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He was just a kid traducir español

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He was just a kid who made a mistake and got sent to reform school.
De chico cometió un error, lo mandaron al reformatorio.
He was just a kid, and maybe he had a hunch.
Él sólo era un muchacho, y quizá tuvo una corazonada.
In most jobs he was just a kid.
Joven para cualquier trabajo.
It isn't the same thing, he was just a kid.
No es lo mismo, él era solo un niño.
- He was just a kid.
- Era sólo un crío.
He was just a kid then, but he survived the war with his head full of a dream called America.
Sólo era un niño, pero sobrevivió a la guerra con un sueño en la cabeza llamado América.
I had one friend... and he was just a kid.
Tenía solo un amigo... y él era solo un niño.
He was just a kid. He was 23 years, 22 years of age, just out of the Army.
Tenía 22 o 23 años, recién salido del ejército.
He was just a kid.
No era más que un niño.
Lawrence and his wife, Betty, that's Freddy's mama, killed in a plane crash when he was just a kid. He was 13 or 14.
Laurence y su esposa Betty, la mamá de Freddie, murieron en un accidente de aviación cuando era un niño.
I used to do this for his dad when he was just a kid.
Se lo hacía a su padre, de niño.
He was just a kid having fun. That's all.
Era sólo un chaval divirtiéndose.
El poder para la gente.
He was just a kid, for Christ's sake, Callie.
Se trata de un muchacho, Callie.
He was just a kid.
Era sólo un niño.
He was just a kid.
Sólo era un niño.
He was just a kid with a dream of livin'in the wilderness.
Era un crío que soñaba con vivir en la naturaleza.
He was just a kid with a dream of livin'in the wilderness.
Era un niño que soñaba vivir en la naturaleza.
I thought he was just a kid.
Pero yo no lo estaba. Pensaba que sólo era un crío.
- He was just a kid.
Era sólo un niño.
- He was just a kid.
- Era solo un niño
It's about a guy that married a little kid just when he was starting in the racket with Carston.
Es acerca de un tipo que se casó con una muchacha justo cuando comenzaba a trabajar en los negocios de Carston.
You see, it was kind of dark... ... and the Kid had had a few... ... and I think he was just trying to scare the pants off of me.
Estaba bastante oscuro el Niño había estado bebiendo y creo que sólo quería darme un buen susto.
He was just a roughneck kid before that, like any of the rest.
Antes era sólo un pendenciero, como todos los demás.
He was just a nice kid, that's all.
Solo era un buen chico. Nada más.
He's just a kid. He didn't know what the job was all about.
Es un crío, no sabía de qué iba esto.
The kid's a gold mine, ain't he, Jimmy? He's just what you was lookin'for.
Es una mina de oro, Jimmy, justo lo que buscabas.
Sir, he was just a mixed-up kid.
Señor, era un muchacho confundido.
I thought he was just a blind kid, too.
Yo también pensaba que era un pobre cieguito.
He used to sing it to me when I was just a kid.
Solía cantármela cuando era un niño.
He was just a dumb old kid.
Sólo era un chico tonto.
He was just a young fellow, the kid from Darmstadt.
Era sólo un tipo joven de Darmstadt.
I never laid a hand on her. It was just a kid.
No la he tocado, es una cría.
He did have temper fits... where he would just be like a little kid sometimes... for no good reason except that he was probably exhausted.
Tenía un temperamento fuerte... dónde podía ser como un niñito a veces... sin ninguna buena razón salvo que estaba exhausto probablemente.
It was just a kid's imagination, I'm sure, but he seemed so sincere, but...
Seguro que era sólo la imaginación de un niño, pero... lo decía con tal convicción...
When all was said and done, he was just a little kid, and I guess he needed friends.
Cuando todo estaba dicho y hecho, el era solo un pequeño niño, y creo que necesitaba amigos.
My God, he moved to Australia when I was just a kid. Huh!
Dios, se mudó a Australia cuando yo era niño.
I saw that little bump-and-run that Walker laid on you, and I told him it was a cheap shot, but being the new kid on the block, he's just looking out for me.
Vi cómo Walker te bloqueó y le dije que eso estuvo mal. Pero como soy nuevo, él solo me está cuidando.
He was just a little kid.
No era más que un niño.
He's just a poor kid, see, and he was terrified.
Es un pobre chico, ¿ comprendes? Y... está asustado.
No, my dad hated him. I was just a kid. He was really nice to me.
Era mi papa el que los odiaba, yo era un niño, eran buenos conmigo.
Yes, love him when he was just a swell kid with hot ideas who was in over his head.
Sí, le quería cuando sólo era un tonto que rebosaba de grandes ideas.
I saw a kid riding a bike, pedaling just like normal, Except he was moving backwards.
Ví a un niño que montaba en bicicleta, todo normal, excepto que iba al revés.
Well, maybe for no reason, I don't know, but look this kid has been knocked around all of his life, been born in a slum, he lost his mother when he was just, what, 9... and he spent a year and a half in an orphanage, while his old man was doing a jail term for forgery.
Bien, quizás por ninguna razón, No sé, pero mire este chico ha sido golpeado casi toda su vida, nació en un mal barrio, perdió a su madre cuando tenía, cuánto, 9... y ha pasado un año y medio en un orfanato, mientras su viejo cumplía pena en la cárcel por falsificación.
My son had his removed when he was, uh... just a kid.
Mi hijo se cortó la suya cuando era niño.
When I was still just a kid, I remember my father telling me what he thought that it took for a man to be happy.
Cuando era pequeño, recuerdo que mi padre me contaba lo que él creía necesario para que un hombre fuera feliz.
Pauly's a good kid. Billy, Pauly's a teacher. He's the light of Borgetto's life... just like Athena was the light of yours.
Es la luz de la vida de Borgetto, igual que Athena lo era para ti.
He was just a big kid.
Era un niño grande.
I was nervous, just like when I was a kid.
Le confieso que cuando me han dicho que me esperaba... me he puesto nervioso, como cuando era pequeño.
But he was still just a little kid to me.
Pero para mí seguía siendo sólo un niño.
You know, even when Tony was juicing he could run circles around these college, Harvard types... and I'm not saying that just because he was my kid.
¿ Y sabes? Incluso habiendo bebido Tony era capaz de asfixiar a aquellos tipos de Harvard. Y no lo digo sólo porque fuera mi hijo.

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