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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ I ] / I don't understand that

I don't understand that traducir español

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I don't understand how someone can throw money away like that.
No entiendo como alguien puede botar así el dinero.
I don't understand why he left you like that.
No entiendo por qué te dejaba así.
I will always be a threat to him, don't you understand that?
Siempre seré una amenaza para él, ¿ no lo entiendes?
I don't understand how that works.
No entiendo cómo funciona eso.
I remember that place as a horrible one... I don't understand.
Mis recuerdos de aquella cárcel horrible son confusos.
I don't understand that, I mean.
No lo entiendo. Es decir...
Well, I don't understand that, because I find you fascinating.
Bueno, yo no lo entiendo, porque te encuentro fascinante.
This is the only code that I don't understand.
Este es el único código que no entiendo.
What part of that do you think I don't understand?
¿ Qué parte piensas que no entiendo de eso?
I don't understand how you could afford Intellichoice with the consulting budget that you have.
No entiendo cómo pudiste pagarle a Intellichoice con el presupuesto de asesoría que tienes.
What I understand is that I have two dead teenagers and I don't want to see any more people get hurt.
Lo que entiendo es que eso mató a dos adolescentes y no quiero que más personas salgan heridas.
- I don't understand that.
- No entiendo.
But I understand probably how you would have worked that out in your head that that was OK to do, but I don't get it.
Pero a mi entender, probablemente uds. trabajaron desde fuera de su cabeza, haciéndole creer que eso era algo bueno, pero no lo entiendo.
- I just don't understand that.
- No entiendo eso.
I don't understand how you mean that, sir.
No entiendo lo que quiere decir con eso, señor.
This is clearly like some girl shit that I don't understand, so may I just be very, very diplomatic and say let it fucking go?
Esto es claramente un problema de mujer que no entiendo así que permíteme ser diplomática y decir que lo olvides, carajo.
I don't understand anything anyone is talking about, most of the time. That has nothing to do with intelligence.
No entiendo nada de lo que hablan la mayoría del tiempo.
The governor is the one that - I don't think you understand.
- El governador es el único que... - No creo que lo entienda.
But I don't... I don't understand what that means, Abby.
Pero yo no... no entiendo lo que eso significa, Abby.
I don't understand. How is that possible?
No entiendo. ¿ Cómo es posible?
I can understand if our art is not your thing, because we don't produce that mainstream nonsense.
Entiendo que nuestra movida no les guste... porque no producimos esa mierda comercial.
Okay, I don't understand how that could be possible, because there were, like, a ton of people out there.
Bien, no entiendo cómo eso puede ser posible, porque había, como, un montón de gente ahí afuera.
I... don't understand that, either.
Yo tampoco entiendo eso.
I don't think you understand. I can't do that because Elena's Doppelganger blood ensures that I will always have more hybrids to fight those that oppose me.
NO creo que lo entiendas, no puedo hacer eso porque la sangre Doppelganger de Elena me asegurá que siempre tendré más híbridos para luchar contra aquellos que se opongan a mi.
Doesn't anybody understand that maybe the reason I don't know what to do with my life is because I'm not qualified to do anything.
Nadie entiende que tal vez la razón por la cual no sé que hacer con mi vida es que no me tengo talento para hacer nada.
I don't even know I could understand, but all things do that, and this becomes a giant revolution.
y se convierte en una revolución gigante.
And I don't want to talk about that job, which I understand you got anyway.
Y no quiero hablar sobre ese trabajo, que entiendo que tienes.
Peter, don't you understand that I'm just looking out for this family?
Peter, ¿ no entiendes que solo trato de cuidar de esta familia?
I don't understand jive, but regardless, that type of nudism is unacceptable.
No entiendo la jerga pero, de cualquier forma, este tipo de nudismo es inaceptable.
And you don't understand a word that I'm saying, do you?
Y no entiendes ni una palabra de lo que digo, ¿ verdad?
Listen, I love what the movement has given me, but I don't understand why I have to live like that to love God.
Escucha, amo lo que el movimiento me ha dado pero no entiendo por qué tengo que vivir así para amar a Dios.
( Jeremy voiceover ) I know you don't understand that, but one day you will.
Sé que no lo entiendes, pero algún día lo entenderás.
I don't understand why you're so obsessed with that word?
No entiendo porqué estás tan obsesionada con esa palabra.
I understand that you don't like me, and while that saddens me greatly, I did not come here today seeking your affection.
Entiendo que no le agrado, y aun cuando eso me entristece mucho, no vine hasta aquí buscando afecto.
I don't think that there's anything that I can say about all the things, the people that brought me to this point that would make you understand.
No creo que haya nada que pueda decir sobre todas las cosas, la gente que me trajo a este punto que te harían entender.
I have to say that I don't really understand this.
Tengo que decir que realmente no entiendo esto.
I don't know if you understand a single word that I'm saying.
No sé si entiendes una sola palabra de lo que estoy diciendo.
Because I don't even understand how that even works.
Porque ni siquiera entiendo como funciona eso.
I don't know why you can't understand that, but...'
No sé por qué no puedes entenderlo, pero... "
You're doing your best, but what... What I don't understand is, why would that be?
Casi, pero lo que no entiendo es ¿ por qué?
My chief criticism is that I don't fully understand it.
Mi mayor crítica es que no lo entiendo del todo.
Now I understand that the relationship between you and Troy is strained, but if Troy doesn't want to be kept alive by machines, if- - if you don't mind me asking, why are you doing this?
Entiendo que su relación con Troy tiene mucha tensión pero si Troy no quiere seguir vivo mediante las máquinas, si no le importa que pregunte, ¿ por qué está haciendo esto?
I have to get that baby back, you don't understand!
Tengo que traer ese bebé de vuelta, ¡ no lo entiendes!
I'm not going to dignify that and I don't understand how you'd expect me to know about her private life.
No voy a dignificar eso y no entiendo como espera que sepa de su vida privada.
I can't let that happen, Pete, you understand that, don't you?
No puedo dejar que pase eso, Pete, lo entiendes, ¿ verdad?
I really don't understand the financial community, especially when they get all that money from the government.
Yo realmente no entiendo la comunidad financiera, especialmente cuando tienen todo el dinero del gobierno.
What I understand is that in real life, you don't always get be with the one who makes your heart pound or your knees weak.
Lo que entiendo es que en la vida real, no siempre conseguirás estar con quien haga que tu corazón palpite o que tus rodillas flaqueen.
Wait, well, I don't understand why would yododo something like that?
Espera, no lo entiendo. ¿ Por qué harías algo así?
I don't understand that stuff at all.
No entiendo para nada esas cosas.
I don't understand Katya's choices, but I do think that she loves you.
No entiendo las elecciones de Katya, pero creo que te quiere.
Look, I know that my job is part of my life that you don't understand.
Mira, sé que mi trabajo es una parte de mi vida que no entiendes.

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