admitir que mucho no le gustó.
And if I'd had the guts to deal with it then instead of later when I had to, when he went off with... Everything would've been so much better for Sammy, but for me as well because I'd have got myself organised so I didn't have to stop working at the Faculty.
Y si hubiera tenido las agallas de enfrentarme a ello entonces en lugar de después cuando tuve que hacerlo, cuando se fue con... todo habría sido mucho mejor para Sammy pero también para mí porque me podría haber organizado
Otherwise, why didn't he have the courtesy to admit it could've been a slip of the tongue?
De otra manera, ¿ por qué no tuvo la cortesía de admitir que pudo haber sido un error?
We lost a big contract and I had to let my assistant go, and I couldn't even get a damn cup of coffee'cause we didn't have any coffee filters.
Hemos perdido un gran contrato y he tenido que despedir a mi asistente, y ni siquiera he podido tomar una maldita taza de café porque no tenía filtros.
He's gonna have to convince me that he didn't know.
Tendrá que convencerme de que no sabía.
Last night I met Kyle, but I thought he was Casey, not K.C., and he came up here to see me, not you, and as soon as I found out who he was, I didn't wanna have anything to do with him.
Anoche conocí a Kyle, pero pensé que era Casey, no K.C., y vino aquí para verme a mi, no a ti, y tan pronto me enteré de quién era, no quise saber nada más con él.
Well, I didn't have classes this morning, so I started to shape my new board.
Vale, esta mañana no tenía clases, así que he empezado a trabajar en mi tabla.
He knew he didn't have to tell me what to do in New Mexico, because he knew I'd do it anyway.
Sabía que no tenía que decirme lo que hacer en Nuevo México, porque sabía que yo lo haría igualmente.
Assuming she didn't have much of a head-start, 10 minutes to catch her, three minutes to do whatever he did, and 10 minutes to get back here to disable the phone.
Dando por hecho que ella no tenia mucha ventaja, diez minutos para atraparla, tres minutos para hacerle lo que sea que le hizo, y diez minutos para volver aqui y desconectar el telefono.
I didn't have to risk exposure to come save you.
No me he arriesgado a exponerme para venir a salvarte.
Yeah, but when Toby re Barkin, he didn't have a thought that he'd done anything to either Jake or Westing.
Sí, pero cuando Toby detalló con Barkin, no pensó que él no había hecho nada a Jake o Westing.

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