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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ I ] / I just want to be with you

I just want to be with you traducir español

518 traducción paralela
I just want to be with you every minute.
Sólo quiero estar contigo.
But I don't care, Holger, I just want to be with you.
Pero no me importa, sólo quiero estar contigo.
I just want to be with you.
Sólo quiero estar contigo.
¿ es usted tan retorcido, está tan ciego... que no sabe reconocer algo bueno... cuando le sucede a usted?
I don't care about anything. I just want to be with you.
Nada me importa, salvo estar a tu lado.
I just want to be with you.
- Yo quiero quedarme aquí contigo.
I just want to be with you, like this.
Quiero quedarme contigo, padre.
I just want to be with you.
Quiero estar contigo.
I don't care. I just want to be with you.
Quiero ir contigo y no me importa lo demás.
You can grow to love me. I just want to be with you always
Puedes aprender a amarme.
I just want to be with you.
Yo solo quiero estar contigo.
I just want to be with you.
Lo que quiero es estar contigo.
I just want to be with you.
sólo quiero estar contigo.
I just want to be with you, promise me!
¡ Sólo quiero estar contigo, prométemelo!
Tonight I just want to be with you.
Esta noche quiero estar contigo.
I just want to be with you, and help you and your little boy.
Sólo quiero estar contigo, y ayudarte a ti y a tu hijito.
I just want to be up front with you.
Sólo quiero estar delante de ti.
I just want to be alone with you.
Sólo quiero estar sola contigo.
I may not be able to give you just what you want. - I CAN put you with a charming girl.
No podré darle lo que desea... pero puede compartir la habitación con una de las chicas, temporalmente.
I just want to be free to be with you to love you.
Sólo quiero ser libre para estar contigo para amarte.
Jack, you ought to understand and help me... because you love Loxi... and she wants to be with you, just like I want to be with Dan.
Jack, debe entender y ayudarme... porque ama a Loxi. Quiere estar con Ud. Igual que yo quiero estar con Dan.
I want to be with you just as much as you want to be with me.
Me gustaría tanto como a ti.
I want to be just want to be one with you.
Yo quiero ser un solo ser un ser contigo.
I told him you was just leaving, and you wanted him to stay with me. Being such a good friend of Ray's, I told him you didn't want me to be alone.
Le he dicho que te vas y quieres que se quede conmigo para que no esté sola.
I want you to be a man with a profession, not just the husband of a rich woman.
Quiero que seas un hombre con una profesión,... no el marido de una ricachona.
Look, I don't want you to go on with this just because you think I'd be hurt.
No quiero que sigas adelante pensando que me parecería mal.
I'm so tired... I just want to look at you, be with you -
Estoy tan cansado... que sólo quiero mirarte, estar contigo -
I just want you to be more careful with the trains.
Sólo quiero que tengas más cuidado con los trenes.
Before you know it, we're gonna be hugging and kissing again. With squeezing and affection and loving and... I just want you to stop it and go home.
antes de lo que imagines estaremos juntos nuevamente con abrazos, besos, y amor, y... solo quiero que pares con esto y regreses a casa uno de los dos debe ser fuerte,... entiendes?
You know I want to be with you, it's just this is important...
Sabes que quiero estar contigo, es sólo que esto es importante...
You just want to be with me when I catch this man Dean.
Tú sólo quieres estar a mi lado cuando le eche mano a este tal Dean.
I just want you to stay here and be with him for a minute.
Sólo quiero que te quedes aquí y estés con él por un minuto.
This seems to me a very just, intelligent observation. I want to ask you : If the way of not being alienated by consumer society, by modern western society, could be given to him by the fact of being African? I mean by opposing the western form of knowledge with his own original soul, which means that the things he learns do not become consumerist notions, but rather personal, real notions.
Y te pregunto si... el modo para no dejarse alienar... por la civilización de consumo, occidental, moderna, podría también procurároslo el hecho de ser africanos, o sea, de oponer al modo de conocimiento occidental... un ánimo original... que hace que lo que vosotros aprendéis... no sean nociones consumistas sino personales, reales.
I just didn't think you'd want to be bothered with it. Not for the first time, Farrish...
Bueno, es un negocio muy pequeño, señor, yo no pensé... que no quería que lo molestara con eso.
Coach is the kind of animal we want Stick to just quiet now plan and everything will be alright I'm happy with what you do
entrenador es la clase de animal que queremos ahora tranquilo solo apegate al plan y todo estara bien estoy encantado con lo que haces
I'll be with you gentlemen in just a minute. I want to speak with Major Ryder and find out exactly what's been happening.
Hablaré con los señores dentro de un momento, quiero hablar con el mayor Ryder para saber lo que realmente está pasando.
Hart, I just want you to be with me over the phone...
Sigamos juntos por teléfono, ¿ vale?
I guess it's hard to be in bed with me and not touch me... so if you want me to go, just let me know.
Me imagino que es difícil estar conmigo en la cama y no tocarme... Así que si quieres que me vaya, tan solo dilo.
It's been a very difficult evening... and I just don't want you to be upset with her.
Ha sido una noche muy difícil y no quiero que se enfade con ella.
I just want to be alone with you for a couple of days.
Nada más quiero estar a solas contigo un par de días.
Well, I just figured you wouldn't want to be bothered with setting traps. Look, we still want the swimming pool, right?
Crei que te molestaba batallar con... ratoneras.
I just want you to be honest with me.
Sólo quiero que seas honesta.
I want to be your wife, or just be with you if you'll have me.
Quiero ser tu esposa o sólo estar contigo, si me aceptas.
It's just I want you to be in on this with me. - It's just not right.
Normalmente no se nota.
I just want you to know that I wouldn't want to stand in the way... if it would make you feel better to be with your friends.
Sólo quería que supieras que no me interpondré... si prefieres estar con tus amigos.
I've just realised that I don't want to be with you enought to be like you.
¿ Te das cuenta que no quiero volverme como tú?
I just want you to let me speak with you and just to be near you.
Sólo quiero que me permitas hablar contigo, estar cerca tuyo...
I'm certain of it, and I want to be with you more than anything. But maybe things would be better for you if I just disappeared for a while.
Tengo la certeza de eso. y quiero estar contigo, pero tal vez fuese mejor para ti si yo desapareciese un tiempo.
I just want to be with you.
Quería estar contigo.
I just want you to know that no matter what happens, I'll be here with you.
Sólo quiero que sepas que no importa lo que pase estaré aquí contigo.
- Do you want somethin'? - I just want to tell you... I'm not gonna be havin dinner with you today.
- Sólo quería decirte... que hoy no cenaré con ustedes.

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