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I've seen him around traducir español

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- Oh, I've seen him around here for years.
- Lo he visto por aquí durante años.
I've seen him hanging around the hotel.
Es un pavo real. Le he visto por el hotel.
Sure. I've seen him around a lot.
Sí, lo veo mucho por ahí.
I've seen him hanging around our house.
Él te sonrió.
Well, I've never even seen him around.
Nunca lo he visto por aquí.
I don't think I've seen him around before.
Nunca lo había visto por aquí.
Many's the time I've seen him walking around here, blind as he was, with André.
Le veía caminar muchas veces, con André.
I've seen him around.
De vista.
I've seen Madero and all the men around him.
Veré a Madero y a los hombres que le rodean.
I've seen him around.
Lo había visto por ahí.
I've seen him around.
Le he visto por aquí.
Well... Just recently I heard from some of the boys that they've seen him and her going around together.
Bueno, hace poco me enteré por uno de los muchachos que los han visto juntos.
I'm an old patron in these brothels Yet I've never seen him around
Soy patrón de este burdel desde hace mucho tiempo, y nunca le he visto por aquí.
Well, I've seen him a couple of times around 9th and 4th.
Lo vi un par de veces por las calles Ninth y Cole.
Well, I've been around Joe all afternoon, and I haven't seen him do one smart thing yet.
He estado con él toda la tarde y aún no lo he visto hacer nada inteligente.
In the village, I've seen him turn around when a nut was cracked behind him.
En el pueblo lo vi volverse cuando alguien partió una nuez tras él.
- I've seen him around.
- Lo he visto.
Yeah, I've seen him around.
Sí, lo he visto por ahí.
I've seen him around.
Lo he visto.
I've seen him. Oh, Count, there'll be a load of food supplies delivered to the consulate tomorrow. Some nuns will be around to collect it in the afternoon.
Mañana recibirá un envío de alimentos, una pareja de monjas lo recogerá.
His uncle says he's seen him do it... and I've seen really weird things around the house.
Su tío dice que lo vio volar... y yo vi cosas muy extrañas en su casa.
I've seen him around.
Ya lo había visto.
I've seen him around town.
Le he visto por ahí.
I've never seen him around.
Nunca lo había visto.
I've seen him around.
Lo he visto por ahí.
I've seen him around.
Lo ví por ahí.
I've never seen him around myself.
Yo nunca lo he visto por aquí.
Yeah, I've seen him around.
S �, le he visto por ah �.
Yeah, I've seen him around in parties and other.
Sí, lo he visto en audiciones.
I think I've seen him around this abandoned building on 30th and Hope.
Creo que lo vi por un edificio abandonado en la 30 con Hope.
I've never seen him do any work around here.
Jamás lo vi trabajar.
Sometimes I want to put my arm around him again but I guess I only dream of this because I've seen it in old footage.
A veces me gustaría volver a abrazarle, pero sólo lo estoy soñando, porque lo he visto en viejas películas nuestras.
I've seen a bit of him around.
Le he visto sólo un poquito.
I've seen him around, but not with anybody that's trouble.
Lo he visto antes, pero no con nadie que nos cause problemas.
I've seen him slap Michael around.
Yo lo vi golpear a Michael.
And I've seen him around the office. I gotta say, I don't see the slightest resemblance.
Y lo veo en la oficina. No existe ningún parecido.
Don't know, I've seen him around.
No lo sé, le he visto por ahí.
Yeah, I've seen him around.
si, lo vi por ahí.
- Oh, God, I think I've seen him around.
- Dios, creo que le he visto por aquí.
I've seen him around.
Lo he visto por aquí.
I've seen him around a few times.
Lo vi varias veces por aquí.
I've seen him 22 and walking around.
Le he visto con 22 años y danzando por ahí.
Well, I've seen him around quite a few times.
Bueno, lo he visto por aquí unas cuantas veces.
Yeah, I've seen him around.
Sí, Io he visto por aquí.
Oh, he says he believes in art. But all I've seen him do is dribble his own blood on a canvas and smear it around with a stick.
Ah, dice que cree en el arte, pero lo único que le he visto hacer es garabatear su propia sangre en un lienzo y desparramarla con un palito.
I've seen him around school too.
- Sí. Yo también.
Oh, he says he believes in art, but all I've seen him do is dribble his own blood on a canvas and smear it around with a stick!
Ah, dice que cree en el arte, pero lo unico que le he visto hacer es garabatear su propia sangre en un lienzo y desparramarla con un palito.
I've seen him around- - he's usually looking for Michael.
Lo he visto por aquí, generalmente busca a Michael.
I've never seen him around. They're divorced.
- Nunca le vi, están divorciados.
Yeah. I mean, I've seen him around.
Lo he visto por ahí.
I've seen him around here a number of times
Le he visto rondando por aquí muchas veces.

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