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He wants to kill you traducir español

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Yes, he said he wants to kill you!
- ¡ Sí, ha dicho que quiere matarte!
He wants to kill you.
Quiere matarte...
Now I know, why he wants to kill you.
Ahora sé por qué quiere matarte.
He wants to kill you. Why?
Quiere matarte. ¿ Por qué?
Yes, I believe he wants to kill you.
Sabes? Creo que te quiere matar a ti.
- I say he wants to kill you.
Deciamos que lo quiere matar a ud.
See how sick he looks... yet he wants to kill you!
Asi de enfermo como se ve, todavia quiere matarlo a usted...
He wants to kill you all.
Quiere mataros a todos
He wants to kill you for sure.
Seguro que te quiere matar.
I think he wants to kill you.
Creo que quiere matarte.
He wants... He wants to kill you, right?
¿ Quiere... quiere matarte, verdad?
- He wants to kill you.
- Quiere matarlos.
Rancor wants the world. Fortunately, he wants to kill you first.
Rancor quiere al mundo, pero por suerte te quiere a ti antes.
Kid tells you he wants to kill you, believe him.
Si un chico te dice que te quiere matar, mejor que le creas.
He wants to kill you.
Él la quiere matar.
He wants to kill you and divorce me.
El quiere matarte y divorciarse
Car accident. He wants to kill you.
- Él quiere matarte
Says he wants to kill you.
Dice que quiere matarlo.
He wants to kill you!
Él te quiere matar!
The Crawler... he wants to kill you.
- Crawler, él quiere matarte.
Maybe he wants to kill you himself.
Quizás quiere matarte él mismo.
I seriously doubt he wants to kill you.
Dudo seriamente que quiera matarte.
He wants you to license him to kill young men and women.
Quiere que le den licencia para matar hombres y mujeres jóvenes.
You must catch him, Inspector. He wants to kill me!
Debe atraparlo, inspector.
He wants to kill me. Don't you, Ficco?
Quiere matarme a mí, ¿ verdad Ficco?
As fast as you can. He wants to kill me.
ven rápido, por favor, quiere matarme!
He wants to kill him and take you home.
Quiere acabar con él y llevarte a casa.
You know, he wants to kill me? . I'm scared!
Mato a la mujer, y ahora quiere matarme. ¡ Tengo miedo, Francesco!
He hardly wants to kill you!
Él no te quiere matar!
You tell me that he wants to kill himself?
Me dicen que se quiere matar?
He wants you to kill him.
- Quiere que lo mates.
He wants to fuck me and kill you He actually said that?
lo sabes quiere acostarse conmigo y matarte a ti eso a dicho?
He still wants to kill you.
Pero él sigue queriendo matarlo.
And now he wants me to kill you.
y ahora el quiere que yo la mate a usted.
He wants you to kill yourself!
¡ El quiere que te suicides!
Look, come on. You would - You-You'd-You'd kill a guy'cause he wants to quit?
Por favor. ¿ Mataría a un hombre porque quiere retirarse?
You know, I probably should have said this before but I think he wants to kill us.
Debería haber dicho esto antes, pero creo que nos quiere matar.
What would you say, professionally speaking, if I told you a kid wrote a screenplay that was very autobiographical, and on page 37 he says he wants to kill his father?
No le prestes atención. Se vuelve loco con el perfume. No me puse perfume.
FBI wants to send somebody in, you let'em. But he'll fuck up and they'll kill him!
Si el FBI quiere enviar a alguien que lo hagan, la cagará y lo matarán
He wants you to kill me.
- El quiere que me mates.
You're an immortal and he is part of a secret organization that wants to kill you?
¿ Que eres Inmortal y que él es miembro de una organización secreta y que trata de matarte?
- And he wants to kill you.
- Y te quiere matar.
He wants you to kill me.
Quiere que me mates.
He wants me to kill you. He offered me my life.
Él quiere que te mate, me ofreció mi vida.
He wants me to kill you.
Él quiere que te mate.
So he doesn't know whether he wants to kill me or kiss me do you lover?
Ahora no sé si me vas a matar o me vas a besar. ¿ No es así, querido?
He wants to know, do you want to kill every Arab?
Pregunta si queréis matar a todos los arabes.
- He wants you to kill the cop.
Él quiere que mates al policía. Si.
I know he wants to kill me, but I'll be bringing it to you tomorrow.
Sé que quiere matarme, pero te lo llevaré mañana.
Now he wants you to help him kill hundreds of innocent people.
Ahora quiere que le ayudes a matar a cientos de inocentes.
Maybe he's like you and it's not in his nature to kill, and he secretly wants..
Quizá sea como tú y matar no es natural para él y secretamente quiere...

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