He would have been traducir español
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Only that he would have been able to pay me back if you hadn't walk away from that fight last night.
Me hubiera pagado si no dejabas la pelea de anoche.
he would have been responsible for many deaths.. and you know this now.
Habría sido responsable de muchas muertes... y usted lo sabe ahora.
He would have been admitted about an hour ago.
Debe haber sido hospitalizado como hace una hora. - Annie.
He would have been proud.
Habría estado orgulloso.
Well, he would have been better off if he'd stayed,'cause someone sliced him open down at the marina.
Bueno, estaría mucho mejor si se hubiera quedado allí porque alguien lo abrió de arriba a abajo en el puerto.
If he did, he would have been arrested way before that.
Si asi hubiese sido, lo hubieran arrestado desde mucho antes.
You know, there was a time when he would have been sitting right there, and... and I would have loved that.
Sabes, hubo un tiempo en que él hubiera estado sentado conmigo, y... me hubiera encantado eso
Had this happened, he would have been in pain.
Si eso hubiera sucedido, habría sufrido muchísimo.
And what's exciting about this is that we've got a ship that could well have been comparable to the ships that he would have been on.
Y lo que es excitante acerca de esto, es que tenemos una nave que bien puede ser...
Perhaps the situation would have been different if the he would have acted on a voluntary basis - but he was forced to this, so than me, too specific to your situation.
Si lo hubiera hecho por su propia voluntad podría haber sido una historia diferente. Pero se había visto obligado esto, tal vez como yo fui forzada a mi situación. Así que realmente sentí pena por él.
If you've been going through what I have, James, maybe the more appropriate question would be "When the hell have I been?"
Si has pasado por lo que yo he pasado, James tal vez la pregunta más apropiada tendría que ser... ¿ En qué momento estuve?
It if hadn't been for you, he would have never thrown that fight.
De no haber sido por ti, Nunca habría perdido esa pelea.
My primary goal is to reopen these proceedings by filing a petition and persuading this judge that there were things that he didn't know about, that if he had known about them, that the outcome would have been different.
Mi meta principal es reabrir estos procesos presentando una petición y convenciendo al juez que habían cosas que ignoraba y que de haberlas sabido el resultado habría sido diferente.
If only Donny realized he didn't belong with you guys anymore, he and Amanda were through, well, then none of this would have been necessary.
Si Donny se hubiera dado cuenta de que ya no tenía un lugar entre ustedes. Él y Amanda habían terminado, así que, nada de esto hubiera sido necesario.
if they spared him.. we would have killed him.. because had he been alive..
Si lo salvaba... nosotros lo habríamos matado... porque si hubiera estado vivo...
Yeah, you know, I would have been on it myself, but you know Aaron, he's such a shortsighted prig.
Sí, yo hubiera entrado a la subasta, pero conocen a Aaron, es un pendejo sin visión.
Maybe if Clayton Wells had been more creative himself He and my clients would still have jobs
Quizá si Clyton Wells hubiera sido más creativo, él y mis clientes todavía tendrían trabajo.
There were times the only answer would have been to end the toil and be done with it, go back to what was, but he pushed on
Hubo momentos en los que la única respuesta habría sido terminar el duro trabajo y dejar así. Volver a lo que era.
He would've killed me for marrying a son of a bitch of my own, because he knew what that would have been like for me.
Me hubiera matado por casarme con un hijo de perra propio porque sabía lo que eso hubiera sido para mí.
But if I'd have stayed, married some boy and had babies, I would have been here when he got sick.
Pero si me hubiera quedado, si me hubiera casado y tenido hijos hubiera estado aquí cuando se enfermó.
Had he been started on the drug regimen i suggested, Which dr. gallagher overruled, This would not have happened.
Ha empezado con el tratamiento que sugerí y que el Dr. Gallagher dejó sin efecto... ésto no habría sucedido.
Counting the hardened since he gave me as I walk... it would have been worse.
- Teniendo en cuenta la de palizas que me ha dado desde que tengo uso de razón, tampoco nos llevamos tan mal.
If he had won the warrior would have been back.
Si hubiera ganado, el guerrero habría vuelto.
I've always wondered what it would have been like... If the Luthors had found me in that field.
Siempre me he preguntado que hubiera sido de mí si los Luthor me hubieran encontrado en ese campo.
So, my movie, in this exple, is the vegar, which means, inherently, that it's not a bad movie because if-if dixon was sugar, then everything would have been fine, but he's not.
Mi pelicula, en este ejemplo, es el vinagre. Lo que demuestra en esencia que no fue por la pelicula porque si Dixon fuera azucar,... todo habria estado muy bien, pero no lo es.
