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His place traducir español

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Then his daughter took his place, made Nassau strong.
Entonces su hija tomó su lugar, hizo Nassau fuerte.
And who's fighting in his place again? Uh, hang on a second.
No tengo idea de lo que ha pasado.
And would Pilate support that which costs him his place as governor?
¿ Y Pilato lo apoyará, aunque le cueste su puesto de gobernador?
A cocksucker, less than a voice, a fucking murderer, can learn his place under my vote.
Un chupa pollas, menos que una voz, un maldito asesino, puede aprender su lugar bajo mi voto.
I saw the look on his face the last night he left this place and I beg to differ.
Vi la mirada en su cara la última noche que dejó este Lugar y me permito disentir.
Showed you were a man who knows his place.
Mostró que eras un hombre que conoce su lugar.
And so, Kip discovers his place.
Así, Kip descubre cuál es su lugar.
George bought this place with the proceeds from early Dagger novels and gave that part of the house to his brother.
George compró esto con las ganancias de las primeras novelas de Dagger, y le dio esa parte de la casa a su hermano.
I put that Branscomb guy in his place.
He puesto a ese tipo de Branscomb en su sitio.
And in his place will stand before all the world a flawed man, a man that England can relate to and offer its forgiveness.
Y, en su lugar, estará ante el mundo un hombre con defectos un hombre con quien Inglaterra puede identificarse y ofrecer su perdón.
It ain't at his place.
No está en su casa.
And his body swinging over the harbor of this place sends a powerful message.
Y su cuerpo colgando del puerto de este lugar envía un mensaje muy poderoso.
It is said you are to kill the king and take his place.
Está dicho que debes asesinar al rey y tomar su lugar.
A lesser man would be using this place as his own personal pussy smorgasbord, every fucking color, shape, size.
Un hombre más débil usaría este sitio como su bufé privado de coños. Hay de todos los putos colores, formas y tamaños.
But if I have to hurt somebody, if I was in his place, no, I can't continue.
Pero si tengo que lastimar a alguien, si yo estuviera en su lugar, no, no puedo continuar.
I should have been in his place.
Yo debería haber estado en su lugar, no el.
I thought maybe one day I would take his place.
Pensé que tal vez algún día tomaría su lugar.
As he fell, another rises in his place.
Así como él cayó, hay otro que surge en su lugar.
Well, I was talking to George and he said I could drop your family off at his place.
Hablé con George, puedo llevar a tu familia a su casa. ¡ Puta madre!
I'm gonna hitch a ride with Poots to his place down in The Keys.
Voy a viajar con Poots a su casa en los Cayos.
Look, George has kindly offered to let Trinity and The Motel stay at his place for the time being.
George ofreció generosamente permitir que Trinity y El Motel se quedaran en su casa mientras tanto.
I'll just give dad his medicines the centre of my circumference I feel is this place... this courtyard...
Si sólo voy a darle los medicamentos a papá. El centro de mi circunferencia. Lo que siento en este lugar en este patio.
Irv's son Waz took his place, which would have been fine until he demanded that we put his fiancée in the band.
El hijo de Irv, Waz, ocupó su lugar, lo que hubiera estado bien hasta que exigió que pusiéramos a su prometida en la banda.
He hasn't been to his place.
No ha estado en su casa.
Nyx has invited us up to his place.
Nyx nos invitó a su casa.
Why don't you head over to his place and see what's what?
¿ Por qué no vas a su casa y ves qué es eso?
With Oberyn gone, Trystane will take his place on the small council.
Ya que Oberyn no está, Trystane tomará su lugar en el pequeño concejo.
He has found his place.
Encontró su lugar.
And also, like, I can't stay at his place tonight because I'm... Exfo... exfoliating.
Y tampoco puedo quedarme en su casa esta noche porque me estoy exfoliando.
Is this his place?
¿ Ésta es su casa?
A place I was led to by my own obsession with the world's most feared terrorist- - [speaking Arabic] a man who would choose me to be his messenger.
Un lugar al que me llevó mi obsesión con el terrorista más temido. Un hombre que me elegiría como su mensajero.
