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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ I ] / I'd like a word with you

I'd like a word with you traducir español

215 traducción paralela
I'd like to have a word with you...
Me gustaría hablar con ustedes... ¡ AHORA MISMO!
Julia, I'd like to have a word with you.
Julia, acabamos de hablarlo.
I'd like to have a word with you when it's convenient.
Me gustaría hablar contigo cuando te parezca bien.
- I'd like a word with you, Rebstock.
- Quiero hablar contigo, Rebstock.
I'd like a word with you.
- Quisiera hablar con usted.
Oh, Mary, I'd like to have a word with you.
Ah, Mary, me gustaría hablar contigo.
I'd like to have a word with you.
Quisiera hablar con Ud.
I'd like a word with you.
Me gustaría hablar contigo.
I'd like to have a word with you.
Me gustaría decirte algo.
Now that we've succeeded, somewhat elaborately, in getting rid of the female students, I'd like to have a word with you.
Y ahora que hemos conseguido deshacernos de las alumnas quisiera hablar con ustedes.
I'd like a word with you, please.
Quisiera hablar con usted, por favor.
- I'd like to use one of them to have a word with you.
- Quiero usar un minuto para hablarle.
Now Watson, if you don't mind I'd like to have a word with your extraordinary patients.
Me gustaría intercambiar unas palabras con sus extraordinarios pacientes.
- I'd like a word with you, TI. - Uh-huh?
Me gustaría hablar contigo, Artillero.
If you don't mind, I'd like a word with Miss Hunt.
Si no le importa, quisiera hablar con la señorita Hunt.
Dr. MacFarlane, I'd like a word with you, if I may.
Dr. MacFarlane, si me permite, quisiera hablar con usted.
I'd like to have a word with you, miss.
Antes me gustaría hablar contigo, señorita.
Leyden, I'd like a word with you before you go.
Leyden, me gustaría hablar con usted antes de irse.
- I'd like a word with you, Mr Wilson.
Querría hablar con Vd.
After you're through with her, I'd like to have a word or two with Kitty myself.
Después de que usted... termine con ella, me gustaría hablar con Kitty.
I'd like a word with you, young lady.
Me gustaría hablar contigo jovencita.
I'd like a word with you, Ben.
- Tengo que hablar contigo, Ben.
Now... If Mrs. Demarest will please excuse us, I'd like a word with you.
Ahora, si la Sra. Demarest nos disculpa, por favor,... me gustaría hablar contigo.
I've just been telling the inspector about your latest findings and, er... he'd like to have a word with you.
Contaba al inspector tus últimos hallazgos. Desearía hablar contigo.
Well, Mother, I'm going to have to go upstairs, just, sort of, brush up a bit and I'd like to have a word with you, Mr McCassin.
Bueno, mamá, voy a subir a arreglarme un poco. Y quiero hablar un momento con usted, Sr. McCassin.
I'd... I'd like a word with you.
Me gustaría... me gustaría hablar con usted.
I'd like a word with you, Mrs Vinton.
Me gustaría hablar con usted, Sra. Vinton.
Look boss, I'd like a word with you.
Jefe, tengo que hablar con usted.
I'd like a word with you, outside.
Tú y yo tenemos que hablar.
Mr. Gray, I'd like a word with you.
Sr. Gray, me gustaría hablar con Vd.
Step lively. And now, sir, I'd like to have a word with you in the cabin, if I may.
Y ahora, señor, quisiera hablar un momento con Vd.
I'd like to have a word with you.
Quisiera hablar con usted.
Mr. Brown, I'd like a word with you.
Sr. Brown, quiero hablarle.
Mr. Rassendyll, forgive me if I interrupt you at an inopportune moment but I'd like a friendly word with you.
Sr. Rassendyll, perdóneme por interrumpirle en un momento tan inoportuno... pero me gustaría tener unas palabras amistosas con usted.
I'd like a word with you, miss.
Quisiera hablar con usted, señorita.
I'd like a word with you.
Tú ven aquí, por favor.
I'd like a word with you.
Quiero hablar con Ud.
- I'd like a word with you.
- Quisiera hablar con usted.
I'd like to have a word with you.
Me gustaría hablar contigo.
I'd like to have a word with you, Mr. Starrett.
Quiero hablar con usted, Sr. Starrett.
Virginia, I'd like to have a word with you when you finish your breakfast
Virginia, quisiera hablar contigo cuando acabes de desayunar.
I'd like a word with you.
Quería hablar contigo.
- I'd like a word with you.
- Me gustaría hablar con usted.
I'd like a word with you. Well is it urgent?
¿ Es urgente?
Hello. I'd like a word with you.
Hola, querría hablar contigo.
I'd like a word with you if you've got a moment, Lucas.
Me gustaría hablar con usted si tiene un momento, Lucas.
I'd like to have a word with you. Well, here I am.
Me gustaría hablar con usted.
Sir, I'd like a word with you...
Sr. Presidente, Te digo...
Mrs Massingale, I'd like a word with you.
Sra. Massingale, quiero hablar con usted.
I'd like a word with you.
Me gustaría hablarle un momento.
Courtney, I'd like a word with you.
Courtney, quisiera hablar con usted.

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