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Home secretary traducir español

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Now he's arranged for me to meet the home secretary today.
Me consiguió una entrevista con el Ministro del Interior.
We've got to be at the home secretary's office by 12 : 30.
Nos esperan a las 12 : 30 en el despacho del Ministro.
If you will come with me, the home secretary will see you immediately.
Si me acompaña, el Ministro del Interior lo recibirá de inmediato.
I'll get in touch with the home secretary.
Yo llamaré al Ministro del Interior.
But the Home Secretary... It seems impossible that he shouldn't grant a postponement.
El Ministro del Interior... es imposible que no pueda conceder un aplazamiento.
We just need the OK from the government, the Arts Council, the Home Secretary and the Archbishop.
Solo necesitamos el permiso del Gobierno, de la Comisión de Artes, del Ministerio del Interior y del Arzobispo.
The Home Secretary and I are... like that.
El Ministro del Interior y yo somos como...
Have you, uh, gotten any news from the Home Secretary?
¿ Alguna noticia de Secretaría?
I'm to phone the Home Secretary personally.
- Llamar a secretaría yo mismo.
I spoke to the Home Secretary this morning. We were at school together.
Esta mañana he hablado con el ministro del Interior... fuimos compañeros de colegio
This is the Home Secretary.
Este, el ministro del Interior.
Even now the home secretary may recommend a reprieve.
Puede que el secretario recomiende un indulto.
Mum's written to the home secretary.
Mamá ha escrito al secretario.
It is my painful duty to tell you that the home secretary has not seen fit to recommend a reprieve.
Es mi doloroso deber el decirte que la secretaría no ha autorizado el indulto.
GENERAL : And, gentlemen, as the home secretary has permitted this disclosure... ... I can now inform you that Midwich is not the only colony of such children.
Y, como el ministro de Interior me ha autorizado a revelar esto puedo informarles de que Midwich no es la única colonia de niños así.
Every Double-0 man in Europe has been rushed in, and the Home Secretary too.
Convocó a todos los agentes doble cero de Europa y al Ministro del Interior.
The Prime Minister has asked the Home Secretary... to come and represent him here today.
El Primer Ministro le pidió al Ministro del Interior... que lo representara hoy aquí.
The Home Secretary.
El Ministro del Interior.
Well, at least we can let the Home Secretary off his beat now.
Al menos podemos tranquilizar a Interior.
Father was Home Secretary and mother won the Derby.
Mi padre era ministro de interior y la madre ganó el Derby.
What are you going to do? I can't be Home Secretary in a party that condones racialism.
No puedo ser Ministro del Interior en un partido que condona el racismo.
First, the Home Secretary, Hugh Wilting, who was with him when he died.
Primero, el Ministro del Interior, Hugh Wilting, quien estaba con él cuando murió.
Yes, I'll get on to the Home Secretary and if I don't get him to revoke that order, I'll go to UNIT headquarters in Geneva.
Iré donde el Ministro y si no consigo revocar esa orden,... iré a los cuarteles generales de UNIT en Ginebra.
Trying to see the Home Secretary, I gather.
Intentando ver al Ministro, supongo.
Write a letter to the Home Secretary.
Para que hable con el secretario de estado.
The Home Secretary has received a message, pushed through his door at midnight. They want to exchange Mr. Carrados for Dennis Rank. Anonymous?
El Secretario de Estado recibió el mensaje... abrió su puerta a la medianoche, harán el intercambio... del Sr. Carrados... por Dennis Rank.
Home Secretary speaks!
¡ Algo sucedió con Max Carrados!
And you'll get in touch with the Home Secretary and make sure...
¿ Y te pondrás en contacto con el Ministro de Interior y te asegurarás...
Does the Home Secretary realize that his last reply is totally inadequate?
¿ Acaso el Secretario del Interior sabe que su última respuesta es insuficiente?
well, if I were later to discover that the Home Secretary had actually instructed the Governor of CheImsford jail to give SIade a Ieg-up over the wall, I suppose I might be mildly embarrassed.
Si luego descubriera que el Secretario del Interior... le dio instrucciones al Gobernador de la prisión Chelmsford... para que ayudara a Slade a escapar... supongo que sería una vergüenza.
My home secretary, Mrs. Naidu.
Mi secretaria de Interior, la Sra. Naidu.
My home secretary, Mrs. Naidu, will explain the favourable arrangements we are planning for this area.
Mi secretaria, Mrs. Naidu, explicará los favorables arreglos que estamos planeando para esta área.
[The three go in search of the Home Secretary,.. ] [.. who is taking a mud bath cure near Naples.]
Los tres van en busca del Ministro del Interior, que está tomando una cura de baño de barro, cerca de Nápoles.
We have the Home Secretary here and you know how he likes an informed audience.
Está aquí el Secretario del Interior y le gusta que el público esté bien informado.
They told us we had to negotiate with the Home Secretary.
Nos dijeron que negociáramos con el ministro del Interior.
Seven to go with a bit of luck, and a decent Home Secretary.
Me quedan siete con un poco de suerte y algún político decente.
Forget the Commissioner. Now, we've got the Home Secretary blowing his top, demanding to know what kind of a lunatic I've turned loose.
El propio ministro del Interior quiere saber qué clase de loco he dejado suelto por ahí.
Describe the Home Secretary to me.
Descríbeme al Ministro del Interior.
This is the Home Secretary.
Soy el Ministro del Interior.
And at the top of the pile is the Home Secretary.
Y al tope de la lista está el Ministro del Interior.
Sir, I hold a warrant from the secretary of state for the Home Department.
Señor, tengo una orden Judicial del Ministerio del Interior.
You don't think I sent $ 100 a month home on secretary's pay, do you?
¿ Cómo si no te hubiera enviado 100 dólares al mes siendo secretaria?
My secretary did get your home address and phone number, didn't he?
Mi secretaria me hizo llegar su domicilio y número de teléfono, ¿ no es así?
I like the common sense of it. We'll let the Home Secretary off his beat.
No necesito sabotear armas.
- ¿ A qué?
Blau... secretary of the Funeral Home.
Blau... secretario de la casa fúnebre.
Howell speaking. - Give me the Home Secretary.
And does the Home Secretary agree?
¿ Y el Secretario de Estado está de acuerdo?
Home Secretary speaks!
¡ Algo sucedió!
[Di Cori can only find the Home Office undersecretary,.. ] [.. Ferlingieri, and the Socialist Party secretary, Bertoni.]
Di Cori sólo puede encontrar... al subsecretario del Ministerio del Interior Ferlingieri, y el Secretario del Partido Socialista, Bertoni.
Your secretary... she said she left the office around 6 : 00 that night... to go home and change and when she left, you were still in the office.
Dice que salió de la oficina a las 6 para ir a casa a cambiarse y usted se quedó en la oficina.

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