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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ I ] / I'm trying to save you

I'm trying to save you traducir español

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Kit, I'm only trying to save you unhappiness.
Kit, sólo intento evitarte sufrimientos.
I'm trying to save a year of your life, handing it to you on a silver platter.
Intento ahorrarle un año de su vida, sirviéndoselo en bandeja de plata.
Wait, I'm trying to save you.
Espere, intento salvarlo.
I'm only trying to save you time and money.
Sólo intento ahorrarte tiempo y dinero.
You still think I'm a lunatic trying to save my own skin.
Sigue creyendo que soy un lunático que intenta salvar el pellejo.
Today I'm trying to save your life not for your own safe since you've been throwing it away but for my own safe So I won't carry it on my conscious
Déjame ayudarte, no por ti, sino por mí y mi tranquilidad de conciencia.
I'm trying to save you.
- A nadie. Quiero salvarlo.
Do not you understand that only I'm trying to save your father?
¿ No entiendes que sólo estoy tratando de salvar a tu padre?
I'm trying to save you.
- Intento salvarte.
I'm just trying to save my life just like you!
¡ Protejo mi vida como vosotros las suyas!
I'm trying to save you.
Yo estoy tratando de salvarlo.
I'm trying to help you, to save your life and the lives of millions like you.
Trato de ayudar, salvar su vida y la de millones como usted.
I'm even willing to believe that you were trying to save me some money.
Creía que estabas tratando de ahorrar dinero.
I'm trying to save you, Archie.
Estoy tratando de salvarte, Archie.
Look, Al, sweetheart, I'm only trying to save you money.
Mira, Al, solo trato de ahorrarte dinero.
I'm surprised at you, trying to save a few dollars with cheap metal handles...
Me sorprende usted. Quiere ahorrar unos dólares con asas baratas...
Can't you see that I'm trying to save you?
¿ Usted no puede ver que estoy tratando de salvarlo?
Don't you realize that I'm trying to save you, too?
¿ No te das cuenta de que también trato de salvarte?
I'm trying to save you from yourself.
Intento salvarte de ti mismo.
I'm trying to save human lifes And you are playing hide and seek with King Kong.
Estoy intentando salvar vidas humanas, y ustedes andan jugando al escondite con King Kong.
- I'm trying to save you!
- ¡ Trato de salvarle a usted!
I gotta make it look like I'm trying to save you.
Tengo que hacer ver que intento salvarte.
I'm trying to save you and your family's life.
Estoy intentando salvarte a ti y a tu familia.
I'm sorry. He drowned trying to save you, did he?
Se ahogó tratando de salvarla, ¿ verdad?
Now I'm just trying to save you from a mistaken perspective.
Yo sólo trato de salvarlos de una perspectiva equivocada.
I'm just trying to save- - I want you to be healthy.
Hace años que no me constipo.
I'm trying to save you $ 50.
Estoy intentando ahorrarte $ 50.
I'm trying to save you and your family's life.
Estoy tratando de salvarte a ti y a tu familia.
I'm trying to save you...
Estoy intentando salvarte...
I know you think I'm trying to save my own skin, but if I were you, I'd wait before I did anything.
Mire, ya sé que cree que intento salvar mi propio pellejo, pero si yo fuera usted, me esperaría, antes de hacer algo con eso.
I know you think I'm trying to save my own skin, but if I were you, I'd wait before I did anything.
Sé que cree que intento salvar mi pellejo pero yo que usted, esperaría antes de hacer algo.
Hey, you know how I'm always trying to save the planet?
Oye, ¿ recuerdas cómo siempre estoy tratando de salvar el planeta?
Do you think I'm not trying to save her life?
¿ Que no intento salvar su vida?
I'm trying to save you.
Intento salvarte.
Excuse me, I'm just trying to save you guys from wasting your entire Harvard reading week over this Traf-O-Data simulator while everyone else is out getting drunk or laid.
- Perdón, trato de salvarlos, chicos de que pierdan toda una semana de Harvard leyendo sobre ese simulador de tráfico de datos mientras... todos los demás salen a emborracharse o encamarse.
I'm trying to save someone's life here do you understand?
Pretendo salvar una vida.
Look, I'm just trying to save you.
Sólo estoy tratando de salvarte.
What I'm trying to teach you may save your worthless life, maybe.
Lo que estoy intentando enseñarte quizás pueda salvar tu miserable vida.
I'm only trying to save you.
Sólo intentaba salvarte.
I'm trying to save you.
Estoy intentando salvarte.
I was trying to save them from themselves... as I'm trying to save you. On the contrary.
Al contrario.
- i swear to god. i'm trying to save you when we have to meet the real people... that you don't come off like, you know- - i don't wanna say it.
Te lo juro por Dios, intento que al conocer a esta gente... no des la impresión de ser...
Danny, I'm trying to save you.
Intento salvarte.
- Nothing stolen. I'm trying to save... what's mine What are you trying to get away with?
Con qué intentas escaparte?
I'm not trying to save you, or recreate with you.
No estoy tratando de salvarte, o de recrear contigo
I'm just trying to save you from yourself, Niles.
Solo trato de salvarte de ti mismo, Niles.
I'm trying to save our friendship. I'm worried about you.
Estoy preocupado por ti.
My dear Clemmie, I'm trying to save India from Mr. Gandhi and his gang of subversive Hindus to save British imperial power from a disastrous eclipse, and save the Tory party from an act of shame and dishonour. In other words, you haven't paid the bill.
Mi querida Clemmie, intento salvar a India del Sr. Gandhi... y de sus amigos hindúes subversivos, para salvar el poder imperial británico... de una trágica caída y salvar al Partido Conservador... de un acto de vergüenza y deshonra.
- I'm trying to save you.
- Trato de salvarte.
I tried to be a nice guy, I'm trying to save your life, and you have a terrible weekend on my account.
Traté de ser un buen tipo, de salvarte la vida y pasas un terrible fin de semana por mi culpa.
What are you doing to her? I'm trying to save what's left of her mind.
¿ Qué vas a hacerle?

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