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I'll go with him traducir español

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Mac tried to get me to go with him but I wouldn't. Maybe with me gone, They'll work and save the wheat
Tal vez sin mí trabajen y salven el trigo.
I'll go with him, sir.
Yo iré con el, señor.
I'll go and have a talk with him.
Iré a hablar con él.
You kick in with 10 percent of what you take that chump for or I'll go out and tip him off.
Me daréis el 10 % de lo que le levantéis o salgo y se lo cuento todo.
I'll strangle him with these bare hands... so help me, if I go to the chair for it.
Le estrangularé con mis propias manos... Ayúdame, si me envían a la silla por hacerlo.
I'll go out, but I'll never make up with him.
Iré afuera, pero nunca haré las paces.
If he don't want to go with us, we'll take it on the I am without him. That's right.
Si no nos sigue, nos iremos sin él.
- It's all right, I'll go up with him.
- Está bien, yo le acompañaré.
Father is being sent to Chukoti and, of course, I'll go with him.
Mi Padre está enviando a Chukoti y, claro, tendré que ir con él.
The thing is, if I go away with him, I'll be killing his career... and Brackett will probably kill him.
La cosa es que si me voy con él, le arruinaría la carrera... y Brackett seguramente lo mataría.
- Father, I'll go home by walking with him.
- Papá, me voy a casa con él.
- If I do, I'll go in there with him.
- Si lo hago, me meteré en la jaula con él.
And I'll have him for the rest of his life because I'll go and hide with him.
Y será mío el resto de su vida, porque yo viviré escondida con él.
I'll go with him, miss.
Yo le acompañaré, señorita.
I'll go with him.
Yo iré con él.
I'll go to him and I'll stay with him!
¡ Iré y me quedaré con él!
I'll go back home with him.
Voy a volver a casa con él.
I'll call you before I leave. He wants me to go to Milan with him.
Le llamaré antes de marcharme, quiere que vaya a Milán con él.
I'll go with him up to heaven!
¡ Subiré con él al cielo!
Un camino muy duro.
And I'll go on living with him for the rest of my life.
Y viviré con él toda la vida.
He'll be enchanted, with invisible wings to go over every jump, if I ride him!
Será un caballo encantado, con alas invisibles para sortear cada salto, si yo lo monto.
You'll find him at the police station and now I must ask you to go and take your assistant with you.
Está en la comisaría. Ahora debo pedirle que usted y su ayudante se vayan.
I'll go with him.
Iré con él.
On second thought, I think I'll go with you and tell him myself.
Pensándolo mejor, creo que iré contigo y se lo diré yo misma.
I'll go and have a talk with him.
Hablaré con ellos.
Then I'll go with him in the morning.
Pues me iré por la mañana.
And tell the Chief I'll go over the personnel reports with him at 14 : 00.
Y dile al jefe que repasaré con él los informes del personal a las tres.
I'll go with him for the last time! Me!
¡ Que le acompañe yo solo por última vez!
Before this goes any further tell Riling, I'll go with him.
Antes de que esto vaya más lejos, dile a Riling que iré con él.
And genius or no genius, I'm going up and tell him to get down here to breakfast. I'll go with you.
Y sea o no un genio, voy a decirle que baje a desayunar.
I'll go see what's wrong with him.
Iré a ver a John.
We go straight to the office... I'll stick a gun in Bowen's ribs... And we walk him out with us...
Vamos al despacho, le ponemos un arma en las costillas a Bowen y nos lo llevamos.
I'll go along with him.
Yo iré con él.
I'll go with you. No, you don't. Listen, look around for a piece of rope and tie him up.
¡ Escúchame, busca un pedazo de cuerda y amárralo!
- No. - I'll go and find him! - I'll come with you.
Es difícil de encontrar.
– I'll go with him, Granddad.
- Abuelo, yo me iré con éI.
Go with him. I'll stay with Bleda.
Ve con él, me quedaré con Bleda.
I'll go with Carl and when I can't bear the sight of him any longer I'll...
Y cuando ya no resista más...
I'll bet he's went and hired a rig over at Claremore, thinkin'I'd go with him.
Apuesto a que alquiló un carruaje en Claremore, porque pensó que yo iría.
If the band throws in with him, I'll go to the Blue Devils.
Si la banda se va con él, me iré con los Blue Devils.
Tell him that with my look, I'll go back to work in a few days.
Dile que volveré al trabajo en cuanto me recupere.
You go on up with him. I'll get a taxi.
Vete con él.
You go and dig up the ground. I'll follow you with a bulldozer and we'll plow him under.
Pues prepara el camino, yo te seguiré más tarde.
- Swear him out! I'll go with you.
- ¡ Pues devuélveselo!
I'll go and talk to him once we're finished with Sumiko's wedding.
Hablaré con él en cuanto acabemos con la boda de Sumiko.
And if you go away, if you get mixed up with them again, we'll lose him and I don't think you and I can ever...
Y si te vas, si vuelves a liarte con ellos, lo perderemos. No creo que tú y yo jamás podamos...
- I'll go immediately to the embassy. But I fear the Consul has taken all four automobiles with him.
- Iré inmediatamente a la embajada, pero temo que el cónsul se haya llevado los cuatro automóviles con él.
I'll go with him.
Lo acompaño.
If I don't find him we'll go with him.
Si no lo encuentro, vamos a ir con él.
Go with him and I ´ ll make you a present.
Ve con él y te hago un buen regalo.

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