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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ H ] / Humph

Humph traducir español

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Están en las nubes.
But I can't "humph" from here.
Pero no puedo dar el "respingo" desde aquí.
There was two "humphs." Humph, humph.
Había dos "respingos".
Well, that would make it right. Humph, humph.
Bueno, eso debe solucionarlo.
- One, two, three. Humph, humph.
- Uno, dos, tres.
Navarro and Devereaux? Humph.
Nunca escuche esos nombres.
Humph! What a sissy.
¡ Será mariquita!
Como gustes.
Oh, Humph, I wouldn't let you throw your life on a bunch of cows.
No desperdicies tu vida con un montón de vacas.
Pick it up, Humph.
Ayúdame con esto.
Oh, now, Humph boy. Look, would I get you into a situation unless I knew exactly what I was doing?
No te metería en algo si no supiera lo que estoy haciendo.
Hold tight, Humph.
Espera. Allá voy.
Hang on, Humph.
Come on, Humph.
Vamos, ponte el uniforme.
Humph doesn't need'em.
No la necesita.
He'll come smashing into you, you guys'll go bouncing back, and ol'Humph is gonna keep right on goin', right, Humph?
Arremeterá contra ustedes, los desplazará, y él seguirá avanzando. ¿ Verdad?
- Okay, Humph, it's your neck.
Es tu pellejo.
Ready, humph?
¿ Listo, Humphrey?
But how'bout Humph and me?
- ¿ Y nosotros?
Maybe the college won't be here next year, but we're going to see that nobody ever forgets it. Yahoo! Come on, Humph!
Quizá la universidad no esté en un año, pero nos aseguraremos de que nadie la olvide.
Humph, what is the matter with you?
¿ Qué te pasa?
Humph, give it the gas.
Llénalo de gas.
You look kinda flabby, Humph.
Te ves desinflado.
Well, Humph, I guess we've had it.
Supongo que perdimos.
Oh, humph!
Oh, eh!
Humph, the nerve of some people- - disturbing him at 4 : 00 in the morning.
Qué descaro de algunos, molestarlo a las 4 : 00 de la madrugada.
Humph. You better stop laughing before I get mad. If you don't quit it, I'll hit you.
Pare de reír antes de que me enoje lo voy a golpear.
Humph. Studying the martial arts.
Estudiando artes marciales.
Why, he could take three of you and beat you all. Humph!
El le gano a tres de ustedes y los golpeo a todos.
Quite right. Humph!
Muy bien.
Praying for salvation? Humph.
Rezando para ser salvo?
Are you going to the betting shop today?
Then shoot him. Humph.
Entonces, fusÍlelo.
Humph. You bet your ass.
- Puedes apostar tu culo a que lo haré.
Humph, that's not a big deal.
Eso no es nada.
Humph, Xiao Zhou, stop being a liberalist.
Xiao Zhou, deja de ser liberal.
Humph! I know you want to show that you have been right all the time.
Sé que quieres mostrar que has sido correcto todo el tiempo.
Humph, does that make sense?
¿ Tiene eso sentido?
Humph. Well, the muffler is shot.
Pues, el silenciador está destruido.
I thought you'd be taller. Listen, Scrooge, if men were measured by kindness, you'd be no bigger than a speck of dust. Humph!
Pensé que serías más alto.
Así que mi palacio no es bastante para él...
¿ Qué?
Humph. Split the tiles.
Reparta las piezas.
Busy. Humph!
Lo siento.
Uh, it's in with the, um, the, uh...
Can I handle in my condition, humph.
Manejarme en mi estado, tonto?

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