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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ I ] / I didn't do it for you

I didn't do it for you traducir español

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I didn't do it for you.
No lo hice por usted.
For that matter, how do I know you didn't do it?
¿ Y cómo sé que usted no lo hizo?
And may I ask, why didn't you do it that way for the audience?
Y puedo preguntar ¿ por qué no lo has hecho así para la audiencia?
But I didn't say it was all right for you to do it.
Pero nunca dije que estaba bien que tú lo hicieras.
For a minute, I didn't know how you were gonna do it?
Por un instante, no sabía cómo lo harías.
Listen, will you. I didn't do it just for the sake of it. I had to.
Escucha, no le pegué por pegarle.
I didn't do it for you. I did it for that kid.
No lo he hecho por ti, lo he hecho por el chico.
I didn't do it for you. He disrespected me.
Si no fue por uste', es que a mí me respetan a la hembra que traigo.
- I didn't do it for you, sire.
- No lo hice por vos, majestad.
I didn't know what else to do for you for Christmas, but evidently, someone thought of it for me, so from now on, all of you will be allowed to use lipstick.
No sabía qué más hacer por ustedes para Navidad... pero es evidente que alguien lo pensó por mí... así que de ahora en adelante tienen permiso para usar lápiz labial.
- I didn't do it for you.
- No lo he hecho por usted.
- I know you didn't do it for me.
¡ Plancha! - Ya sé que no lo haces por mí.
I didn't do it for you.
No lo he hecho por ti.
I didn't do it for you.
No lo hice por ti.
- I didn't do it for you, Gus.
- Yo no lo hice por usted, Gus.
I didn't do it for you, Dave.
- ¡ Oh, gracias!
I didn't do it just for you.
No lo hice solo por ti.
I didn't do it for me but for you. Let's go.
No lo he hecho por mí, sino por vosotros.
I know it was our first date and I don't want you to get the wrong impression of me, but... Well, I guess it's only natural for a fellow to try to get a little fresh with a girl and make a pass at her but you didn't do anything.
Fue nuestra primera cita y no quiero que tengas la impresión equivocada de mí... pero supongo que es natural que un chico se ponga un poco fresco con una chica... y le tire un lance.
I didn't do it for you, but for myself.
No lo hice por Ud., sino por mí.
If it's all the same to you, I do not want to be forgiven for something I didn't do.
Si te es lo mismo, no quiero ser perdonada por algo que no hice.
I told you I'd do it for you, didn't I?
- Ya te dije que te lo conseguiría, ¿ no?
You didn't kill him for 50,000 dollars, must I do it for 2,000?
Usted no lo quiso hacer por 50000 dolares y yo lo voy hacer por 2000?
I wouldn't like to suspend it for two hours on the stage, cause I think it would take something away from it. Although I'm sure I could do two hours without it, I just feel that I'd missed a lot of important emphases if I didn't, uh, have access to the whole language, you know?
Me gustaría suprimirlas durante dos horas en escena, pero creo que se echaría algo en falta aunque estoy seguro de que podría pasar dos horas sin ellas, creo que echaría en falta mucho énfasis importante si no tuviera acceso a todas las posibilidades del idioma, ¿ sabes?
Well, there ain't much of this left, but there is one final story that I would like to wind up with, folks, and I do thank you for that Visine, but I didn't smoke at half-time, so if they're red, it's just natural eyeball blood pressure, or whatever you call that shit.
Bueno, no queda mucho de esto, pero hay una teoría final con la que me gustaría concluir, amigos, y les agradezco por ese Visine, pero yo no fumé en el descanso, entonces si están rojos, es sólo la presión sanguínea natural del globo ocular,
- With respect, Major, I didn't do it for you.
Con respeto, Mayor, no lo he hecho por usted.
If I didn't do it this way, I wouldn't exist for you.
Si no hago así, yo para ti no existo.
I didn't do it for you, Lois, I did it for us.
Lo hice por nosotros.
- I didn't do it for you.
- No lo he hecho por ti.
What did I do to you? It's not my fault if things didn't go well for you today.
No es culpa mía si hoy no te ha ido bien.
Well, I didn't think you did it at morning calisthenics. You do fall out for calisthenics, don't you?
Suponía que no había sido durante calistenia. ¿ Tienes que hacer calistenia?
I meant that it's okay that you did it once, but I didn't mean for you to do it again!
Dije que no importa por esa vez. ¡ No significa que lo hagas otra vez!
I didn't know it was gonna go this- - Who do you work for?
- No sabía que sería... - ¿ Para quién trabajas?
Then it's me for giving them to you, but I didn't do it!
Entonces es por mí, por pasártelos, ¡ pero yo no fui!
I know you do, Andy, but I didn't know about it... in time this month to save up for it.
Yo sé que quieres, Andy, pero no me alcanzó el tiempo para ahorrar para eso este mes.
I lived for you, and I didn't know it, and now I do know it.
Y ahora lo sé.
The song, the poem. I didn't do it for you.
- Por esta noche, la canción, el poema...
I'm sure you didn't do it for fun.
Seguro que no lo hizo por diversión.
I'm sorry if I didn't... do it for you.
Lamento que no haya podido hacerte gozar.
You didn't answer my question, so I'm gonna have to do it for you.
No contestaste a mi pregunta, así que tengo que hacerlo por ti.
You know I didn't do it for money.
Sabes que no lo hice por el dinero.
Thank you. I didn't actually need you to do it for me.
No necesitaba que Ud. hiciera el ruido.
The only thing I asked you to do for this party was put on clothes and you didn't do it.
Lo único que te he pedido que hicieras es que te vistieras y no lo has hecho.
I didn't do it for you.
No lo hice por vos.
I didn't do it to you, I did it for you.
No te lo hice a ti, sino por ti.
I didn't do it for you, pal. I hate those Aryan fucks.
No lo hice por ti, amigo, detesto a esos arios dementes.
- I didn't do it for you.
- No lo hice por usted. - ¿ Entonces por qué?
All right. Whatever it is, I didn't do it. But if I did do it, I want you to know I take complete responsibility for my actions.
Sea lo que sea yo no fui pero en caso de que haya sido yo, me hago responsable.
I didn't do it for him. I did it for you.
No lo hice por él, sino por ti.
Oh, Kevvy, I only kissed Robert to get even with you for kissing Zoe, it didn't mean anything, and now I know you do love me and you really mean it when you say smart doesn't matter,
- Um, creo que tengo que estar en alguna otra parte... - Acabo de recordar una cita al otro lado de la ciudad... Oh, Kevvy, sólo bese a Robert para desquitarme contigo por besar a Zoe, no significo nada, y ahora sé que me quieres y que era verdad cuando dijiste que la inteligencia no era importante,
- I didn't do it for you.
No lo hice por usted.

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