I started wondering what high school would have been like for me if I had a drug like that, people to talk to.
He comenzado a imaginar como sería la preparatoria para mi si tuviera que tomar esa droga, la gente hablaría.
If he was better than me, I wouldn't have been able to find you, would I?
Si fuera mejor que yo, yo no habría sido capaz de encontrarte, ¿ no?
The attack appears to have been from behind, meaning he would have avoided most of the blood spray.
El ataque, parece que fué lanzado por detrás. Quizás necesitaba evitar la mayor parte del derramamiento de sangre.
You know, lex may have been your friend a lifetime ago, clark, but eventually, he would have killed you.
Sabes, Lex pudo haber sido tu amigo hace mucho tiempo, Clark pero en algún momento el te habria asesinado
Had he been Gonzalo, I would have discovered it instantly.
De haber sido Gonzalo lo hubiera descubierto al instante.
I think Muhammad Ali, if he had it all to do over again... he would have just been nice to Frazier, and won on points.
Creo que Muhammad Ali, si tuviese que volver a repetir esto... habría sido simpático con Frazier y habría ganado por puntos.
He would have been standing more near here.
Sí, tuvo que estar más hacia aquí.
If he'd been in good health, would you have told him?
De haber estado saludable, ¿ se lo habrías dicho?
I have no idea, but if he hadn't, it would have been much worse.
No tengo idea, pero si no lo hubiera hecho, habría sido mucho peor.
Now, that would have been his trigger, the moment he decided to go rogue.
El momento en el que decidió jugar duro.
Would have been easy for someone to know where'd he be, set up an ambush.
Habría sido fácil saber donde estaría para tenderle una trampa.
I mean if he had been conducting an affair, would he have confided in you?
Quiero decir que si tenía una relación clandestina, habría confiado en Ud.?
As soon as he made a withdrawal, the FBI would have been all over him.
Tan pronto como lo cogiese, el FBI estaría encima de él.Lo necesitaba en efectivo.
- he never would have been anywhere near that parking lot
Él nunca hubiera estado cerca del aparcamiento
Well, he would have been proud.
Bueno, hubiera estado orgulloso.
You know, to take these shots, he would have had to have been on a rooftop pretty close to the apartment.
Para tomar esas fotos debe haber estado sobre un tejado muy cerca del apartamento.
Either they would kill Tan Zong, or else... he kills them all and all problems have been solved.
O ellos matan a Tan Zong, o sino... él los mata a todos y así se resuelven todos los problemas.
If I'd arrested him on a hunch, he would have been acquitted.
Si lo hubiera arrestado por una corazonada, hubiera sido absuelto.
It--it would have been more than he could handle. - did she say anything to you- -
Y eso... era algo mas de lo que hubiera podido soportar - ¿ Ella le dijo algo a usted?
Even George would have been spared'cause he's Owen's guy.
Hasta George se habría salvado porque ayudaba a Owen.
Then you understand, if your father hadn't been given chemotherapy, he would have died a lot earlier than he did.
Entonces lo entiende, si su padre no hubiera recibido quimioterapia, Él hubiera muerto antes de lo que lo hizo.
( quavering ) : He said my mama Would have been ashamed of me.
Dijo que mamá estaría avergonzada de mí.
Had he been debriefed, he would have provided us with invaluable information.
Tenía que ser interrogado, pudo proveernos de información invaluable.
He wanted to go out on top. Jim Wilson would have been one hell of a final trophy on his wall.
Quería estar a la cabeza y Jim Wilson hubiera sido un último trofeo en la pared.
Were I in love, it would be a different thing but I have never been in love.
Si estuviera enamorada, sería diferente pero nunca lo he estado.
That's what would have called Ola. My son. If he hadn't been an Ola, that is.
Ese es el nombre que habíamos elegido con Helen... si en vez de Ola hubiera nacido una niña.
he wouldn't hurt a fly 20
he wouldn't do that 83
he wouldn't listen to me 16
he wouldn't dare 22
he wouldn't have 16
he wouldn't 192
he wouldn't say 50
he wouldn't tell me 33
he wouldn't listen 42
he would never do that 37
he wouldn't do that 83
he wouldn't listen to me 16
he wouldn't dare 22
he wouldn't have 16
he wouldn't 192
he wouldn't say 50
he wouldn't tell me 33
he wouldn't listen 42
he would never do that 37
he would have killed me 16
he would have 36
he would 208
he would be 16
he would never 36
he would say 35
he won't be long 18
he won't wake up 17
he won't be there 16
he won't talk to me 33
he would have 36
he would 208
he would be 16
he would never 36
he would say 35
he won't be long 18
he won't wake up 17
he won't be there 16
he won't talk to me 33