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I came to find you traducir español

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I came to find you because Panisse is dying.
Vine para decirte que el pobre Panisse se está muriendo
No. No. I came to find you Doctor.
No, vengo a buscarle, doctor.
I came to find you for two reasons.
He venido por dos motivos...
I came to find you.
Vine buscándolo.
I came to find you.
Vine a buscarte.
I came here to find peace and you haven't given it to me.
He venido en busca de paz y usted no me la ha dado.
You see, I really came to America... to find myself a wife.
UU. Para encontrar una esposa.
You know, I came 15,000 miles to find you, Alan.
Sabes, viajé 24000 kilómetros para buscarte, Alan.
But, Pasqualito, I came to find out how you are.
Pero, Pascualito, vine para saber cómo estás.
I came to see you this afternoon to find out about...
Fui a verte esta tarde, para averiguar sobre...
No hay pruebas de que tu padre llegara tan lejos.
I came to find out why you stood me up that night in Washington and then disappeared. No, thank you.
He venido a ver por qué me plantaste en Washington y después desapareciste.
In spite of all those horrible months. And though I've come back to you in defiance I really came back to find you, who had been lost to me.
A pesar de los horribles meses y aunque volví desafiándote volví a encontrarte, te había perdido.
Me acerqué cada sábado para verte, pero no me dejaron pasar.
I came to ask you if you could find me a new job.
Precisamente, venía a preguntar si puede encontrarme un trabajo.
Now, listen to me, you son of a gun, you won't understand a word of what I'm going to say, but I came to Berlin to find a rat, and I found two of the grandest people I've ever met.
Y ahora escúchame, granuja. No vas a entender ni una palabra, pero yo vine a Berlín a enfrentarme con una rata, y encontré a dos de las mejores personas que haya conocido.
- I had to. When I came here to this town to find a man, I hadn't counted on you. I hadn't counted on your mother or your family.
Cuando vine aquí buscando a un hombre, no contaba con tu familia.
I could have gone to any chemist to find out what I wanted to know, but I came to you.
Podía haber ido a cualquier químico a averiguar lo que quería saber, pero fui a usted.
I just came over on me bike to find out where you were.
Vine en bici. Quería saber dónde estabas.
Can you, by any chance, explain how I came to find it in the guinea pigs'cage?
¿ Podrías explicarme cómo ha llegado a la caja de las cobayas?
Well, keep at her, my boy. I've got a letter for you. It's marked "urgent," so I came along to find you.
Es una carta urgente para ti, Caroline.
But primarily I came to find out just what you were up to tonight.
Pero ahora vengo a averiguar qué te proponías esta noche.
What's terrible is I came hoping to find an army taking its task with seriousness. Instead I find you have a 40-piece band.
- Es terrible que vengamos esperando encontrar un ejército serio y en lugar de eso encontremos una banda de música.
I came all the way here to find you.
He venido hasta aquí en tu busca.
Because, my dear, I came into the room this morning... to find Taplow giving an imitation of you to Frank here.
Porque, querido, cuando entré esta mañana en esta habitación... encontré a Taplow imitándote aquí delante de Frank.
I suppose I came to find out if you love him.
En realidad, vine a ver si le quiere.
I came here to find out about you.
He venido a verte a ti.
Dad, I was so worried. I came after you to find out if you were all right.
Papá, estaba tan preocupada que te seguí para ver si estabas bien.
I came to you hoping to find out something about your husband, about his connections.
Acudí a ti esperando averiguar algo sobre tu esposo, sobre sus contactos.
What I really came over for was to find out what you know... about a kid that used to fight under the name of Lee Kawolsky.
En realidad vine a averiguar qué sabes sobre un chico que solía pelear bajo el nombre de Lee Kawolsky.
You just came here to find out if I was drinking, huh?
Ha venido a ver si estaba bebiendo, ¿ eh?
I just came to find out if you could.
Sólo vine para saber si podían hacerlo.
Now wait, and please excuse me for asking you these questions, but I'm simply trying to find out whether or not there was something on your husband's mind when he came home.
ahora un momento, y por favor discúlpeme por hacerle estas preguntas, pero simplemente estoy buscando si había algo o no, que estaba preocupando a su marido cuando llegó a casa.
Last night I came back to give it to you but couldn't find you anymore.
Ayer vine para devolvértelo, pero no pude encontrarte.
Think how strange it is, that you came to Germany to find fortune and I went to work in Italy to eat and to be less cold.
¡ Fíjese que cosa más extraña! Vd. ha venido a Alemania a hacer fortuna y yo me he ido a trabajar a Italia,... para poder comer y no tener que pasar tanto frío.
- I came out here to find you.
- Vine buscándote.
You came to find out if I'd made the charge.
Vinieron a ver si las había acusado.
Count Romero, I know you came to America to find out all about us, about Louise's family.
Conde Romero, sé que ha venido a América... para saber todo de nosotros... de la familia de Louisa.
I came to find out how you are.
Yo temía que el tiburón te...
I merely came to find out if you've analyzed my dream.
Solo he venido para ver si ha analizado mi sueño.
Sorry, I only ask because I find it strange... that you came to this specific place to write your books.
Perdone, solo preguntaba porque encuentro extraño... que haya venido precisamente a este lugar a escribir sus libros.
- But I have to find out... how you came in!
- Espere. Quiero saber cómo ha entrado aquí.
I came from the same place, Pardee.. who is now going to be hard as hell to find because you were so trigger happy down there I told you not to move until I did!
Y también es de Pardee, que será imposible de encontrar porque se ha empeñado en apretar el gatillo.
And after the war... I came back to Greece with a dark feeling. I wouldn't find you.
Después de la guerra... regresé a Grecia, con un oscuro presentimiento : no encontrarte.
I'm the mother. And I came to have a look at you and find out what this is all about.
Soy la madre y he venido a verlos a ustedes y a enterarme de qué se trata todo esto.
My girl keeps talking about some beauty queen and I think, she is young, you know, inexperienced, somebody might get the better of her, so I came to ask... to see... well, just to find out what it's all about.
Mi hija se la pasa hablando de reinas hermosas y creo que ella es joven, ya sabe, sin experiencia. Alguien debería sacar a flote lo que hay en ella, por eso yo venía... a preguntar... bueno, sólo vine a averiguar de qué se trata todo esto.
You know.. You know the only reason I came here.. was to find my brother.
Sabes... la única razón por la que vine fue para buscar a mi hermano.
I came here to find out why you stayed and fought.
Yo he venido a averiguar por qué se ha quedado.
You're going to find this hard to believe, but I came up with the idea that you might need some help.
No sé si le parecerá extraño, pero he venido con la idea de que tal vez necesite mi ayuda.
But you see, I came here to find a new job, a new life, a new meaning to my existence.
Pero yo he venido para encontrar un nuevo empleo... una nueva vida, un nuevo sentido para mi existencia.
After Mrs. Flynn called to say you'd gone to New York... I came in here to find the assignment chart.
Cuando la Srta. Flynn me comunicó su partida a Nueva York,... vine a buscar la planilla de servicio,... y encontré unas cartas incendiarias de un tal señor...

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