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I'm getting to that traducir español

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Now that he's planning on getting married... I'm sure that he'll just tell me to get lost if he knows that I like him.
Ahora que está planeando casarse... estoy segura de que me dirá que desaparezca si sabe que me gusta.
When I told you that I'm getting married... you asked me to leave a small room for you to use as your shield.
Cuando te dije que voy a casarme... me pediste que te dejara un pequeño espacio para usarlo como tu escudo.
Well, now that I'm getting married I'd like to settle down and go into some good, high-class business.
Ahora que voy a casarme, me gustaría invertir en algún negocio serio y respetable.
Listen, I'm married to that ape and getting half of what he's got or I'll take the stand and send him to the chair.
Escucha, estoy casado con ese mono y o saco la mitad de lo que tiene o voy a testificar y lo mando a la silla eléctrica.
Look, honey, I'm getting around to that.
Mira, cariño Le estoy dando vueltas a eso.
That's why I'm able to stand here, a man who's getting old and ask this great sacrifice of you as humbly as I'd ask a great favor of a queen.
Es por eso que me atrevo a estar aquí. Un hombre que se hace viejo pide este sacrificio de usted con la humildad con que rogaría ese favor a una reina.
- Well, I'm getting to that.
Ya voy.
Well, it's happened so often I'm getting used to it, that's all.
Ha sucedido tantas veces que ya me acostumbré.
I'm trying to insinuate that you're setting your cap for him and getting mother to help you? - Oh!
¿ Estoy tratando de insinuar que estás tratando de pescarlo y usar a mamá para ayudarte?
I know that knocking over one of those 2x4 windjammers and clubbing a few pirates into the sea doesn't mean much to you boys today, but what I'm getting at is that guy who stuck out his neck for Stephen Decatur.
Sé qué tumbar uno de esos y acabar con unos piratas no significa mucho para ustedes, pero a lo que quiero llegar es al que puso su cuello por Decatur.
Millie, now that I'm getting married, I'll have a home... and I thought perhaps you might be willing to share Deedy with me.
Millie, ahora que voy a casarme, tendré un hogar... y pensaba que quizá querrías compartir a Deedy conmigo.
Mister, I'm obliged to you for getting me out of that bar
Quiero decirle lo agradecido que estoy por haberme sacado de ese lugar.
What I'm trying to say, Dr. Gifford, is that until the treatment Mrs. Cunningham... is now getting brings out the causes of her unconscious rejection and resolves them... we can't send her to Illinois or any state without the least chance of her getting well.
Lo que trato de decir es que hasta que el tratamiento revele las causas de su rechazo y las resuelva podemos enviarla a Illinois o a cualquier otro estado sin la menor posibilidad de que se cure.
I got the figures that prove that all I'm getting is about 30 % to your 70.
Tengo papeles que prueban que sólo me estoy llevando el treinta por cien.
The trouble is, with me laid up like this, you haven't had enough to do. But I'm getting rid of that nurse today, and from now on you'll stick to your job.
Estaba postrada y no tenías trabajo... pero la enfermera se va, y volverás a tus tareas.
I'm telling you, it'll work. I'll have to fake the dancing, but I've been getting away with that for years.
Tendré que falsear el baile, es otro recurso.
I'm getting tired of listening to that bell.
Me estoy hartando de oír ese cascabel.
I didn't mean to blow up like that, but I'm getting a little sick and tired of your efficiency experts.
No hubiera querido enfadarme tanto... pero ya me estoy cansando de tus expertos en producción.
I had to tell my uncle that I'm getting married tomorrow,... otherwise he wouldn't let me off.
Le tuve que contar a mi tío que me caso mañana... si no él no me hubiese dejado salir.
It's been a pleasure discussing this with you, Colonel... but I'm afraid that I'd better be getting back to my guests.
Ha sido un placer conversar con usted, coronel... pero me temo que debo volver con mis invitados.
But, you see, I'm getting on in years. Not that I'll admit to a day over 50.
Me hago viejo aunque todavía ando por Ios 50.
- I'm getting to that, Major.
- Estoy por explicar eso, Mayor.
Look, I'm getting tired of that cold-shoulder treatment and I decided to take steps.
Me estoy hartando de que me hagas el vacío y he decidido tomar medidas.
What i'm getting at, miss rogers, is that, for as long as i have lived, i have never been able to operate machines.