There was only one place left to go- - into the very heart of Zarqawi's power, to a province called Anbar where he'd forged his Islamic state, to a city he'd made his dark capital, a city called Ramadi.
Sólo quedaba entrar en el corazón del poder de Zarqaui, en un estado llamado Anbar donde había fundado su estado islámico, en una ciudad que había nombrado su capital oscura : Ramadi.
My point being, despite his blunder, he came to the right place.
La cuestión es, que a pesar de su equivocación, vino al lugar adecuado.
Why would he bring his child to a place like this?
¿ Por qué iba a traer a su niño a un lugar como este?
And then you insisted on going all the way to Brooklyn, dragged me down to Josh's place for a ridiculous Swedish tattoo, and then you threw a rock through his window.
E insististe en ir hacia Brooklyn, me arrastraste hasta la casa de Josh para hacerte un ridiculo tatuaje sueco, y luego tiraste una piedra por su ventana.
George is the reason I came to Luxton in the first place to research his work.
George es la razón por la que vine a Luxton en primer lugar, para investigar su trabajo.
It was the body of Andre's wife..... the adulterous wife he'd just killed when he found out that she was having an affair with his boss, and then he hid her body in the one place
El cuerpo de la mujer de Andre, la esposa adúltera a la que acababa de matar porque se enteró de que tenía una aventura con su jefe. Luego ocultó el cuerpo en el único lugar donde creía que nadie buscaría.
"Here at this lov... lovely place, the shepherd wanted to rest and eat his midday meal."
"En este her... hermoso lugar, el pastor quería descansar y comer su almuerzo."
A place where he could bring one of his whores for a good fuck.
Un lugar al que podría traer una de sus putas para un buen polvo.
I swear to you on the blood of my infant son that I will personally place his head on a stake beside Malcolm's.
Te juro en la sangre de mi hijo pequeño que lo haré personalmente colocar la cabeza en una estaca al lado de Malcolm.
Stan said he was fixing the place up so his family could move in.
Stan dijo que estaba arreglando el lugar... para que su familia se mudase.
I wonder if he ever found it... his silent place with God.
Me pregunto si alguna vez lo encontró... su silencioso lugar con Dios.
... give place to the Lord Jesus Christ, who shed his most precious blood for man.
... abre paso al Señor Jesucristo que derramó su tan preciada sangre por el hombre.
And one winter Uncle Clyde came by and said he needed a place to stay, just till he got on his feet, he said.
Y un invierno el tío Clyde vino a casa y dijo que necesitaba un lugar para estar hasta que pudiera volver a ponerse de pie, dijo.
Years ago... I was on your side of this conversation, and the man in my place was the father of our cluster. He was telling me all sorts of bullshit about the psycellium, about how he could feel from this present moment all the way back to the first breath his cluster ever took.
Hace años, estuve de tu lado de esta conversación y en mi lugar estaba el padre de nuestro grupo, diciéndome cosas inverosímiles sobre el psiquelio, sobre sentir desde el presente hasta el primer aliento que tomó su grupo al nacer.
We can't prove it belongs to him, but we may be able to place it in his possession.
No podemos probar que le pertenece, pero podemos ubicarlo en su poder.
I always felt pushed to the back burner while the military took first place in his life.
Siempre sentí que me dejaba en segundo plano... mientras que el ejército ocupaba el primer lugar en su vida.
He sees us pull up in your government agent-mobile, and he blows the place up to cover his escape.
Nos ve llegar en tu auto de gobierno, y hace explotar el lugar para encubrir su escape.
So... so, then, um, we... okay, so after your shift tomorrow, we scour your place, his place.
Entonces... Nosotros... Vale.
The librarian and his friends used the door to open a path to a place they had lost.
El bibliotecario y sus amigos utilizaron la puerta para abrir un camino a un lugar que habían perdido.
The type of water in his lungs could help us narrow down where the attack took place.
El tipo de agua que tenga en sus pulmones nos podría ayudar a limitar dónde se produjo el ataque.

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