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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ I ] / I can't go with you

I can't go with you traducir español

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No tiene sentido que esperen.
Why can't I go with you?
¿ Por qué no puedo ir contigo?
I still don't see why we can't go to the air field with you.
¿ Por qué no podemos acompañarte?
I came to tell you I can't go through with it like I planned.
Vine a decirte que no puedo cumplir lo planeado.
Means I can't go with you in the morning, get down the river early.
No podré ir con usted mañana, zarpamos temprano.
We shall go to Bedlam. No, I can't go with you.
No puedo ir con vos.
Oh, darling, I can't go to New York with you.
Oh querido. No puedo ir a Nueva York contigo y dejar a mis hijos.
If you don't believe that I can never turn on you again and if you don't want me to go back with you you could swim back by yourself.
Si crees que volveré a atacarte y si no quieres que vuelva contigo puedes regresar tú solo.
I'm afraid she can't go with you, Barry.
Temo que no podrá ir contigo, Barry.
It's just that I... I can't go on with you any longer.
Sencillamente, no puedo seguir contigo.
Well, Mark, before you say a word, I can't go through with it. I'm going back to Washington at once.
Antes que digas nada no puedo seguir aquí.
Yes, I must go away, I can't stay here with you.
Sí, debo irme, no puedo quedarme aquí contigo.
I can't go on with this. You're not helping me, you're insulting me.
Tarde o temprano acaba hecho una piltrafa humana en algún bar, sin fuerzas y sin ningún deseo de salvarse.
I can't go away with you, brice.
No puedo ir contigo.
Can't I go with you?
¿ Puedo ir con usted?
─ Can't I go with you?
- ¿ Puedo ir contigo?
Can't I go with you now?
¿ No puedo irme contigo ahora?
- Tom, I can't go with you now.
- No puedo irme ahora. - ¿ Por qué no?
I can't go with you.
No puedo irme contigo.
Dave, listen, I can't go with you like this.
Salgamos de aquí. - iDave, escúchame! No puedo irme así.
I can't go with you today.
- Hoy no puedo contigo.
And ride out with me. I'll tell you why I can't go.
Tal vez te gustaría ponerle una silla y cabalgar con nosotros.
You can't go alone, dear, and I can't go with you.
Es domingo, dijiste que los domingos podría ir a nadar.
I don't get you a deal so you can go with tramps!
Creo que te conviene que te vayas con los vagabundos.
Look I'm not in trouble with the police, believe me but you can't stay here, you've got to go back to Banning right away.
No tengo ningún problema con la policía, créeme, pero no puedes quedarte, tienes que volver enseguida.
You're right, John. I can't understand my own brother expecting to go on sharing my wife with me.
No puedo entender....... que mi hermano espere compartir mi esposa conmigo.
I can't give you any information other than he asked me to go with him, and I declined.
Por desgracia, no puedo darle información, me pidió que fuera con él y me negué.
Can't I go with you? I can sell a mean program.
¿ No puedo pasear contigo?
What I can't understand is this chickenhearted willingness... to go marching right down into hell with a beast you loathe and despise.
No comprendo su buena voluntad para irse de cabeza al infierno con una bestia que odia y desprecia.
I'm only sorry I can't be with you, but I have a party of my own to go to.
Sólo que no podré estar presente, tengo mi propia fiesta a la que debo ir.
Bill, I can't let Carrie go with you until you've settled down enough to know how to take care of her right and proper.
No puedo dejar que Carrie vaya contigo hasta que estés establecido y puedas cuidarla.
I've got everything covered, but in case something does go wrong and I can't make the payoff myself, the cards will identify you to whoever I send with the money.
Tengo todo bajo control, pero si algo sale mal... y no puedo pagarles yo mismo, con esas cartas los identificará... quien yo mande con el dinero.
Much as I desire it, I can't ask you to go with me.
Por más que lo desee, no puedo pedirte que vengas conmigo.
- But I can't go with you, the Countess will be very angry.
No puedo ir con usted, la condesa se enfadará.
As president of the Cultural Center, I can't go with you. I have to tend to the artists.
No puedo acompañarte, siendo el presidente del Centro Cultural y teniendo que atender a los artistas.
I can't go through with it. I guess you just gave my ego a kick.
Creo que he sido muy egoísta.
- Only I can't go with both of you.
- Sólo que no puedo ir con ambos.
I can't stay or go with you.
No puedo quedarme ni ir contigo.
I'm sorry I can't go with you, but you can still see it if you hurry.
Lo siento, no podré ir contigo, pero si te das prisa todavía alcanzarás a verlo
You won't stay here, and I can't go with you.
No vas a quedarte y yo no puedo ir contigo.
- No Tod, I can't go with you.
- No Tod, no puedo ir contigo.
Suppose when I do, I find I can't go along with you?
¿ Y si cuando lo haga...? ¿ decido no unirme a ustedes?
I agree with you, but you can't ask me to go into battle with my hands tied.
Estoy de acuerdo, pero no puedo salir a pelear con las manos atadas.
I can't telephone and hear your voice go strange when I say I'm not going to go away with you.
No puedo llamarte y oír cómo se te cambia la voz... cuando te diga que no voy a volver contigo.
Well, why can't I go with you?
Y, ¿ por qué no puedo ir contigo?
And if you go away, if you get mixed up with them again, we'll lose him and I don't think you and I can ever...
Y si te vas, si vuelves a liarte con ellos, lo perderemos. No creo que tú y yo jamás podamos...
"I'm sorry, but I can't go with you because I have a date with Bunny."
"Lo siento, pero no puedo ir con usted porque tengo una cita con Bunny".
Like what? It's just that I can't go with you, that's all.
Simplemente es que no puedo ir contigo, eso es todo.
I'm sorry, but I can't go with you. I've got to go back.
Perdone no puedo ir con usted, tengo que volver.
Can't I go with you?
¿ Puedo ir contigo?
I can't help him with his writing, but I can go shopping with you..
No puedo ayudarle con su escritura, pero puedo ir contigo a comprar...

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