A lo que quiero llegar, Srta. Rogers es a que en toda mi vida nunca he sido capaz de manejar máquinas.
I'm getting to that!
De eso iba a hablarle.
I'm getting tired of listening to that bull.
Y ya no aguanto más el bramido del mar.
Well, I'm glad we've got them. But it seems tragic that your career has to go west in the getting.
Es una pena que su carrera tenga que acabar por habernos ayudado.
Bronson, i keep getting this crazy thought this crazy thought that i'm going to wake up and none of this will have happened.
de que voy a despertarme y nada de todo esto habrá pasado.
I'm not getting on that stand. I don't have to, and you can't make me.
No subiré al estrado y usted no me puede obligar.
I'm trying to get up enough nerve to tell Matt that I'm getting married.
No encuentro la forma de decirle a Matt que nos vamos a casar pronto.
- Espere un segundo, señor
That's all right, Chief, I'm getting used to the shabby treatment.
Está bien, jefe, me estoy acostumbrando al maltrato.
I'm used to getting presents, I'm rather spoilt that way.
Soy una mimada y desde niña estoy acostumbrada a todo tipo de regalos.
Well, now that I'm back to normal, I think we ought to do something about getting your parents together.
Bueno, ya estoy normal de nuevo debemos hacer algo para juntar tus padres de nuevo
That I'm getting dangerously close to being discarded in that ditch, right?
Que en cualquier momento me vas a arrojar del coche en marcha...
I'm sorry, I had to do that. But I couldn't have you getting out of here just as we were going to have our little... contest.
Lamento haber tenido que hacerte eso... pero no podía dejar que arruinaras todo justo cuando íbamos a tener... nuestra pulseada...
But I'm getting rather weary of being the cross that you've to bear.
Pero me estoy hartando de ser su cruz.
I admit I'm getting a little grey, but radiation will do that to you.
Admito que me salieron algunas canas pero eso se debe a la radiación.
I'm not getting uptight. I just don't like you to hitch, that's all.
No me tengo que quedar, yo no quiero que tu hagas auto stop, eso es todo.
I'm getting a reading similar to that on the planet.
Detecto algo similar a lo que había en el planeta.
And then I start going there, and then I knew that I'm getting close to it because I can feel it inside of me.
Después voy hacia allá, y sé que me estoy acercando porque lo siento dentro de mí.
I just know that I'm getting close to it and then...
Sé que me estoy acercando. Y después...
I'm letting you know, that the condition of our beloved lord major the one I told you so much about already is getting bootsy thanks to the repeated harrasment of the partisans so he'll travell home for 2 weeks of rest
Os hago saber que la salud de nuestro querido Lord Comandante,... del que tanto os he hablado ha empeorado debido al repetido acoso de los partisanos,... así que viajará hasta casa para descansar dos semanas.
Captain, I'm getting that strange magnetic sweep again. - From zero to off the scale.
Vuelvo a registrar ese extraño barrido magnético.
I feel that I'm getting closer to the truth every minute.
Yo siento que me estoy acercando a la verdad minuto a minuto.
I'm pretty good at getting people to buy that Apache Herb Tonic.
Se me da muy bien vender el tónico de hierbas apache.
Speaking of believing,... long I'm getting in the face... and this is just a belief :... that the one who wants to send the teacher away from here... and send the boy to an orphanage... is you.
¿ Acaso me equivoco? No te equivocas. Pero no es como tú dices.
I'm her guardian, I have to approve what she does... getting somebody to adopt it and all that.
Soy su tutor. Tengo que aprobar lo que hace. Lo de la adopción y todo eso.
I'm talking about getting to that gold before...
Hablo de llegar a ese oro antes... ¡ Oro!
Get this... come hell or high water... I'm getting out of here by Monday... because at precisely 11 : 00 Tuesday... work at every Armbruster plant in the country... will come to a stop so that 216,000 employees... can watch the services... on closed-circuit television... in color... except for Puerto Rico.
Entienda algo : pase lo que pase, me marcho el lunes... porque precisamente a las 11 : 00 el martes... el trabajo en cada fábrica Armbruster del país... se detendrá para que 216.000 empleados... puedan mirar el funeral por T.V. Por circuito cerrado en color... excepto en Puerto Rico será en blanco y negro.
I'm not getting any younger, that's what I'm trying to tell you.
Trato de decirte que no rejuvenezco.

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