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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ I ] / I'm just saying that

I'm just saying that traducir español

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Ooh, I was just starting to feel sorry for you. I'm just saying, you're worth more than that.
Solo digo que puedes aspirar a más.
I'm sure he's just saying that because of the fairy tale thing.
Seguramente lo dice por el tema del cuento de hadas.
I'm just saying that if they want us to donate to their charity, they might as well step it up.
Sólo digo que si ellos quieren que donemos a su caridad, también lo podrían provocar.
Well, I'm just saying that it takes a'Bama man
Bueno, sólo digo que hace falta ser paleto
I'm just saying that...
Solo digo que...
- Isn't that enough? Look, I'm just saying, they're in Texas now.
Solamente digo que están en Texas.
I'm just saying that "A" tried to take one of us down and it didn't work.
Sólo digo que A ya intentó eliminar a una y no resultó.
I'm just saying, you know, one simple friggin'day on the job - - is that too much to ask?
Sólo digo, ya sabes, un maldito día libre... ¿ es mucho pedir?
I'm just saying. It's stupid to think that you need me around all the time.
Sólo digo que es estúpido pensar que me necesitas cerca de ti todo el tiempo.
That's what I'm saying. Just calm down.
Eso es lo que estoy diciendo.
I'm just saying that the plan was genuinely dumb, as many of our plans are, I now realize.
Solo estoy diciendo que el plan fue sinceramente tonto, como muchos de nuestros planes, ahora me doy cuenta.
- No, I'm just saying like any girl that you guys get with, I'm like...
No, solo digo que cualquier chica que consiguen los chicos como que...
Look, I'm just saying that it doesn't have to happen right now, today.
Sólo digo que no tiene que pasar ahora mismo, hoy.
I'm just saying that this child would have died had he not been part of that program.
Solo digo que este chico hubiera muerto si no hubiera sido parte del programa.
And I'm not just saying that to make you feel better.
No te lo digo solamente para que te sientas mejor.
No, I'm just saying that blindly following orders has resulted in the deaths of millions of people throughout history.
No, sólo estoy diciendo que seguir órdenes ciegamente ha resultado en la muerte de millones de personas a través de la historia.
I'm just saying you're not likely to get the jury to like her, and that means they better like you. I didn't go too far.
No me extralimité.
No, I'm not saying that you're responsible, I'm just saying...
No, no digo que tú seas la responsable, sólo digo...
I'm just saying that you should be getting the attention and not Moran.
Solo estoy diciendo que tú deberías estar recibiendo la atención y no Moran.
I'm just saying that with trucks, it's about torque, and for torque, it's the twisting power.
Sólo estoy diciendo que respecto a las camionetas, se trata de la torsión, y para la torsión, se trata del poder de giro.
I'm just saying that Will and I got together, we had a productive session, that's all, and I was thinking we should do that again.
Simplemente estoy diciendo que Will y yo nos reunimos, tuvimos una sesión productiva, eso es todo, y estaba pensando en que deberíamos reunirnos de nuevo.
You're a poet, and I'm not just saying that.
Eres un poeta, no estoy diciendo eso.
And I'm not just saying that'cause I'm a pirate.
Y no lo estoy diciendo porque soy una pirata.
I'm just saying he didn't die in those clothes in that chair eating this cake.
Solo digo el no murio en esa ropa en esa silla comiendo este pastel.
And I'm not just saying that because it's me.
Y no lo digo porque sea yo.
And I'm just saying that she was just probably doing the best that she could in an awkward situation.
Y sólo digo que ella probablemente lo hizo lo mejor que pudo en una situación incómoda.
I'm just saying... And I just wanted to tell you guys that I've been worried about him.
Solo quiero deciros chicos que he estado preocupado por él.
I'm just saying that we don't care. It's not for me, it's not for Nora.
Solo digo que no me importa, no es por mi....
Vilma, I'm just saying that our relationship is a bit strange... indeed, almost absurd, I think.
Vilma, lo que quiero decir es que lo nuestro es una relación peculiar, tirando a bizarra diría yo.
No, I'm just saying I don't think you should be wandering around the palace. And why is that?
- No, solo estoy diciendo que no creo que debas vagar por el palacio.
That I'm just saying.
Solo digo eso.
I'm just saying that it's possible that Esteban is innocent.
Solo digo que es posible que Esteban sea inocente.
And I'm not just saying that because you own a gun.
Y no estoy diciendo esto solo porque tengas un arma.
I'm just saying that we live in a constitutional state and that our Criminal Law was made well.
Yo solo digo que vivimos en un estado constitucional y que nuestra... Ley Criminal está bien hecha. Y está La...
I'm--I'm just saying people laugh more at stories that are true.
Solo estoy diciendo que la gente se ríe más con historias que son verdad.
How is that confusing? I'm just saying the whole situation seems oddly convenient.
¿ Cómo llama a eso confusión? Sólo digo que toda la situación parece extrañamente conveniente.
And I'm not just saying that.
Y no solo estoy diciendo eso.
Seriously, I'm not just saying that.
En serio, no lo digo por decir.
I'm just saying that I'm not sure this is the right way to go.
Sólo estoy diciendo que no estoy segura de que esta es la mejor forma de hacerlo.
I'm just saying there are lots of symbols and signs out there that show aliens and history are pretty linked.
Sólo digo que hay muchos símbolos y señales allá afuera que muestran que los extraterrestres y la historia están conectadas.
And I'm not just saying that because I think I have to.
I'm just saying that it's okay for you not to be all up and everything around me if you're not feeling it.
Solo digo que no pasa nada si no estás todo el rato feliz y contenta conmigo si no lo sientes.
I'm just saying that when I play "Sexual Healing," it's foreplay.
Yo sólo digo que cuando yo pongo, "Sexual Healing", son juegos sexuales.
Just think about it. That's all I'm saying.
Es todo lo que digo.
I'm not saying it's the same thing, just that- -
No digo que sea lo mismo, solo que...
Are you just saying that because you're afraid I'm about to kidnap you?
¿ Estás diciendo eso porque estás asustada de que estoy apunto de secuestrarte?
- Yeah, sorry about that. I'm just saying. Give me your car keys!
- Sí, lo sentimos. ¡ Dadme las llaves del coche!
It looks like she didn't completely believe it though. Honestly, even I'm not sure if you were just saying that or if it is actually true.
Voy a fingir con ellos, riendo cuando lo necesite... actuando como siempre lo he hecho.
I'm just saying that she's too good for you.
Sólo estoy diciendo que ella es demasiado buena para ti.
Just by looking at this and saying I'm your oppa... Isn't that a bit irrational?
Sólo por mirar esto y decir que soy tu oppa... ¿ No es un poco irracional?
I'm just saying, that is very cool.
Solo digo que eso está muy bien.

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