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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ I ] / I just can't get enough

I just can't get enough traducir español

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Seems like I just can't get my nose full enough of'em.
No me da la nariz para olerlas.
If a guy's got stuff he can't afford and isn't smart enough to get insurance I'm just the hand of fate.
Si un tipo tiene cosas de valor y no las asegura es cosa del destino.
I just can't get enough.
Me encantan.
Every time they're near me I just can't get enough
Que cuando los tengo cerca Me saben a poco
Fausto, 1,000 years... and for some reason, I just can't get enough of you.
Fausto, mil años..... y por alguna razón, apenas tengo lo bastante de tí.
I just can't get enough.
Para mí nunca es suficiente.
I can't get enough of brioches with milk. I could eat just that all my life.
A partir de ahora comeré siempre bizcochos y leche.
I find I just can't get enough of these.
Estos nunca me alcanzan.
I just can't get enough of that Cagney Lacey exhibit.
No tengo bastante de la exhibición de Cagney y Lacey.
Maybe if I can download the last plasmatic morphing gem into the transport core, I might have just enough power to get you there. - But there won't be any left to get you back.
Si pudiera descarga el plasma mórfico de la gema que pasa por... pero no hay forma de traerlos de regreso.
And, I mean, I like one guy, just one guy, and you can't step out of the spotlight long enough for me to get him.
Y, es decir, me gusta un chico, sólo un chico y tú no puedes dejar de deslumbrar lo suficiente para que yo lo tenga.
And I just can't get enough of it.
Y no tiene suficiente de ello.ñ
I can't wait to get those new matter munchers. I've had just about enough of these cheap heads.
No veo la hora de conseguir esos devoradores de materia... porque ya estoy harto de estas cabezas baratas.
NAT : ♪ I just can't get enough, I just can't get enough
Nunca tengo suficiente.
♪ I just can't get enough ♪ I just can't get enough, I just can't get enough
Nunca tengo suficiente.
I just can't get enough of them.
Simplemente no puedo dejar de pensar en los animales.
I just can't get enough.
Nunca me canso.
I was desperately thirsty, because it doesn't matter how much snow you eat, you just can't get enough water into your system.
Yo estaba desesperadamente sediento, porque él no importe cuánta nieve usted come, usted apenas no puede conseguir bastante riegue en su sistema.
I just can't get enough of it.
ESPN8, simplemente no tengo lo suficiente de eso.
Ever since I've come to Vancouver, girls just can't get enough of me!
Desde que he llegado a Vancouver, ¡ Las chicas no estas satisfechas!
We can't get enough gigs to get any momentum... and I don't know, it's just not working.
No tenemos suficientes presentaciones para tomar impulso... y no sé, no funciona.
I guess I just can't get enough of you.
Creo que no puedo conseguirte lo suficiente.
I just can't get enough of how this feels, I mean, they're really gone. Yeah, well, open up.
Es que se sienten raro, quiero decir, realmente se fueron.
Just remember You're the one thing I can't get enough of
* - Sólo recuerda - Eres eso de lo que no me puedo saciar *
And I just feel like as soon as I get enough money I am gonna get out of here because I can't stand it anymore.
Y creo que apenas consiga suficiente dinero me voy a largar de aquí porque ya no lo soporto.
Now, I just need to find a way to get Bixby ticked enough so he'll say something he shouldn't, and I can post it on the website.
ahora solo necesito encontrar una forma en que Bixby este suficiente amargo y que diga algo que no deba y pueda ponerlo en la pagina web.
# At the old Kentucky Derby # # and I was riding white lightning off the bluff # # got me a racehorse and some old rusty spurs # # but I just can't get away from her fast enough #
# En el Derby de Kentucky # # salí veloz como el rayo. # # Tenía un caballo de carreras y viejas y oxidadas espuelas, # # pero no puedo alejarme de ella lo suficientemente rápido. #
♪ what I'm feeling ♪ [together] ♪ And I just can't get enough ♪ - ♪ You opened up the door ♪
¿ Qué tal unos aplausos para todos nuestros competidores de esta noche?
I can't get by on nursing there is not just enough sick people in town.
No puedo por los cuidados de enfermería no hay suficiente gente enferma en la ciudad.
I guess some people just can't get enough of themselves.
Supongo que alguna gente, simplemente, no tiene bastante de sí misma.
I will stay away. * I just can't get enough * Oh-oh, oh, oh
Me mantendré alejada.
* I just can't get enough... HARRY :
Harry :
Let's keep spitballing. * I just can't get enough... ( falsetto ) : * Another round, please.
Vamos a seguir lanzando bolitas de papel.
You're such a diva. * I just can't get enough * Oh-oh, oh, oh
Eres una diva.
It's like, I just can't get enough food into me, you know?
No puedo parar de comer.
I-I just can't get enough.
Yo-yo solamente no puedo tener lo suficiente.
♪ just can't get enough ♪ ♪ just can't enough ♪
# I just can't get enough I just can't get enough #
♪ I just can't get enough ♪ ♪ I just can't enough ♪
# I just can't get enough I just can't get enough #
If they would have, like... Televised the sacrificing... sky tv / i having this... ♪ just can't get enough ♪
Si hubieran... televisado el sacrificio, con esta música de fondo.
♪ I just can't get enough ♪
# Just can't get enough #
♪ and I just can't seem to get ♪ and I just can't seem to get enough of ♪
# And I just can't seem to get enough #
I But I just can't get enough
¶ Pero no puedo tener suficiente ¶
I just can't get enough.
Nada me alcanza.
I, uh, just can't get enough of other people's junk.
Yo, uh, no me canso de la basura de otras personas.
But as soon as they find out I'm a single mum, it's like they just can't get away fast enough.
Pero en cuanto se daban cuenta que era una madre soltera, es como si simplemente no pueden irse más rápido.
I just can't get enough.
Simplemente no obtengo suficiente.
Us black people can't get enough white pussy, and I'm just saying that my chances might be pretty solid if I get a white girl drunk enough.
Los negros no podemos conseguir suficientes coños blancos, y sólo digo que mis posibilidades podrían ser bien firmes si consigo una chica blanca lo bastante ebria.
No personal phone calls. ( Depeche Mode's "Just Can't Get Enough" plays ) ( Horn honks ) ♪ When I'm with you, baby, I go out of my head ♪
Nada de llamadas personales.
But in this store, I realized you might even be able to change who you are. ♪ As we fall in love ♪ and I just can't seem to get enough of ♪
Pero en esta tienda me di cuenta de que podías ser capaz de cambiar quién eras.
♪ And I just can't get enough, and I just can't get enough ♪
# Y no tengo suficiente, y no tengo suficiente #
♪ I just can't get enough... ♪
# No tengo suficiente... #

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