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He must know every crook in hell's kitchen.
Bueno, quien hizo una cosa como esa debe conocer a todos los criminales de Hell's Kitchen.
The little boy from New York's Hell's Kitchen... who went out West and made good in Chicago.
El pequeño muchacho de Nueva York que fue al oeste a triunfar en Chicago.
I was born in Hell's Kitchen.
Yo nací en Hell's Kitchen.
I'm saying it. Gail Wynand of Hell's Kitchen who had the strength and spirit to rise by his own effort but who made a bad mistake about the way he chose.
Lo digo de Gail Wynand de Hell's Kitchen quien tuvo la fuerza y el espíritu de ascender con sus esfuerzos pero quien cometió un error en la forma en que escogió.
Howard, that's where I was born, Hell's Kitchen.
Howard, ahí fue donde yo nací, Hell's Kitchen.
There it is, on the site of Hell's Kitchen.
Pues ahí está, en Hell's Kitchen.
You see, Numbers and I grew up together in Hell's Kitchen.
Verá, Números y yo nos criamos juntos en el barrio de Hell's Kitchen.
I've seen action in Williamsburg, Hell's Kitchen, Yorkville, Weehawken...
Vi acción en Williamsburg, Hell's Kitchen, Yorkville, Weehauken...
I come from just across the river, Hell's Kitchen.
Soy del otro lado del río : De Hell's Kitchen.
My Palm Beach was Hell's Kitchen.
Mi Palm Beach era el Bronx.
Mommy came into the kitchen and said, "What the hell's going on in here?"
"? QUé diablos pasa aquí? ".
You see, Mrs. Castonmeyer, I grew up in hell's kitchen!
Verá, Sra. Castonmeyer, yo crecí en la cocina del infierno.
I know you fucking switched them. You didn't get as far from Hell's Kitchen as you thought.
No escapaste tan lejos como creías.
They don't even want to call it Hell's Kitchen no more.
Ya ni siquiera quieren llamarlo Hell's Kitchen.
Cops were all over the Kitchen asking questions.
La poli recorrió todo Hell's Kitchen investigando.
Cavello got wasted in the Kitchen in the wee hours of the morning.
Liquidaron a Cavello en Hell's Kitchen de madrugada.
Here. There's going to be hell to pay in that kitchen.
Va a haber un infierno en la cocina.
My three friends and I were inseparable, happy and content to live in the closed world of Hell's Kitchen.
Mis 3 amigos y yo éramos inseparables felices de vivir en el mundo de nuestro barrio.
Hell's Kitchen was populated by an uneasy blend of Irish, Italian, Puerto Rican, and Eastern European laborers.
"La Cocina del Infierno" era un barrio de obreros irlandeses, italianos, puertorriqueños y polacos.
Domestic violence was a cottage industry in Hell's Kitchen, yet there was no divorce and few separations.
La violencia doméstica era una industria local. Pero había cero divorcios y pocas separaciones.
Yet, despite the harshness of life, Hell's Kitchen offered the kids on its streets a safety net enjoyed by few other neighborhoods.
A pesar de lo duro de la vida la Cocina del Infierno ofrecía a los niños una red de seguridad.
A drug dealer from an uptown neighborhood moved heroin into Hell's Kitchen.
Un narcotraficante empezó a vender heroína en el barrio.
Hell's Kitchen was a place of innocence ruled by corruption.
La Cocina del Infierno era la inocencia regida por la corrupción.
But his real love was Carol Martinez. Hell's Kitchen's half-breed, half-Puerto Rican, half-lrish, she was raised by her father, her mother having died at childbirth.
Pero el amor de su vida era Carol Martínez una chica mitad puertorriqueña, mitad irlandesa.
Hell's Kitchen was run by a man named King Benny.
Cuando éramos chicos, "Rey" Benny dirigía la Cocina del Infierno.
But while they shouted their slogans, my friends and I went to funeral services for the young men of Hell's Kitchen who came back from Vietnam in body bags.
Pero mientras ellos gritaban sus refranes nosotros íbamos a funerales de jóvenes del barrio que volvían de Vietnam en bolsas de plástico.
I knew you Hell's Kitchen boys weren't as dumb as everyone says.
Sabía que los de la Cocina del Infierno no son tan tontos.
So, you Hell's Kitchen boys get any lunch?
A ver ¿ comieron los de la Cocina del Infierno?
Tell them that Republicans are not welcome in Hell's Kitchen, and either a political conversion or a change of conversation is in order.
Diles que aquí no aceptamos republicanos. O cambian de partido o cambian de conversación.
Michael's plan relied heavily on Hell's Kitchen to deliver information and keep quiet.
Michael contaba con que el barrio le diera información y se callara.
Right here, Hell's Kitchen.
A éste. La Cocina del Infierno.
Worst quartet to ever hold a Hell's Kitchen corner.
Los 4 Gladiadores. El peor cuarteto que se haya visto en una esquina.
Carol still works for a social service agency and lives in Hell's Kitchen.
Carol aún es trabajadora social y vive en la Cocina del Infierno.
She's in Hell's Kitchen.
Está en la Cocina del Diablo.
His body is dissolving in a bathtub in Hell's Kitchen.
Su cuerpo está deshaciéndose en la tina de Hell's Kitchen.
Striker out of Cardiff, now residing in hell's Kitchen.
Un delantero europeo del Cardiff, que ahora vive en Hell's Kitchen.
Go tell Whitey that you asked around the neighborhood and unless his ghost is haunting the streets, young Sean has not been seen in Hell's Kitchen since 1980.
Quizás una mano y un brazo... pero eso era todo. Que en paz des canse. ¿ De qué crees que esto se trate?
Right? Okay.
Anda, dile a Whitey que preguntaste por el barrio y que a menos que su fantasma esté rondando las calles, no s e ha visto al joven Sean en Hell's Kitchen desde 1980.
Yeah, well, I don't know how they do shit in Ireland, but this is Hell's Kitchen.
¿ Quieres saber algo? Me importa un carajo lo que piensa Whitey.
Big fucking deal. Ancient history.
Si, desconozco cómo hacen las cosas en Irlanda, pero estamos en Hell's Kitchen y tenemos reglas propias.
Look, you know I wish it was me going with you, right?
- ¿ Un granjero? ¿ U n granjero de Hell's Kitchen? ¿ Qué cultivas?
Hell's Kitchen.
Hell's Kitchen.
Off to rehearsal, where l hopefully still have a few band members left to fire before our big Hell's Kitchen debut performance tomorrow night.
Aún quedan algunos miembros en el grupo antes del debut de mañana en Hell's Kitchen.
We have a gig tonight at Hell's Kitchen.
Pasamos el día ensayando y hoy tocaremos en Hell's Kitchen.
Hell's Kitchen.
En Hell's Kitchen.
I grew up in Hell's Kitchen.
Crecí en Hell's Kitchen.
Stay out of Hell's Kitchen.
Lárgate de Hell's Kitchen.
You're the blind lawyers from Hell's Kitchen.
Son los abogados invidentes de Hell's Kitchen.
The blind lawyer from Hell's Kitchen?
¿ El abogado ciego de Hell's Kitchen?
Hell's Kitchen is my neighborhood.
Hell's Kitchen es mi vecindario.
Or you could just meet me down at Hell's Kitchen tonight if you want.
Si quieres podemos Vernos en Hell's Kitchen esta noche.

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