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I checked it out traducir español

377 traducción paralela
We're leaving today, I checked it out.
Salimos hoy, lo he comprobado.
I checked it out.
Lo revisé.
I checked it out, I'm not crazy.
Me he informado, no estoy loco.
I checked it out myself. I found out he didn't kill himself. He was murdered.
He comprobado los hechos y he descubierto que no se suicidó.
I checked it out.
Lo he comprobado.
- Yes, I checked it out.
- Sí, lo verifiqué.
I checked it out.
Lo comprobé.
I checked it out.
Ya investigué.
I don't think anybody's used it in years, but I checked it out yesterday and it works.
No creo que nadie lo haya usado en años, pero ayer lo revisé y funciona.
- I checked it out, Sonny.
Ya la revisé, Sonny.
I checked it out.
Lo verifiqué.
Don't worry, I checked it out.
No te preocupes, ya los miré.
Nah, I checked it out.
Nah, Lo revise.
- At his mum's. I checked it out.
- En lo de su madre. Lo verifiqué.
I checked it out at the airport.
Lo comprobé en el aeropuerto.
I checked it out.
Lo he revisado.
I figured the others would make it easier here after dark. So I came on ahead and checked on our reservations for the trip out.
Supuse que los demás llegarían al oscurecer, y me adelanté para comprobar las reservas para el viaje de vuelta.
I - I heard about your case, checked up on it in the newspaper files... Found out I fitted your alibi perfectly.
Yo... oí hablar de tu caso... lo comprobé en los periódicos... y vi que podía encajar tu coartada perfectamente.
I've checked it out!
¡ Lo he comprobado!
It's the only way in or out of this observatory, I've checked.
Y es la única forma de salir del observatorio. Ya lo revisé.
Johnny, I checked it out. I talked to him.
Lo he comprobado, hablé con éI.
So I went to Rutland's and checked Ward's safe. Figured the loss and replaced it. Then I set out to find you.
Comprobé la caja fuerte de Ward, calculé la pérdida, la reemplacé y me puse a buscarte.
I've checked it all out.
Observé detenidamente.
I should have checked it all out first.
¡ Qué idiota soy, por no haberte controlado!
Well, what I mean is, if there's nothing wrong with that tire... and it'd just been checked that day when she had the car serviced, well, that means that somebody must have let the air out of it.
Es decir, si el neumático estaba bien y lo habían revisado cuando llevó el auto al taller alguien debe de haberlo desinflado.
Oh, Jane. That's my theory, and I've checked it out with a few psychiatrists.
Es mi teoría y consulté con varios psiquiatras.
I'll look into it, as soon as I've checked out some orange groves.
Voy a investigarlo en cuanto investigue unos naranjales.
Uh, Mr. Greenleaf, I came by to tell you that I've checked out that accident, and there's no question about it.
Sr. Greenleaf, vine a decirle que investigué ese accidente, y no hay ninguna duda.
I've checked it out.
Lo hemos investigado, la zona es normal.
I've checked it out! It's a piece of cake.
¡ Lo he comprobado y no hay riesgos!
So I checked him out with Scotland Yard, and it turns out that Michael Dolan...
Entonces le pregunté sobre él a Scotland Yard, y sucede que este tal Michael Dolan...
I don't know, let's call headquarters for help and have it checked out.
No lo sé, llamemos al cuartel central por ayuda, y revisemos.
I've checked all over, and I can't make it out.
Lo he revisado todo y no lo descifro.
I've already checked it out.
Ya lo verifiqué.
I'll send it over to the lab and I'll have it checked out.
La enviaré al laboratorio para que la examinen.
- Well, I checked it three times... and it keeps coming out the same.
Lmposible. Lo he comprobado tres veces y sale lo mismo.
If it's the woman that I'm thinking of, I think I checked her out earlier this morning.
Si es la mujer que estoy pensando, se fue esta mañana.
Don't tell him I said so, but the building inspector who checked it out says his house is in terrific shape.
No le diga yo lo digo, pero el inspector de edificio que lo haya facturado que fuera, dice que su casa está en muy buena forma.
I already checked it out.
Ya lo revisé.
You told me on the phone that you had information for me that was so important it would change the course of my life. So I checked you out.
Usted me dijo por teléfono que tenia para mi información muy importante que podría cambiar el curso de mi vida por lo que pedí informes de usted
I do think you ought to have it checked out. It's perfectly all right.
Creo que deberias mirártelo.
Carroon's hotel phone — I had it checked out.
El teléfono del hotel de Carroon... lo tengo intervenido.
No, I was late and I was worried, so I just checked it out.
No, se me ha retrasado y estaba preocupada, así que lo he comprobado.
I've got to hold it here and have it checked out tomorrow.
Tengo que retenerlo aquí para que lo revisen mañana.
I checked it out.
Lo miré.
I thought it'd be a good skive. I took one look at the timetable and checked out.
Creía que era un buen plan, pero vi el horario y me largué volando.
Still I never actually checked it out.
Aun no te he visto de esta forma.
I told him that. He checked all that out, found out it was true, and that helped a great deal.
Se lo conté, lo chequeó y vio que era verdad, y eso me ayudó mucho.
Look, I already checked it out, okay?
Escucha, yo ya lo verifiqué, ¿ sí?
So I went in for the ultrasound and they checked it out.
Así que fui a hacérmela y me examinaron.
Oh, it's just that I remember that we... manufactured that piece last year, and... an unusually high number of them checked out to be faulty.
Eh bien, si mi memoria no me falla... se hizo esta parte el año pasado y un gran número... de ellas estaban defectuosos.

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