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I didn't ask for it traducir español

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And you knew I didn't ask for it, and you knew why.
Tú sabías que no lo pedía, y ya sabes por qué.
I didn't ask for this, but now that I'm in it... I won't stop until I get some decent fire laws... for our people down on the Coast.
No pedí esto, pero ahora que estoy aquí... no me detendré hasta que consiga buenas leyes contra incendios... para nuestra gente en la costa.
I didn't intend to ask you for it.
Yo no quería pedírtelos.
And may I ask, why didn't you do it that way for the audience?
Y puedo preguntar ¿ por qué no lo has hecho así para la audiencia?
I didn't ask for it!
No le he pedido su opinión!
Why, I didn't ask for the judge's job, but I got it, and now I need help.
Yo no he pedido el cargo, pero me lo han dado y necesito ayuda.
But when the Consul booked the hall he didn't ask me for a band or for any musicians otherwise I would have provided it myself!
Pero cuando el cónsul me ha pedido reservar el salón... no ha pedido ni banda ni músicos si no, me hubiera ocupado yo.
I didn't ask who it belongs to I asked what it's used for!
¡ No he preguntado de quién es el instrumento, sino para qué sirve!
I suppose I didn't ask for a drop of absinthe in it
Mejor no pido que le echen una gota de absenta.
And I didn't ask for it!
Ni lo he pedido.
I did everything I saw she wanted, although she didn't actually ask for it...
Le he hecho todo lo que he leído en sus ojos.
Naolia me la dio. Yo no se la pedí.
I didn't ask for it!
- iYo no te lo pedí!
I didn't ask for it, Lieutenant.
Yo no lo he pedido, Sr. Teniente.
I didn't ask you for it!
¡ Yo no lo pedí!
Ah, well, I did I ask for it, didn't I?
Bueno, yo lo pedí, ¿ no es cierto?
I don't like it and I didn't ask for it.
I si no te gusta, y I no pedimos.
I didn't ask for it!
Yo no le pregunté por ello!
It's just 3 words. I didn't ask for a word count.
No le pregunto cuántas palabras, sino cuál es el mensaje.
Yo no lo pedí.
Well, it's true, but I didn't take it from anyone, I didn't ask for it.
Y es cierto, pero yo no se lo he quitado a nadie, no lo he pedido yo.
- I didn't ask for it.
- Yo no la pedí.
I didn't ask for this marriage, you asked for it!
¡ No pedí este matrimonio, tú la pediste!
I didn't ask if it were for sale, I just want to know what it's worth.
No pregunto si se vende, pregunto cuánto cuesta.
I don't get it, didn't they ask what it was for?
¿ No sabían para qué pagaban?
I didn't ask for it.
No la pedí.
Look, Reese, I didn't ask for this honour and I don't want it.
Mira, Reese, yo no pedí este honor, y no lo quiero.
Look, you didn't ask for my opinion, but I'm old, so I'm giving it anyway.
Escucha. No me has pedido mi opinión, pero como soy vieja te la doy.
I didn't ask for it.
No fui a pedirlo.
You know, I purposely didn't ask you for any money today, and now you're going to go blow it at the track.
me propuse no pedirte y ahora resulta que vas a malgastarlo.
I didn't ask for it.
No Io pedí.
I didn't ask for that, and I don't want it.
No te lo pido ni lo quiero.
I didn't ask for it.
No te lo pregunté.
- I didn't ask her for it
¿ Acaso se lo pedí?
I didn't go to see you, you ask for it? So brave.
No te he mandado llamar.
I didn't ask you for help because, it like, it takes a while... to develop that "ask for help" reflex.
No te pedí ayuda porque tomará tiempo desarrollar eso de "Pedir ayuda".
Which means I didn't ask nearly enough money for it.
Lo cual significa que no pedí suficiente dinero por él.
Now, I didn't ask for it, I don't understand it but you can't explain it all by the book.
Ni lo he pedido ni lo entiendo, pero no siempre se puede explicar todo según el manual.
Donna, I didn't ask for your help, and I don't want it, so mind your own business and stop meddling in my life, okay?
- Donna, no te pedí ayuda y no la quiero, así que ocúpate de tus cosas y deja de entrometerte en mi vida, ¿ sí?
I thought about it a lot, but I didn't ask for this.
Admito que lo pensé pero yo no lo pedí.
Don't blame it on me. I didn't ask for that watch.
Yo no te pedí ese reloj.
You were born with it, so don't cop out behind : "I didn't ask for this."
Naciste con el don ; no te escondas detrás de : No la pedí.
I didn't mean to but..... I don't believe anyone could refuse you any confidence if you were of a mind to ask for it.
Ya está.
It was done to me and I didn't ask for it. The Group gave me a vaccine.
Me lo hicieron yo no lo pedi El grupo me dio una vacuna.
It was done to me and I didn't ask for it, The Group gave me a vaccine,
Me lo hicieron, y yo no lo pedí. El Grupo me puso una vacuna.
- l didn't ask for this role but I'll play it.
- Sí, señora. - Yo no pedí este papel pero lo representaré.
Mr. Gogolak. My wife would make my life even more miserable than it already is if I didn't at least ask. Is there gonna be any kind of finder's fee for this?
Sr. Gogolak, mi esposa hará que mi vida sea... más miserable de lo que ya es... si, al menos, yo no pregunto si pagarán honorarios al entregador.
You know, Howie, I didn't ask for much from you... but it would be nice if your attraction to me had something to do with me.
¿ Sabes qué, Howie? No pedía mucho de ti... pero sería bueno que tu atracción hacia mí tenga algo que ver conmigo. gym bunnies :
And I know you didn't ask for this, but you do it every day.
Yyo sé que tú no lo pediste, pero lo haces todos los días.
Bien, no lo pedí y no lo quiero.
The other Mr. Fisher recommended the $ 9000 coffin. I didn't ask for it.
El otro Sr. Fisher recomendó un ataúd de $ 9.000, no lo pedí.

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