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I'll go there traducir español

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So you're telling me if I go down there right now and talk to Jennifer, she'll tell me that you're fit for duty.
Entonces me estás diciendo que si bajo y le pregunto a Jennifer ¿ ella me dirá que eres apto para el servicio?
there you go. i'll get something for the floor. do you hear that?
Ahí tienes. ¿ Escuchas eso?
- I'll go pull'em out of there.
Me los llevaré de ahí.
All right, look, I'm gonna go out there, I'll get everybody,
Muy bien, mira, iré allá afuera, los reuniré a todos, y los llevaré a la mesa.
Just tell'em you've hired me, and I'll go in there, six guns ablazing.
Solo diles que me contrataste, y voy allí con 6 pistolas humeantes.
But I'm actually gonna go to the church with just my family so I'll see you both there?
Pero, de hecho iré con mi familia a la Iglesia así que, ¿ lo veré a ambos allí?
Almost most places I'll go, there's curb cuts.
En casi todos los lugares donde voy hay rampas.
Go to Gran's and I'll see you there tonight.
Ve a la de los abuelos y te veo allí esta noche.
He says I go back there he'll cut my hands off.
Dice que si vuelvo allí me cortará las manos.
I have to. I have to, don't you go over there. And I'll be right back. don't do it.
yo tengo que hacerlo.tengo que hacerlo, no vayas tu ahi y volveré enseguida, no lo hagas.
- I'll go there tomorrow.
- Bien mañana iré yo.
You go ahead, I'll be right there, I've just...
Adelántate, estaré allí, sólo tengo...
Go, go to the meeting, I'll be right there.
¡ Fuera! Id, id a la reunión, estaré allí
I'll take a breather, I'll go get us a couple of hot dogs and we'll come back and see how things go from there.
Tomaré un descanso, iré a buscarnos un par de salchichas y volveremos a ver cómo siguen las cosas.
There's no chemist. if you go with another woman, I'll kill you.
Has estado mucho rato y allí no hay ninguna farmacia. No hagas "triqui traca" con otra, o te mataré.
We'll go in there together and I'll drive you home.
Vamos y yo te llevo.
Go around that side and get that woman outta there. I'll check around.
Ve por ese lado y saca a la mujer.
Because if there will be need to go in their neighborhoods, to train with Palestinians, I'll go! Let them ask themselves the question.
Deje que tengan esa duda.
- There you go. - This ain't charity. I'll pay you back for it.
- Toma Esto no es caridad, le pagaré
You go ahead! I'll been there.
Usted encontrará allí.
Now go and sit over there, and I'll bring you a bottle of pop and your packet of crisps.
Ve a sentarte por allí, y te llevaré tu bebida de cola y paquete de papas.
'There's a cyclone coming, Em. I'll go after the stock. "'
Un tornado se acerca, Em.
And I thought, "If I survive all this, I'll go to that house, " apologise to the mother there, "and accept whatever punishment she chose for me."
Pensé que si sobrevivía, iría a esa casa a pedir perdón a la madre y aceptaría el castigo que ella me impusiera.
About Marco, I'll go over there and see if he's all right.
Volviendo a Marco, iré a ver cómo está.
I'm sure if we go there, they'll hook us up.
Seguro que si vamos, nos consiguen algo.
laughing Hey. okay, so, there's drinks overthere, there's joints on the coffee table, and I'm gonna go clean up, and I'll be back.
Bien, hay tragos aca esa es la mesa del cafe ire a lavarme y regreso.
- Of course, I ought to be searched to the skin. That's what I'll demand if I go back there with you.
Claro que me revisaras todo, eso pido si regreso contigo.
There's no rain, so I'll just go home.
No está lloviendo, así que me iré a casa.
If she's not there, I'll go check upstairs.
Si no está ahí, voy a subir.
Well, you go on and I'll see you there. OK?
Bueno, ve tú y yo te veré ahí, ¿ está bien?
And so I said I'll go out there.
Así que le dije que iría
- You'll go if I take you there?
- ¿ Se irá si lo llevo allí?
I'll give you 50 bucks if you go out there for me.
Te daré 50 pavos si sales ahí fuera por mi.
- I mean, I don't know, I'll go. - Whatever. Look, it's just that a bunch of my friends are gonna be there and... it's kinda like important to them.
Es solo que mis amigos van a estar allí y me apetecía mucho.
Why don't you go check in with Naomi over there, and I'll be seeing you.
Por qué no te inscribes con Naomi ahí, y ya nos veremos.
Look, I'll have the enhanced images of the other cardholders In a couple of hours- - we'll go from there.
Mira, tendré unas mejoras de imagen de los otros portadores en unas horas, seguiremos por ahí.
From there, I'll go to Afghanistan.
De aqui, Iré a Afghanistan.
Go up there, and I'll handle everything, okay?
Sube y yo me haré cargo de todo. ¿ Sí?
I mean, really, I'll just go to the airport and get a flight there, find a flight.
En serio, iré al aeropuerto y conseguiré un vuelo ; encontraré un vuelo.
Well, if you're telling me I can go in there and save that little girl... I'll do it.
Bien, si me dices que puedo ir allí y salvar a la niña lo haré.
Please go, I'll be there in a few
Está bien. Iré en unos minutos.
I'll go there, sir.
Iré ahí, señor.
I don't get it. What, you don't think he'll go there?
No entiendo, ¿ no crees que él acceda?
I'll tell you what, why don't you guys go to finance - and I'll meet you there, all right? - Okay.
¿ Por qué no van a financiamiento y yo los alcanzo?
Why don't you go into my bedroom and undress to your comfort level, and I'll be there in a second.
¿ Por qué no va a mi dormitorio y se pone cómoda? Yo ya voy.
I'll get there, man, and we will get the hell out of there and go get ourselves some more drinks, all right?
Nos vemos ahi y nos vamos a tomar unos tragos.
Okay, fine, I'll go out there.
Ok, bien, Saldré.
Then I'll go up there.
Entonces yo iré.
When you go under there, I'll drop the elevator and crush it.
Cuando este abajo, voy a soltar el ascensor y aplastarlo.
Go ahead, I'll be there in a bit.
Ve tú, yo iré en un rato.
I don't need to do any of the things that you need to go in there to do, so I'll just see you there.
No necesito hacer ninguna de esas cosas que necesitas hacer ahí, así que nos vemos allí.

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