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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ I ] / I've seen that before

I've seen that before traducir español

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Hey,... I've seen that face before.
Hey... yo he visto esa cara antes.
I've seen that car before.
He visto ese coche antes.
I've never seen that picture before.
Nunca he visto esa foto.
- I've seen that Judge Pink before.
- ¿ Qué? - Es el Juez Pink. Ya lo he visto antes.
- I've seen something like that before.
- He visto algo así antes.
I've never seen that much blood before.
Nunca había visto tanta sangre.
Well, you know, I really don't think I've seen that many zeros all in one place before.
Bueno, tu sabes, no creo que haya visto antes tantos ceros juntos
I've never seen that money before in my life.
No he visto ese dinero en mi vida.
I'm not afraid to say it. I've never seen anything like that before.
Jamás vi algo parecido.
I've never seen you like that before.
Nunca te vi así.
Gee, I've never seen one that old before.
Ahí va, nunca había visto una tan vieja.
I've never seen that before.
¡ Nunca había visto nada igual!
No, to tell you the truth, I don't believe I've ever seen anybody drink like that before.
A decir verdad, nunca he visto a nadie beber así.
I've never seen that piece before.
Nunca he visto esa pieza antes.
As I said, I've never seen that piece before.
Como ya he dicho, Nunca he visto esa pieza antes.
I've never seen that stuff before.
- No ¿ en serio?
Uh... no, I can't say that I've ever seen that before.
- That trick tonight. I don't think I've ever seen that done before.
Ese truco esta noche, nunca vi algo así antes.
Or what if... and God, I sincerely doubt it... but what if I saw something in Banky that I've never seen before, you know, and I fell in love with him and left you?
Y, aunque lo dudo mucho, ¿ qué pasaría si yo viera en Banky algo que no he visto nunca antes, y me enamorara de él y te abandonara?
Let me help out. You could tell me why you've been avoiding me or what's behind that look. Whether it's repulsion or jealousy or complete disapproval because I know I've never seen it from you before.
Deja que te eche una mano.Puedes contarme porque me estás evitando y que hay detrás de esa mirada, si es repulsión, celos o reproche porque sé que no me habías mirado así antes.
It's just I've never seen that happen from two Pimm's before.
Sólo que nunca había visto que ocurriera con sólo dos Pimm's.
I've seen that one before.
He visto esto antes.
That's not a Unix C shell. I've never seen this OS before.
Ésta no es una Unix C. Nunca había visto una así.
Nothing, only I'm sure I've seen the face in that picture before but I can't quite place it. - Oh!
Nada, estoy segura que he visto esa cara antes Pero no la ubico.
No, but I'm sure I've seen that face before...
No, estoy segura que he visto esa cara antes...
I've never seen that before in my whole life.
No lo había visto en mi vida.
I've never seen an alien like that before.
Nunca he visto un extraterrestre como ella.
What have you got that I've never seen before?
¿ Qué tienes que yo nunca haya visto?
I've seen you before...'cause you always carry that briefcase.
Te he visto antes. Siempre andas con esa maleta.
I've never seen him like that before.
Jamás lo había visto así.
I've seen that on TV before.
Lo he visto en la televisión.
That river, that rail road, I've seen them all before.
Ese río, esa vía del tren, los he visto antes.
I've never seen you look like that before.
Nunca he visto una mirada así.
None that I've ever seen before.
No lo he visto hacer.
I've never seen him like that before.
Nunca le había visto así.
- No, it's pictures of you and your family that I've never seen before!
Son fotos de tu familia que no me habías mostrado.
I've seen that face before... in the mirror.
Ya he visto esa expresión... en el espejo.
I've never seen that one before.
Nunca he visto eso antes.
I've never seen one that small before.
Nunca había visto una tan pequeña.
That's someone else I've seen before.
Ésta es otra persona que he visto antes.
I've never seen anything like that before.
Nunca he visto nada parecido.
Now I know where I've seen that dance hall floozy before.
Ahora sé donde vi a esa fastuosa bailarina-cantante antes
I- - I don't think I've ever seen that color in nature before.
No creo haber visto ese color en la naturaleza.
I've never seen that before.
Nunca habia presenciado algo asi.
Well, I've never seen a man use a banana like that before.
Yo nunca he visto un hombre usando una banana como esa - Adiós
- I've seen that look so many times before.
Vi esa mirada tantas veces antes.
I've seen that guy here before.
He visto a ese tipo aquí antes.
No la conocemos, Merle bebe demasiado.
I've seen that face before.
- He visto esa cara antes.
No, I've never seen that before in my life!
No, jamás he visto eso antes en mi vida!
I always note what I take and what comes in. I've never seen that before.
Yo siempre anoto lo que cojo y lo que entra.

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