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I didn't mean it that way traducir español

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I didn't mean it that way.
No quería decirlo así.
Well, I didn't mean it that way.
No quise decirlo en ese sentido.
I didn't mean it that way.
No quería darle esa impresión.
I didn't mean it that way.
No quise decir eso.
- Well. I didn't mean it that way.
- No quise decir eso.
but I didn't mean it that way, Herr Clausen this afternoon at the cemetery
No quería decir eso, sr. Clausen. Esta tarde, en el cementerio, la he visto :
Oh, I didn't mean it that way, Kay.
No fue lo que quise decir, Kay.
- I didn't mean it that way.
Bueno, no me refería a eso.
- I didn't mean it that way, Mother.
- No lo dije con esa intención, madre.
Listen, June, I didn't mean it that way.
Escucha, June, no lo decía en ese sentido.
- I didn't mean it that way.
- No en ese sentido.
I didn't mean it that way.
Lo siento.
- No, I didn't mean it that way at all.
- No, no fue mi intención en absoluto.
- I didn't mean it that way.
- No lo dije con ese sentido.
Oh, I didn't mean it that way.
Oh, no quería decir eso.
- I didn't mean it that way.
- No quería decir eso.
- Oh, I'm sure he didn't mean it that way.
- Oh, estoy segura de que no lo hizo con esa intención.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way.
Lo siento, no pretendía que sonase así, es sólo que...
Oh, I didn't mean it that way, only... Well, I want to make the piano a steppingstone.
Oh, no quería decir eso, es que... bueno, yo quiero que el piano sea un escalón.
I didn't mean it that way.
No me refería a eso.
I didn " t mean it that way!
¡ Pero no me refería a eso!
- I didn't mean it to sound that way.
- No quise decirlo así.
I didn't mean it that way.
No pretendía decir eso.
I didn't mean it that way.
- No lo he dicho con esa intención.
I didn't mean it that way, Phil.
No quise decir eso, Phil.
I didn't mean it that way. I guess I'm a little out of practice.
Creo que me falta práctica.
I didn't mean it that way, or I wouldn't have- -
No quise decirlo de esa manera, o no hubiera- -
I didn't mean that the way it sounded.
No lo quise decir como suena.
Joe, no quería decirlo así.
I didn't mean it that way, ma'am.
No lo dije por eso.
I didn't mean it that way.
- No quise decirlo.
I didn't mean it that way, Stephen.
Puedes decirlo. No lo dije en ese sentido, Stephen.
I didn't mean that. I meant the spine injury. Surely there must be some way of healing it.
- No me refería a eso sino a la lesión de columna ; seguro que hay alguna forma de curarla tiene que haber un especialista. ¿ Quién?
I didn't mean it that way.
No quise decirlo así.
I didn't mean it that way.
No quise decirlo de ese modo.
I didn't mean it that way.
- No me refería a eso.
I didn't mean it that way, Mom.
No quise decir eso, mamá.
Look, I didn't mean it that way.
Oye, no quería decir eso.
I didn't mean that the way it sounded.
No fue mi intención ser descortés.
I didn't mean it that way.
No debí decir eso.
I know you didn't mean it to be that way, but it's true.
pero es la verdad.
But honest, I didn't mean it that way.
En serio, no era mi intención.
- I didn't mean it that way.
No quería hacerlo.
I didn't mean that the way it sounded.
No quise decirlo de la forma que sonó.
Honey, honey, I didn't mean it that way.
- Cariño, no quise decir eso.
Hey. You know I didn't mean it that way.
No me refiero a eso.
Oh, I didn't mean it that way.
No quise decir eso.
I'm sorry, now you know I didn't mean it that way.
Lo siento, ya lo sabes No quise decir eso.
I'm sorry, Ludwig. Believe me, I didn't mean it that way.
Lo siento, Ludwig, creeme que no lo decía en ese sentido.
I didn't mean it that way.
No quise decirlo de esa manera.
- You know I didn't mean it that way.
Otra vez con lo mismo. No quise decirlo así.

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