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Hurley traducir español

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Hurley, you're the mayor of this town.
Hurley, eres el alcalde.
I went back in to see him. It was no soap. I even went to Hurley.
Me costó pedir perdón. ¿ Y qué dijo?
My name is John Hurley.
Me llamo John Hurley.
Hello, Mr. Hurley.
- Hola, Sr. Hurley.
No, it's no use, Mr. Hurley, I'm convinced I didn't even see the license number.
No, de nada servirá, Sr. Hurley, estoy convencido de que no vi esa placa.
You know, one day, Hurley, you're going to turn up once too often.
¿ Sabes? Algún día, Hurley, terminarás siendo un estorbo.
See you downstairs, Hurley.
Nos vemos abajo, Hurley.
Mr. Hurley was right about my mental block.
El Sr. Hurley tenía razón sobre mi bloqueo.
I didn't want to remember, but... Mr. Hurley was right, he made me remember.
No quería recordar, pero... el Sr. Hurley tenía razón, me hizo recordar.
Well. I was going past Ed Hurley's place. and you know something?
Pues pasé por casa de Ed Hurley, ¿ y sabes qué?
Oh, but, Mr. Hurley, whatever for?
¿ A cambio de qué, Sr. Hurley?
- You really got something, Mr. Hurley.
- Ya lo creo, Sr. Hurley.
Professor Brainard, my name is Hurley.
Profesor Brainard, me llamo Hurley.
Mr. Hurley is a live wire.
- A Hurley le gusta la acción.
I'm very impressed, Mr. Hurley, but...
Estoy impresionado... Está bien.
The party's over. I can't tell you how badly I feel, Mr. Hurley.
No sabe cuánto lo siento.
- You've hurt Mr. Hurley very deeply.
- Hirió al Sr. Hurley.
- Betsy, give Mr. Hurley back his check.
- Betsy, devuélvele el cheque.
Weren't you supposed to be going off to Hurley?
¿ No convinimos en que pasarías por Hurley?
- Mr Hurley.
- Sr. Hurley.
Mace Jones in the church, Joe Hurley in the stable.
Mace Jones en la iglesia, Joe Hurley en el establo.
Carson, Mace, Hurley.
Carson, Mace, Hurley.
- I'm Nick Hurley.
Soy Nick Hurley.
Nick Hurley.
Nick Hurley.
Commissioner Couch. Commissioner Hurley.
Comisionado Couch, comisionado Hurley.
- I got to find Hurley.
- Debo encontrar a Hurley.
I forgot to get permission. Now I can't find Hurley.
Olvidé pedir permiso y no encuentro a Hurley.
Mr. Hurley?
¿ Sr. Hurley?
Make Hurley give you one.
Haz que Hurley te haga uno.
It's Gilda's birthday, Mr. Hurley.
Es el cumpleaños de Gilda.
Hurley works there. Think he'd work there if he was going to get cancer?
¿ Hurley trabajaría allí si fuera a tener cáncer?
Hurley throws a fit how we're late on the contracts...
Hurley dice que estamos atrasados...
- I'm as smart as Hurley is.
- Soy tan lista como Hurley.
I was trying to get blood for my daughter... and Hurley said asking people at the plant... is against union rules.
Trataba de obtener sangre para mi hija... y Hurley dijo que pedirle a gente de la planta... va contra las reglas del sindicato.
Mr. Hurley, did you tell an employee in wet processing... that it was against union rules to give blood?
Sr. Hurley, ¿ le dijo a una empleada que va... contra las reglas sindicales donar sangre?
Mr. Hurley, they're taking everything.
Sr. Hurley, se lo llevan todo.
Sergeant Thomas Spota told Eyewitness News reporter Chuck Hurley... this appears to be the work of the same person or persons... who have committed a series of similar attacks in the area in the past few weeks.
El sargento Thomas Spota le dijo a nuestro reportero Chuck Hurley... que parece ser obra de la misma persona o personas... que han cometido una serie de ataques similares en las últimas semanas.
Well, I was at Hurley's Market.
Bueno, yo estaba en el Mercado de Hurley.
Hurley's Market.
Mercado de Hurley.
I'm a checkout clerk at Hurley's Market.
soy un empleado de caja en el Mercado de Hurley.
A checkout clerk at Hurley's Market.
Un cajero en el Mercado de Hurley.
Hurley's Market Shopper's Guide.
Mercado de Hurley Shopper's Guide.
- Welcome back, Mr. Hurley.
- Bienvenido, señor Hurley.
Yes, Mr. Hurley.
Sí, señor Hurley.
I talked to Hurley.
He hablado con Hurley.
- Will you call Hurley?
- ¿ Vas a llamar a Hurley?
Tougher than Hurley.
Más duro que Hurley.
Winner, Bull Hurley.
Ganador, Bull Hurley.
A win for the five-time world champion, Bull Hurley.
Bill Hurley, quíntuple campeón mundial.
- Bull Hurley.
- Bull Hurley.
Mr Hurley...
Sr. Hurley...

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