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I came here to see you traducir español

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No, I came here to see you and I'm going to see you.
No, he venido a verle a usted y voy a verle.
I came here to see you.
Vine aquí para verte.
The necessity for a second marriage ceremony was explained to me by my lawyer, Jock Thompson, last Wednesday when I came here to see you.
La necesidad de una segunda boda me la explicó mi abogado, Jock Thompson, este miércoles, y después vine a verte.
- No, I came here to see you.
- No, vine aquí a verlo.
I came here to see you myself.
Vine aquí a verlo, por mi.
The reason I came here to see you today...
La razón por la que vine a verlo...
I came here to see you.
Vine a verte a ti.
- I came here to see you, but I don't want to now.
- Vine a visitarla pero ahora no quiero.
You don't think I came here to see you, do ya? Oh.
No pienses que vine aquí sólo a verte.
I came here to see you.
He venido a verte.
Well, believe it or believe it not, I came here to see you.
Bueno, lo crea o no, vine a verles.
I came here to see you.
Vine aquí a verlo a usted.
I came up here to see you, really.
En realidad vine a verle a usted.
Hello. Hey, I've been trying to see you ever since I came here.
Quería hablar con usted desde que vine.
- Are you interested in the dance? - I came here to see if I...
- ¿ Está interesado en el baile?
I thought you came here to see me.
Creía que veníais a verme a mí.
You see I often came to sit down here for the night.
A menudo venía a sentarme aquí por la noche.
Then since I had business in Paris... I came here just to see how far you could push your cruelty.
Y como luego tenía que venir por negocios a París, he venido para ver hasta dónde llegaba su crueldad.
You see, I came here to prevent a murder - Dr. Von Brom's murder.
Verán, vine aquí a impedir un asesinato : el asesinato del Dr. Von Brom.
You see, I came here hoping to see her alone and kind of hoping I wouldn't.
Verá... yo he venido esperando verla a solas y también no verla, ¿ me comprende?
Now, wait a minute. I came here to see you.
- Vengo a verte a ti.
Well, you see, I came here with only a toothbrush, sir... and the admiral's been kind enough to let me have weekend leave... so I could clear up a little personal business.
Pues, sabe, vine aquí con sólo un cepillo de dientes, señor... y el almirante ha tenido la gentileza de darme licencia el fin de semana... para poder encargarme de un asuntito personal.
I came here because I felt I wanted to see you.
He vuelto porque sentía que quería veros.
You see, I came here to see an old friend of mine, Professor Leigh.
Verá, yo vengo a ver a un viejo amigo mío, el profesor Leigh.
I didn't know that. Why, I thought that's what you came here to see Fran about.
Well, I just came up here to see how you feel.
I only came up here to see you.
Sólo he venido a verte.
And then I - I came straight here to see you.
Luego vine aquí para verte cuanto antes.
You knew who I was when I came here today, but you were surprised to see me alive, weren't you?
Sabía quién era yo cuando vine ayer, pero le sorprendió verme vivo, ¿ verdad?
I was going to wait here until you came out, so you would see it.
Iba a esperar aquí hasta que saliera para que lo viera.
I wanted to see you, so I came here, but...
Quería verte, así que he venido, pero...
I knew you were here and I came to see you.
Sabía que estabas aquí y vine a verte.
I finally found out the truth today and came straight here to see you.
Hoy por fin lo he sabido todo, y he venido a verte.
Somebody tried to tell me if I came up here and see you why, you'd give me permission to go back for one day.
Alguien me dijo que si yo venía aquí y lo viera... porque, me daría permiso de volver por un día.
I knew you were here and I came to see you.
Supe que estaba por aquí y entonces vine a verla.
You see, I went to visit your mother before I came here, there in Richmond.
Antes de venir aquí, fui a Richmond a visitar a tu madre.
I came here confident that I'd get to see you.
Vine aquí segura de que te vería.
I believe you came around here just to see me, isn't that it?
Creo que ha venido usted solo por verme. ¿ No es cierto?
I came here just to see you.
He venido desde Roma sólo para verte.
You see, I just came to work here today, and I guess I jumped to the conclusion that this was a bachelor's household.
Empecé a trabajar aquí hoy, y me precipité al pensar... que esta era una casa de solteros.
Oh, please believe me I only came here to see if I can help you.
Por favor, créame solo he venido para intentar ayudarle.
I see... you came here to blackmail me by playing on my weaknesses.
Ya veo... usted vino aquí para chantajearme jugando con mis debilidades.
I know why you came here to see me.
Sé para qué has venido a verme.
I suppose you came here to see me.
Supongo que ha venido a verme.
But you see, I came here to find a new job, a new life, a new meaning to my existence.
Pero yo he venido para encontrar un nuevo empleo... una nueva vida, un nuevo sentido para mi existencia.
And after the loss of poor auntie, knowing that you came here to see me, I confess... it has given me more pain than joy.
y tras la pérdida de la pobre tía, saber que has venido aquí para verme, te confieso... que me ha dado más pena más que alegría.
I am sorry, but you see I came here to find a farm and to settle down.
Lo siento. Verá, vine a comprar una granja y a establecerme.
So I came here... to see if you could solve my problem.
Entonces vine aquí... para ver si Ud. Puede resolver esta situación.
I came here to get power. Do you think I'm going to let go now when it's in sight, when I can see myself taking over that firm, taking over the country... the entire stinking world!
He venido aquí para obtener poder. ¿ Crees que voy a dejarlo ir ahora cuando está a la vista, cuando me veo haciéndome cargo de la empresa, todo el país... todo el apestoso mundo!
What are you doing here? I just came to see you.
Pues vine a mirarte.
I thought you came here to see the pod. Exactly.
- Pensé que vino aquí para ver la vaina.

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