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He wants to see you traducir español

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He wants to see you, sir.
Quiere verlo, señor.
But he wants to see you again!
¡ quiere volver a verte!
He wants to see you.
Quiere verte.
He wants to see you.
Quiere verte
He wants to see you well enough to die.
Quieren saber si estás lo suficientemente sano para morir.
He wants to see you.
Quiere verle.
- He wants to see you.
- Quiere verle.
There is a Mr Burnett here, he wants to see you, sir.
Un tal Sr. Burnett quiere verle.
Yes, Townsend is looking for you. He wants to see you at once.
- Sí, Townsend te está esperando.
He wants to see you, Jack.
Quiere verte, Jack.
He says he wants to see you.
Dice que quiere verte.
He wants to see you
- Quiere verle.
That's the boat he wants to see you about.
Es el barco que quiere vender.
He wants to see you.
Quierle verla.
He wants to see you tomorrow at 4 : 00. Mama won't be there.
Quiere verle mañana a las cuatro.
He wants to see you before you leave.
Quiere verte antes de que te vayas.
There's a man outside, he wants to see you.
Hay un hombre fuera que quiere verte.
He wants to see you privately, sir.
- Quiere verle a usted en privado.
- He wants to see you.
- Quiere verla.
Quiere verle.
- He wants to see you. lt's important.
- Quiere verle a toda costa.
He said he wants to see you right off.
Es que me ha dicho que vayas cuanto antes.
- Don't know, Ma'am, he wants to see you.
- No lo sé, señora. Quiere verla.
- He wants to see you right away, Paul.
Quiere verte ahora, Paul.
And he wants to see you to arrange it.
Quiere organizar esto ahora.
He wants to see you.
Él quiere verte.
Says he's a friend of yours. He wants to see you.
Dice que es amigo suyo y quiere verlo.
You'll be the first person he wants to see.
Tú serás la primera persona a la que quiera ver.
Matteo wants to see you. He changed his mind.
Mateo quiere saber cambió de opinión
He wants me to leave you, he doesn't want me to see you again.
Quiere apartarme de ti, impedirme que te vea.
He wants to come over and see you.
Quiere venir a verte.
In case i don't see the squire, would you ask him when i come to his limit, blow his nose if he wants me to go on. And when he blows the second time,
Por si no puedo hablar con el señor dígale que al alcanzar su límite se suene la nariz para seguir si se la suena dos veces.
You go down and see what he wants. Don't argue with me, go to see what that man wants!
¡ Baja tú a ver lo que quiere!
The Dude wants to see you, Annie. He's over at Missouri Martin's.
Dandy quiere verte, Annie, está en el Missouri Martin's.
you see, the king wants to hear the truth and where his stick doesn't reach, everybody does as he pleases anyway
¿ Lo veis? El Rey quiere escuchar la verdad. Y donde su bastón no alcanza, todo el mundo hace lo que quiere.
Mr. Stone, I'm sorry, but uh, but Maj. Hamilton wants to see you. Very important, he said. I beg your pardon.
Sr. Stone, lo siento... pero el mayor Hamilton quiere verlo.
He doesn't dare tell you that Chevrier wants to see you.
No se atreve a decirle que el chivo quiere verle.
He wants to know if you'll see him.
Quiere saber si lo verás.
It's you he wants to see, ma'am, not the master.
Quiere verla a usted, señora, no al amo.
I said Dwyer wants to see you.
He dicho que Dwyer quiere verlo.
- Do you really think that he wants to see me?
- ¿ Cree que querrá verme?
He called here a while back and wants to see you in the morning.
Quiere verte por la mañana.
Sorry, lady. You can't see Mr. Doe. He wants to be alone.
Lo siento, no pueden ver al Sr. Nadie, quiere estar solo.
Hey, Fay, the guy up at the bar wants to see you, And he ain't bad.
Fay, te busca un tipo en la barra, y no está mal.
You'll see him, he wants to interview you.
Lo verás, quiere entrevistarte.
He never wants you to never see me again. As he hates me.
No quiere verme de nuevo porque me odia.
He says he's glad to see you, and he wants to shake your hand.
Te dijo que se alegra de verte y quiere estrecharte la mano.
You see, when you're a good girl and play with the other children don't go moping and dreaming by yourself your daddy wants to do everything he can to make you happy.
Cuando eres buena y juegas con las demás niñas y no te vas a soñar triste y sola, tu papá se desvive por hacerte feliz.
He wants to know, can he see you this afternoon about that federal reserve bank matter?
Quiere saber si puede verle para tratar el asunto de la Reserva Federal.
Have you got any idea what he wants to see me about? There's been some killings at Fargo.
¿ Tiene idea de para que desea verme?
Johnny Angel wants to see you and he sent us to escort you personally.
Johnny Angel quiere verla y nos ha enviado a buscarla.

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